
Marius Weisberg - about films and personal life

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Marius Weisberg - about films and personal life
Marius Weisberg - about films and personal life

Video: Les Misérables (2012) - In My Life/A Heart Full of Love Scene (4/10) | Movieclips 2024, June

Video: Les Misérables (2012) - In My Life/A Heart Full of Love Scene (4/10) | Movieclips 2024, June

Marius Weisberg is a Russian film director of parody comedies, which are very famous in Russia. In his films, he often acts simultaneously as a producer, director and screenwriter. His work is often criticized. Photo by Marius Weisberg is presented below.



The director’s works are widely known to the Russian public and cause a lot of controversy among film critics and the media. Weisberg himself does not deny that he does not shoot films for a highly intellectual audience. Film critics are not enthusiastic about his work, and journalists believe that they are low-grade, the scripts are poorly designed, written spontaneously, and jokes in films are filthy and vulgar. However, comedies regularly gain a large number of views and pay off at the box office, which allows the director to continue his work, not paying attention to opinions.


The director’s work includes a considerable number of films: three parts “Love in the Big City”, a series of films “Eight First Dates”, “Eldest Son”, “There Are No Places”, “Rzhevsky against Napoleon” and the recently released comedy “Grandmother of Easy Conduct”.

Personal life

Marius Weisberg officially divorced. The ex-wife is American actress Michelle Wilson. They legalized their relationship at the end of 1990. The couple divorced due to the fact that work and study did not allow them to live together, as a result of which their meetings were rare. However, the relationship itself was easy, and the couple initially knew that they would not last long. It was Michelle who made the marriage proposal to the Russian director. Signed a couple in Las Vegas with close friends.

Marius Weisberg did not marry anymore, although he had many novels. For six years he lived with a woman in a civil marriage, dreaming of children. But the couple broke up.

Russian actress Ekaterina Shpitsa became the director’s next lover. The actress was married at that moment, so the novel was hiding. However, it soon became known about Catherine’s divorce from her husband, and after about the separation from Weissberg. The novel did not last long - about a year, but celebrities remained in good friendly relations. According to rumors, the breakup was due to the fact that Marius Weisberg was carried away by another actress.


They talked about an affair with singer and actress Vera Brezhneva. But in May 2016, information appeared in the media that the director was meeting with a former participant in the famous TV show "House 2" Natalia Bardo. Nobody knew about their romance for a long time, since the couple lived in America. At the end of May 2016, their firstborn was born. This was a big surprise, as the beloved hid that they were waiting for the addition. The famous director says that the baby is very similar to him.