
Masha Shukshina: primordially Russian beauty and female power in one form

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Masha Shukshina: primordially Russian beauty and female power in one form
Masha Shukshina: primordially Russian beauty and female power in one form

Masha Shukshina is a frequent heroine of television series. Despite the fact that the actress will soon turn fifty, she is still in good shape and remains in demand in the movies. How did the creative career of the Russian beauty Shukshina develop and what are her plans for the future?

Masha Shukshina: biography, youth

Few people know, but Shukshina - the successor to the famous acting dynasty. Her father - Vasily Shukshin - was a very versatile and gifted person: he took place as a director, actor, and also was a screenwriter and writer. Maria’s mother, Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina, is a famous Soviet and Russian actress. Maybe because the name of the Shukshins is a brand in itself, Masha Shukshina never tried to prove anything to anyone: she built her acting career leisurely and without special ambitions.


A year after her own birth, Maria appeared on cinema screens in the movie almanac "Strange people." Then the little actress appeared in front of the cameras at the age of six, playing Mashenka in the film Birds Over the City.

Then Maria decided that she should not rush into choosing an acting profession - it would be nice to have a more serious specialty in reserve. That is why the girl graduated from the faculty of foreign languages, and then tried to find herself in the profession of a translator and even a broker. Nevertheless, the passion for cinema has taken up.

Masha Shukshina: biography, the beginning of a career

In 1990, at the age of 23, Maria again made an attempt to return to the cinema: she gets a small role in the film “Eternal Husband” by Eugene Markovsky. The film also featured the mother of Shukshina and the famous actor Igor Kostolevsky.


After this picture, Masha Shukshina has been unemployed for five years and appears on the screens only in 1995 in the famous film by Karen Shakhnazarov - “American Daughter”. In this project, the actress plays with Vladimir Mashkov and Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. She gets the role of the ex-wife of the protagonist and the mother of his daughter.

In the same year, Shukshina shines in the drama of Pyotr Todorovsky “What a wonderful game” and by Vladimir Bortko “The circus burned down and the clowns fled”. But no matter what Shukshin played until the 2000s. - All these were episodic roles or supporting roles. Truly an actress began to carry only in the XXI century.

Best Roles Shukshina

Photos of Masha Shukshina began to appear in periodicals after her triumph in the detective series Adventures of the Magician. Finally, the actress was entrusted with the main role. Masha Shukshina played in the series the hereditary witch and medium Ekaterina, who, with the help of her gift, unravels mysterious stories. The partners of Shukshina on the project were Vladislav Galkin, Olga Aroseva, Tatyana Abramova and many other on-screen celebrities.


In 2005, Shukshina again attracted attention by playing the owner of a modeling agency in the serial film "Dear Masha Berezina." Maria’s character - Ekaterina Kruglova - was remembered by the viewer for her elegance and incredible femininity, as well as for being in the center of a love triangle.

In 2009, Shukshina again became the main character in the series “Ivanova Terrorist”. This time, the actress got the role of a woman with a difficult fate, who decided to take hostages in the police department.

One of the last works of Mary is the main role in the detective series "My Stranger". Shukshina appears before the audience in the image of Lt. Col. Marinets, who easily unravels one difficult thing after another. At the moment, the actress starred in the continuation of the series "Alien."