
Masimov Karim: biography, family, career

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Masimov Karim: biography, family, career
Masimov Karim: biography, family, career

Video: NORAD, Northcom, Spacecom Get New Commanders, PETERSON AIR FORCE BASE, CO, UNITED STATES, 08.20.2020 2024, July

Video: NORAD, Northcom, Spacecom Get New Commanders, PETERSON AIR FORCE BASE, CO, UNITED STATES, 08.20.2020 2024, July

Karim Masimov, whose biography is described in this article, is the head of the presidential administration of Kazakhstan. Previously, he was prime minister, deputy prime minister. Masimov managed to work as an assistant to the president. He was a minister in various departments, the head of large banking organizations. Doctor of Economic Sciences.


Masimov Karim Kazhimkanovich was born on 06/15/1965 in Tselinograd. Then it was the Kazakh SSR. Kazhimkan Kasymovich, Karim's father, worked as a director of a brick factory. And then he began to occupy the post of deputy head of the Glavoptsnab under the Council of Ministers. Nationality Karim Masimov - Kazakh. Although the press often flashes information that he is a Uyghur. But Masimov repeatedly denied such allegations. And he claimed that he had exactly Kazakh roots.



Masimov studied in Alma-Ata, at the Republican Physics and Mathematics Boarding School. He graduated in 1982. Then he immediately entered the Higher School of the KGB of the USSR. In 1984, Masimov wanted to change the faculty and go to counterintelligence. But it didn’t work out.

According to information published in the media, Karim Masimov Kazhimkanovich left the KGB Higher School in his fourth year. And he began military service. But one of Masimov's fellow students later denied this information. In 1985, Karim Kazhimkanovich went to study at the Lumumba University, at the Faculty of Economics and Law, majoring in Arabic Languages ​​and English. The university was later renamed into RUDN University. He graduated from Masimov in 1988.

Immediately left for an exchange in China to study language at Peking University of Culture. He graduated in 1989. Then he entered the University of Wuhan, at the Law Institute. And he successfully graduated in 1991. In the same year, he began working as a lawyer in the Trade Representation of China in the USSR.

After some time, combining education with work, he studied at KGAU (Kazakh State Academy of Management). But this fact is not reflected in the official biography. He graduated in 1995, received a diploma in Finance and Credit. But this Karim Kazhimkanovich did not stop. Also, combining further education with work, he continued his studies.


In 1998 he graduated from the graduate school of KSAU. And in 1999, he received his doctorate at the Moscow Technological State Academy and defended his doctorate. It was devoted to the problems that existed in industry, and possible ways to solve them. The work combined not only theory, but also practice. And in the same year, in New York, Masimov continued his studies at Columbia University, specializing in "top manager".

The ajar secrets of Masimov

One of the fellow students with whom Masimov Karim (whose biography is interesting and not fully disclosed) studied at the KGB Institute together, shared a secret with reporters. Her Karim Kazhimkanovich tried not to disclose and not to advertise. Masimov studied well. But unexpectedly, in the fourth year, he left the university. Fellow students were told that Karim went to serve in the army.

But not many believed in this. So simply no one left the Cheka. Fellow students decided that Karim Kazhimkanovich was "in the long run". This meant that the best students were selected for illegal intelligence. Students went abroad to study, followed by migration, or allegedly for family reasons.

Students were dispersed around the world to collect information. As such, it was much easier for illegal scouts to establish friendly ties and necessary contacts. Some time after leaving the university, a fellow student was surprised to meet Masimov in China. As it turned out, Karim Kazhimkanovich’s deductions did not exist at all. Everything was planned by the administration in advance. And Masimov, like everyone else, received a diploma of graduation from the KGB school. He and a fellow student worked together for a while.



When Masimov Karim, whose biography has some secrets, returned to Kazakhstan, he began working at the Ministry of Labor. And he was appointed head of the department of external relations. Then Karim Kazhimkanovich worked in other government and commercial structures that were engaged in trade with Hong Kong and China.

In 1992, Masimov became deputy director of Kazakhprigrantorg. And from 1992 to 1993. worked at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a senior economist. At the same time was the deputy director of Kazakhintorg in China, in Urumqi. From 1993 to 1994 - Deputy Head of Accept LLP. This company has been supplying consumer goods from China to Kazakhstan.

From 1994 to 1995, Karim Kazhimkanovich was the managing director of the TD (Trading House) in Hong Kong. Some sources reported that Bulim Utemuratov, the future secretary of the Security Council and assistant to the president, was Masimov’s chief.

Banking career

Karim Masimov, whose children study in Singapore, is a rather wealthy person. But he earned his fortune by honest long work. After graduating from the Kazakh State Academy of Management, in 1995, Karim Kazhimkanovich began his career in banking.


And until 1997, he chaired the board of ATF Bank. This organization was founded by N. Kapparov (owner of the "Acceptance"), T. Kulibayev (son-in-law of President Nazarbayev) and B. Utemuratov (deputy minister of trade and industry of the republic).

In "ATF-Bank" were the accounts of the Khabar agency and many oil companies. In 1996, Karim Kazhimkanovich became chairman of the board of Turanbank. And from 1997 to 2000 he was in the same position at the People's Savings Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Many media outlets wrote that Masimov worked according to a confusing scheme, making repurchases through affiliated companies.

As a result, the People’s Sberbank of Kazakhstan became the property of the son-in-law of the president of the republic, Kulibayev and his wife Dinara Nazarbayeva. They owned 73.5 percent of the shares. At the end of 1999, Karim Kazhimkanovich was the chairman of CJSC “NSBK-Group”. And he held this post until the spring of 2000.

Work in the government of the republic

In the summer of 2000, he became Minister of Communications and Transport of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Then Karim Masimov resigned. And in the autumn of the same year he was appointed Prime Minister, taking the place of K. Tokaev.


The media noted that Karim Kazhimkanovich is part of the “Kulibayev team”. Many other high posts were occupied by other members of the Timurov team. For example, E. Dosaev became the head of the Antimonopoly Agency, and A. Myrzakhmetov became the Minister of Transport.

Masimov retained the post of Deputy Prime Minister under I. Tasmagambetov, the new head of the government, who was appointed to this post in early 2002. In the summer of 2003, a change of leadership took place. And although the result of the previous chapter was the resignation, Karim Massimov was taken as an assistant to President Nazarbayev on foreign political issues.

In early 2006, Masimov again became deputy prime minister. At the same time, he was Minister of Budget Planning and Economics. At this time, Kulibayev strengthened his position, becoming the deputy head of Samruk holding, which managed state assets. This was the most influential economic figure in Kazakhstan.

In early 2007, the President of Kazakhstan, Nazarbayev, was nominated for such a high position as the Prime Minister, Karim Masimov. Media considered this fact as a strengthening of Kulibayev’s position. Analysts speculated that he would lobby the interests of the PRC, as he had long-standing friendly ties with her. And Masimov received the nickname "Chinese" from journalists.

Analysts also discussed the possibility that he would succeed the president of Kazakhstan. But the nationality of Karim Masimov could become an obstacle. There were many doubters that he was really Kazakh. And this played a key role for the president’s successor candidate.

In autumn 2012, Kazakh President Nazarbayev removed Massimov from his post as prime minister. But appointed head of his administration. And the successor of Karim Kazhimkanovich became Serik Akhmetov.


The media noted that the resignation of Karim Masimov from the post of head of government was not the first. He was reassigned three times. And it was an amazing political longevity. Masimov spent longer as head of government than his predecessors.

One of the reasons was the personal devotion of Karim Kazhimkanovich Nazarbayev. Former son-in-law called Masimov the "treasurer" of the president. Rakhat Aliyev claimed that Karim Kazhimkanovich “launders” Nazarbayev’s personal money by transferring funds to offshore accounts. Also, the media more than once attributed Karim Kazhimkanovich the main role in resolving the big scandal surrounding the Kazakhgate, which began back in 1999.

The senior management officials of the country, including the president, took part in this process. And it was noted that in 2007 Masimov refused the money lying in Swiss banks on accounts frozen by the investigation. According to American investigators, these were large bribes from oil companies.

Leadership Performance

Karim Kazhimkanovich has a great interest in the development of information technologies in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Under Masimov, starting in 2005, a lot of work was done to introduce electronics in the government’s clerical work. In 2012, Kazakhstan was in second place, along with Singapore, in the global e-Participation Index ranking.

This program implied the opportunity for citizens to communicate with ministers online. It was Karim Massimov (Kazakhstan) who first started a blog on the Internet. And then he insisted that all officials actively use electronic gadgets. They also started and used their personal blogs.

Advantages and disadvantages of Masimov

Mukhtar Ablyazov, a “white oligarch” who previously owned BTA Bank, was a fierce enemy of Kulibayev. And in 2011, he was sure that the most real successor to the president was Masimov. Although he noted his good and negative sides of character.

He described Karim Kazhimkanovich as a person who knows how to find compromise solutions, but at the same time uses flattery. According to Ablyazov, Karim Kazhimkanovich has a fairly flexible character. Always polite. His remarkable endurance was noted. Ablyazov spoke of Karim Kazhimkanovich as a person who tries to avoid conflicts and rudeness. But at the same time it has a certain trick.

As classmate Masimova told, Karim Kazhimkanovich was always very sociable and smiling. It makes a good impression on people. He speaks excellent Russian without the slightest accent.

Personal life

Wife of Karim Masimov - Mashurova Dilyaram Azatovna. She is the daughter of a well-known Uyghur public figure in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Masimov and Dilyaram have been married for many years. The wife of Karim Kazhimkanovich does not work anywhere. And he spends most of his time traveling abroad.

Karim Masimov, whose children are very important, is a rather wealthy person. In marriage, he had three children. There is only one son - Iskander. And two daughters. One of them, Tamina, is studying at a Singapore university. In 2008, the family bought an apartment there for $ 7.5 million.



Masimov Karim, whose biography is described in this article, is an Honorary Doctor of RUDN University. In 2004, he became the owner of the Kazakhstan orders Kurmet and First President Nazarbayev. Masimov was awarded the medal "Twenty Years of Independence of Kazakhstan." Karim Kazhimkanovich received in 2010 the Order of the Federation from the United Arab Emirates.

Masimov is fond of martial arts. And he himself perfectly owns several. Karim Kazhimkanovich is the President of the Thai Boxing and Taekwondo Federations of Kazakhstan. Moreover, the latter received the prefix “honorary”. In addition, Karim Kazhimkanovich is fond of Japanese and Chinese poetry.