
Matilda Shnurova: style icon and wife of the infamous rock musician

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Matilda Shnurova: style icon and wife of the infamous rock musician
Matilda Shnurova: style icon and wife of the infamous rock musician

A young, incredibly stylish and beautiful woman - such is she, Matilda Shnurova. Not knowing who is in front of us, you might think that this is the next aspiring actress or singer, who managed to successfully marry someone from the rich and powerful of this world. But this statement is only partly true. Matilda is really proud of her marriage to the famous musician, composer and actor Sergei Shnurov. At the same time, the woman herself is a successful business woman and a style icon for her many fans.

Matilda Shnurova: biography and interesting facts


The future star was born in Voronezh, then came to conquer Moscow, and later St. Petersburg also obeyed her. This woman does not hide that the name Matilda is not a figment of her parents' imagination, but an independently chosen pseudonym. Once in her passport the plain “Elena Mozgovaya” was listed, but then, deciding to start a new life, the girl chose something more original, and when she entered into marriage she joyfully took her son’s sonorous name. As Matilda Shnurova herself says: “Date of birth, name and surname, some other stamps in the passport - all this does not matter at all. The words and actions of man, as well as what he has achieved, have a much greater significance. ” This woman is in no hurry to voice her age. However, some sources say that Matilda is 13 years younger than her husband, Sergei was born in 1973.

Is it hard to live with a rock star?


The marriage of Sergey and Matilda took place in 2010, but before that, for several years the lovers met and lived together. Today, the total length of their relationship is 9 years. The wedding was very modest and simple, with a minimum number of guests. Matilda Shnurova in her interviews does not say too much about the star husband. For her, he is primarily a loved one, and not a person known throughout the country. Despite the constant tours and performances, the couple spend a lot of time together, have common business projects and hobbies. People around can only be surprised at how, having lived almost ten years together, these people manage to relate to each other with tenderness and maintain interest.

The main fashionista of Peter


Matilda considers herself the most stylish woman in all of St. Petersburg, quite often this title was awarded to her and various fashion publications. She admits that, like any other girl, in her youth she loved experimenting with her own appearance. Today she found her style and remains faithful to him. Like any other celebrity person, Matilda has a chic wardrobe in which foreign and Russian brands peacefully coexist. Shnurov’s wife does not seek to shock the audience, but, on the contrary, dresses very restrained and elegant, while looking simply divine.

Matilda Shnurova is a beloved client of the most expensive and fashionable boutiques of St. Petersburg, very often she receives personal offers to purchase designer clothes. In his Instagram profile, the star daily uploads photos of new things or successfully combined kits. However, she does not consider herself a fashion blogger and columnist. Matilda Shnurova loves photos very much, and she likes the opportunity to share new pictures with all her friends and fans.

Restaurant business and other projects

Matilda is known in St. Petersburg as a restaurateur. She admits that she does not like to cook and would never have thought that she would personally manage the catering establishment. It all started with the fact that Sergei asked his wife to help improve the work of the Blue Pushkin bar, of which he was a co-owner at that time. Then Matilda Shnurova met the brilliant cook Igor Grishechkin, who worked in a farm products store. It was after this meeting that the idea of ​​creating a restaurant arose. “CoCoCo” is a very unusual place, its feature is the original design of dishes of national Russian cuisine made exclusively from natural farm products. Today the institution is an incredible success, they come to it as a tour. Very famous and rich people often come here to dine here. In addition, Matilda has her own Isadora ballet school, where famous ballerinas from the Bolshoi and Mikhailovsky theaters teach. This is exactly how the spouses of Shnurova take up all the affairs: either to do everything better than everyone else, or not to do at all.