
Cross jellyfish: description, photo. What to do if bitten by a jellyfish cross?

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Cross jellyfish: description, photo. What to do if bitten by a jellyfish cross?
Cross jellyfish: description, photo. What to do if bitten by a jellyfish cross?

Video: Learn first aid gestures: Jellyfish Sting 2024, June

Video: Learn first aid gestures: Jellyfish Sting 2024, June

Often during a vacation at sea, people turn to doctors for help about the bite of one small marine animal. Many do not know how to behave in such unpleasant cases and what measures to take in the first place.

Among the huge variety of species of jellyfish there are also very dangerous ones, which not many people know about. This article provides important information about this insidious small creature, which has the name of a jellyfish-cross: a photo, description, especially habits and information about what to do with it and what should not be done.



Cross jellyfish (or cross jellyfish) - a poisonous hydromedusa. It lives mainly in the coastal waters of the northern part of the Pacific Ocean (from China to California).

A tiny and rather dangerous animal is often found in the Sea of ​​Japan, and therefore, off the coast of Korea, Japan and in the Far Eastern coastal waters of Russia. A jellyfish cross in Primorye is more common on Chamor (bay) and Mayak (tourist complex). It was also noted in the western part of the Atlantic, where it was brought by sea vessels.

Cross jellyfish: photo, description

This is a fairly poisonous creature of small size, hiding in the marine thickets, but sometimes climbing to the shores.

The body of the jellyfish is completely transparent, so all its internal organs, representing the shape of a cross, are clearly visible. It is often therefore called a cross.

People who are bitten by these animals often turn to doctors.

The cross has a yellowish-green transparent high dome with a diameter of 2.5 centimeters and 60 thin tentacles that carry thickenings that are an accumulation of stinging cells. Moreover, their length can vary greatly, although in fact they are not so great. When stretching the tentacles reach a length of up to half a meter. Near the top they have a sharp bend.


Living conditions

Jellyfish live usually in bays and bays with well-heated water and overgrown with algae.

In the coastal territories of the Primorsky Territory, when the sea water warms up to about + 23 … + 25 degrees, these insidious sea animals begin to activate.


Mainly jellyfish are kept in thickets of sea grass (in zoster). They live at shallow depths, and during the spawning season they come so close to the coast that at times it is generally impossible for people to enter the water.

Bite symptoms

The bite of the jellyfish-cross is not fatal, but after it there is a very unpleasant burning sensation, as if they touched the skin with a hot iron. After 10-15 minutes, the burn site is covered with a rash and blisters, an unexpected weakness appears. There comes a moment of general poisoning.

The worst result is a drop in muscle tone. Then there is severe pain in the lower back and limbs, temporary deafness and blindness, confusion occurs. The latter is sometimes accompanied by hallucinations, delirium, palpitations and motor excitement.

A lot of discomfort brings a jellyfish cross. Contact with the tentacles of the cross is similar to a nettle burn. After a few minutes, redness appears at the site of contact, a burning sensation occurs and itching appears. These symptoms most often occur when a jellyfish is poisoned.


In addition, other consequences may occur:

  • tight breathing;

  • nausea;

  • dry non-stop cough;

  • thirst;

  • numbness of the legs and arms;

  • nervous agitation or depression;

  • loose stools;

  • in the most difficult cases, paralysis.

All these troubles do not threaten death, but they cause great discomfort.

What to do if bitten by a jellyfish cross?

Although a jellyfish bite is not life threatening, it is still advisable to consult a doctor.

What should be done with a bite of a jellyfish cross? This question is quite relevant, especially for all vacationers in the coastal zones of the seas.

If the jellyfish cross came into contact with you, you should first get out of the water and rinse the place of exposure with warm water, after which you should observe rest and bed rest for about three days, constantly consuming a lot of fluids. In the process of first aid, the following actions should be performed:

  • go ashore immediately;

  • remove from the surface of the body the remains of the tentacles of the cross (to quickly remove the selected toxic substance, you can draw along the surface of the skin with the blunt side of the knife or any plastic object)

  • rinse well with clean fresh water;

  • attach a cold object to your body (for example, an ice pack);

  • to be in the shade (to lie);

  • drink strong tea or coffee (if any);

  • take a pill of suprastin or tavegil;

  • turn to doctors.

Drinking plenty of fluids (juices, mineral or plain water) reduces the concentration of poison in the body and helps to quickly eliminate toxins.


What should not be done with a bite of a cross?

You must always remember that you can not touch the burn site with your bare hands. Use either a rag or gloves.

The jellyfish cross is insidious, because a bite of it can ruin the whole vacation. Therefore, you should remember what needs to be done for a faster recovery and what you should not do. It is especially contraindicated to take painkillers and alcoholic beverages that aggravate the course of the disease.