
The international division of labor: forms of development, types, main factors and application

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The international division of labor: forms of development, types, main factors and application
The international division of labor: forms of development, types, main factors and application

Video: 2.3 The Division of Labour 2024, July

Video: 2.3 The Division of Labour 2024, July

The modern process of globalization owes much to its occurrence to such a phenomenon as the international division of labor (MRI). Let's find out more about him. Consider the concept of the international division of labor, the forms of its development, varieties and factors influencing it.

Separation of duties: what is it and why is it necessary

No man is able to do absolutely everything himself. No matter how diverse it is, sooner or later one has to face one’s own incompetence in any matter. And there is not always enough ability or time to fill this gap in knowledge and skills.


To avoid the need to spend intellectual, physical and emotional resources on the development of all the skills necessary for life, the practice of dividing labor by specialties was introduced among people. This is a process of distribution of responsibilities in society between its members, in which everyone has the opportunity to focus only on their work, which helps them to do it better and faster than others.

For example, a doctor does not have to be able to cook cakes, grow strawberries or change the wiring in his house on his own. Focusing on the conscientious treatment of patients, as a reward he has the opportunity to receive what is needed from specialists in other industries - a confectioner, a farmer, an electrician. We will not dwell on the fact that most domestic doctors often (without adequate remuneration for their work) are forced to do all of the above with their own hands. After all, the beauty of our life is in theory. By the way, this unpleasant example from reality clearly demonstrates the need for competent differentiation of labor in practice, and not just on the pages of smart books.

International division of labor

At the moment, MRI is the pinnacle of evolution in the distribution of responsibilities. Thanks to him, not just individuals, tribes or organizations specialize in performing a certain type of work, but countries, sometimes entire continents. Interacting with each other, they complement each other, creating an objective basis for the international exchange of products, services, as well as the results of various activities.


The principles of distribution are based on:

  • natural resources;
  • cheap labor;
  • level of education and development of scientific and technical base, etc.

Unlike public RT in one country, in the international format, each state not only takes on the production of any specialized goods or services, but also spends part of its resources to satisfy its own domestic needs for all specializations. Otherwise, it becomes too dependent on others. This can be used against him in the event of conflicts or disputes with other countries.

How did the MTP arise and develop?

Even in time immemorial, people noticed that, although labor made a man out of a monkey, constant thoughtless work without rest mowed him. And so as not to get on all fours again, the search began for ways to facilitate work. Then the idea came about the division of all duties performed by members of primitive communities into specializations. So there was a tribal RT.

Now, a person no longer had to be able to do everything: hunt, carve carcasses, cook and stockpile for the winter, sew clothes from skins, and make household items. All these tasks were shared among community members according to their abilities. As a reward for the performance of his part of socially useful work, everyone got access to other benefits created by his relatives.

Hunters could concentrate on the process of searching and catching animals, as well as improve weapons and defense. For their work, they received prepared food and a place by the fire in a cave.

Keeping the flame, as well as preparing food for the whole community on it, became the concern of its other members. In turn, they no longer worried about the availability of fresh meat and vegetables. The freed up time was spent on writing new recipes, ways of processing products, and inventing more practical kitchen utensils.

Over time, in addition to the intracommunal division of responsibilities, separate specializations began to form among the tribes. Later peoples, countries. Initially, they were based on living conditions (climate, water and forest resources, minerals, etc.). The better they are, the easier the life of the tribe was and the more desirable this area became for others. The war for the territory began. Moreover, not only at the dawn of mankind, but also in more "enlightened" periods of history.

Only by the XVIII-XIX centuries. With the beginning of the industrial revolution and the automation of production, the Republic of Tatarstan began to base itself not on what Mother Nature gave the countries. Specialization gradually began to be based on other factors:

  • development of science;
  • entrepreneurial skills;
  • the availability of cheap labor;
  • the presence of highly qualified specialists.

It is these principles of MRI that are relevant now.

Types (types)

Today, the division of labor on a global scale occurs in three functional types (types).

  1. Single - specialization of the state at certain stages of production. For example, disposable syringes are made in both Russia and Ukraine. But the needles for them are exported from Japan, which specializes in the production of these components.
  2. General view of MRI means international interchange at the level of production of manufacturing and mining industries. Within the framework of OMRT, exporting countries are divided into: agricultural, raw materials, industrial.


  3. A partial view implies the differentiation of labor within large areas of production by industry / sub-sector (heavy / light industry, animal husbandry, agriculture). TIRMT is related to subject specialization.

International division of labor: basic forms

The essence of this phenomenon is determined by the unity of two processes:

  • work sharing;
  • mutually beneficial exchange of its results (products, services).

These components are referred to as specialization and cooperation. They are the forms of the international division of labor. Let's look at each in more detail.

International Cooperation (ICT)

This form of MRI involves a symbiosis of manufacturing companies from different countries with the goal of co-manufacturing the final product.

For example, for the manufacture of textile dolls in the Russian Federation, accessories for them (shoes, eyes, hair) are ordered in China, where the production of these parts has long been established. And vice versa - a tree for making popular chopsticks is brought to Chinese factories from the Russian Federation.

One of the most striking practices in international labor cooperation today is outsourcing. So, most countries with advanced technologies prefer to transfer their production to states with cheap labor. It turns out the cooperation of the labor force of one country with the technologies of another. An example is the production of iPhones. US technology, but assembly takes place in China.


Pros and cons, functions and features of MKT

Being one of the two basic forms of the international division of labor, cooperation has both positive and negative sides.

The advantages of MKT include:

  1. Promotes accelerated integration of innovations using market economy methods.
  2. Reduces the cost of manufacturing / introducing a new product, shortens the time for updating technology by manufacturers.
  3. Stimulates the development of international joint business.
  4. Smoothes out the potential negative effects of using foreign investment in the domestic economy.


Among the minuses of this form of the international division of labor:

  • loss of production of each of the countries of autonomy;
  • the need to coordinate each step with partners;
  • dependence on unexpected changes in the legal structure of one of the partner states.

MKT performs two functions:

  • is a means of intensifying the production of material goods and services at lower costs;
  • helps to realize a fundamentally new tasks, the implementation of which is problematic without the combined efforts of manufacturers of several states.

The features of this form of the international division of labor include the following.

  1. Advance agreement by participants of the conditions of activity at all stages of production and sale of products.
  2. The participation of industrial enterprises of different states in the role of subjects of the production process.
  3. A clear distribution between the parties of tasks for the release of both individual parts and the finished product.

  4. All business relations between cooperators are based not on sales contracts, but on long-term contracts, taking into account the legal characteristics of each country. These documents stipulate all conditions (from the supply of raw materials to production volumes, prices for it, late fines, force majeure situations, etc.).

Types of MKT

Cooperation as a form of manifestation of the international division of labor is divided into types according to different criteria.

  1. Territorial coverage: international, interregional.
  2. Number of participating entities: bilateral, multilateral.
  3. Number of production facilities: single-item, multi-item.
  4. Relationship structure: horizontal, vertical and mixed; intra- and interbranch; intra- and intercompany.
  5. Types of activity: area of ​​design and construction of facilities; trade and marketing; scope of service; production, scientific and technical.
  6. Stages of production: pre-production and production, commercial (construction production).
  7. Forms of organization of MKT: contract, contract, joint production, joint venture.

International Specialization (MST)

Considering the types and forms of the international division of labor, let us turn our attention to the second form. Namely, the specialization of individual countries (regions) in the manufacture of goods and the provision of services that are supplied to the world market for financial or any other benefit.

This form of MRI represents the constant economic orientation of a single country or region to the production of a certain type of product, not only to meet the internal needs of the state, but also for export.

The basic directions of the MST

This form of MRI develops in two directions:

  • traditional territorial;
  • production (interindustry, intrasectoral and specialization of individual enterprises).

These areas of specialization are also stages of its evolution. Ideally, it is necessary that in each individual state both territorial and production ST develop. In this case, a more rational use of resources occurs, preventing their depletion. The most developed countries in Europe (the Netherlands, Austria, Sweden) go this way, but it is not easy for them to keep both directions in balance.

Factors Affecting MRI

Having dealt with the essence and forms of the international division of labor, we consider the factors on which it depends.

  1. Natural and geographical differences between countries. This is the most ancient criterion. Despite the scientific and technological progress, and today he plays an important role in MRI.
  2. NTP (scientific and technological progress). It was he who radically influenced the development and forms of the international division of labor.
  3. Different levels of economic and scientific-technical development of states.
  4. The type of economic activity of the company, the nature of foreign economic relations in a single country.
  5. The expansion of transnational corporations in economic terms.

Features of the use of MRI in the modern world


Having studied the forms and factors of development of the international division of labor, let us pay attention to the development trends of MRI in modern conditions.

  1. The participation of any state or region in the global division of labor is determined not by natural factors, but by production (technology, quality of labor, etc.). In fact, NTP has allowed even the most environmentally “poor” countries (Japan, Southeast Asia) to improve their position, focusing on intensive development methods. However, the trend of the division of labor between countries, based on the uneven availability of natural and climatic resources, is still relevant.
  2. The importance of the country in MRI in the modern world directly depends on how much it fits into the strategic objectives and goals of international cooperation. This affects the amount of foreign investment, loans, etc.
  3. Due to the catastrophic situation with modern ecology (which is a consequence of the thoughtless use of natural resources), both forms of the international division of labor concentrate their own attention on manufacturing, engineering. They are less interested in agriculture or mining, especially in their own territories.
  4. The service industry today began to play a special place in MRI. If before it was not given much importance (except for logistics), today for many states it is tourism (Egypt, Greece, Italy), financial, banking, insurance services (Switzerland, Singapore), etc. are the main export item supporting the economy.
  5. The globalization and universalization of communication methods and means allowed at the beginning of the XXI century. Intensify the international and inter-company division of labor within the framework of the ILC.