
Mikhail Shirvindt: biography in the shadow of his father

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Mikhail Shirvindt: biography in the shadow of his father
Mikhail Shirvindt: biography in the shadow of his father

In the understanding of many people, Mikhail Shirvindt, whose biography is replete with all sorts of successes, remains only a shadow of his eminent dad. The desire to repeat the paternal path would be normal for the young man, but the circumstances were different.

In a theatrical family

Now, Michael allows himself to be called a failed theater-goer. Once, with his admission to the Shchukin school, he believed that he could afford to repeat the success of his father. So said Mikhail Shirvindt himself - the biography, family and assessment of the observers of his career later confirm this. The boy really had giftedness.

Mikhail's talent and love for the theater remained indisputable, and records from the work book speak in favor of this fact. His first job was the position of loader and setter of decorations. Even without a theatrical specialty in the status of a simple worker, he still remained in art. Moreover, the authority of his father allowed Shirvindt Jr. to get acquainted with eminent people in the theater, even in his youth. In his biography, friendship with Andrei Mironov is marked by a funny episode.

Once, right at the performance, the actor was ready to pounce with fists at Mikhail for a stupid and funny act. But later the men will make friends and become godfathers, Andrei Mironov will accept from Shirvindt an offer to become the godfather for his son. Soon, with a theatrical education, Shirvindt Jr. fell into the possession of the legendary Arkady Raikin in the Satyricon.


To the surprise of his friends, Mikhail Shirvindt, whose biography indicates great opportunities in a theatrical career, easily leaves the stage of his own free will.

Leaving the stage

At some point, acting bread no longer attracted him, and the guy directed his efforts to television. Mikhail did not submit to the big stage. It is not necessary to speculate about the reasons for such a failure; Shirvindt Jr. himself clearly understood and explained why he left the theater for television. The whole point is his personal independence and freedom-loving character, Mikhail Shirvindt is endowed with such qualities. The biography, personal life and track record of this person do not allow at least to represent him in indisputable submission.

In the acting profession, a born rebel would have to follow the directives of the directors unconditionally. And for a long time he simply could not bear such an attitude towards himself.



The rebellious independent character of the future TV presenter and actor manifested itself in his youth. For a student named Shirvindt Mikhail, the biography began without much success in learning and in behavior. Later, on a student bench, the guy nurtures the idea of ​​the most significant act in his life. At the age of 18, he and his accomplices decided to remove the Soviet flag from the roof at an architectural university (perhaps this choice of object is connected with the profession of mother Natalya Belousova, who worked as an architect). Later, the TV presenter himself will evaluate the idea as stupidity.

The act in the end cost the young man deductions from the theater school for a year, and only after recovery he successfully receives an acting education. Earlier in school age it was even more difficult to curb its complex nature. With terrible assessments, the child often forced the parents to blush at the director in the office. Rebel antics roared with explosions of firecrackers in the school toilet and repeated as they grew older more and more often, such was Mikhail Shirvindt. Biography, family and colleagues indicate that even now in his character there is much left of that rebel.

Bonded craft

For such a strong and independent personality as Mikhail Shirvindt, the biography could not be connected with the forced labor of a theater actor under the guidance of power directors. Even the legendary at that time Arkady Raikin did not become the undisputed authority for him in his work. He was given greater freedom by working on television as a host, but the career of a producer of television projects should also be noted separately. In this case, Shirvindt Jr. could fully feel himself the master of his success.

Almost all of his projects are heard by the audience and gather a tangible audience on leading channels. Among the most famous programs under his producer supervision, it is worth noting Plant Life with Pavel Lobkov, Recipe Hunters with the legendary Lyubov Polishchuk as the host, as well as Live News with Tatyana Morozova and others.


For a public person named Mikhail Shirvindt, a biography and track record on television remain the main indicators of success in life and career.

Shirvindt's Special Way

A person like Mikhail Shirvindt, biography, personal life and individual actions indicate his independent nature. And he appreciates the same quality in his children. And he never imposed his opinion on them in choosing a profession.


In a similar way, his parents treated him. In the family of actor Alexander Shirvindt in 1958, a son is born, the future actor Mikhail Shirvindt. The biography of this man, in addition to the legendary dad, will cause envy among his colleagues in many more episodes. The boy grows up in a Moscow bohemian setting. Mom is a hereditary architect, and the father, beloved by millions of viewers, determined the successful future of this person. But the younger Shirvindt failed to repeat their path in the profession. The same happened with the children of Michael himself.