
Mikhail Zygar: biography and interesting facts from life

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Mikhail Zygar: biography and interesting facts from life
Mikhail Zygar: biography and interesting facts from life

Video: The Putin Files: Mikhail Zygar 2024, June

Video: The Putin Files: Mikhail Zygar 2024, June

Mikhail Zygar … This name is well known to those who are accustomed to "keep abreast." In a fairly short time, he managed to prove himself as an unsurpassed journalist, a good writer and executive editor of one of the Russian television channels. How did he achieve this, and how much effort did he put into his dream? So let's get to know him better.


Mikhail Zygar: biography of early years

It all started with the fact that on January 31, 1981 a boy named Misha was born in one young Moscow family. Parents loved the capital, but for several reasons Zygar spent his childhood away from his native city, in Angola. And only after many years, Mikhail Zygar returned home to Moscow, where he finally settled.

Since he was attracted to journalism from his youth, the young man decides to enter MGIMO. Although Mikhail Zygar graduated from his studies in 2003, his articles began printing much earlier. In particular, the first political notes were published in the summer of 2000 in the newspaper Kommersant.

Upon graduation, the young specialist decides that he still lacks the necessary experience. Therefore, he goes to Cairo University, where he undergoes an annual internship in international journalism. After that, he begins to actively build his professional career.

Fearless journalist

Mikhail Zygar made a quick take-off on the career ladder thanks to his genuine fearlessness and dedication. Having become a special correspondent for the Kommersant newspaper, he begins to report from the hottest spots in the world.

In order to get the desired information, a man repeatedly risks his life. Take, for example, the case when he, together with the rebels, rushed to the flaming palace of the President of Kyrgyzstan, in order to see with his own eyes how history is being made. And what is most exciting, he was not at all afraid of what was happening.


According to Zygar, he was so accustomed to the taste of danger that upon arrival in Moscow he began to feel longing. Ordinary life was not so interesting and exciting, and therefore he sometimes even counted the hours before a new business trip.

Mikhail Zygar - presenter and editor all rolled into one

The year 2010 was significant, because it was at this time that Mikhail was offered the position of editor-in-chief on the Dozhd TV channel. Here he was able to realize many of his ideas. In particular, he began to conduct a news program "Here and Now", in which he considered the most significant events in the world.

A little later, on the same channel, he launched another weekly program called Zygar. And although at the end of 2015, Mikhail left his post on the Rain channel, yet he still remains the host of his brainchild.
