
Cape Marroki: tourist information, location, geographical features

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Cape Marroki: tourist information, location, geographical features
Cape Marroki: tourist information, location, geographical features

Video: Morocco ?? EVERYTHING you need to know ??? 2024, July

Video: Morocco ?? EVERYTHING you need to know ??? 2024, July

Cape Marroka is the most extreme point of mainland Europe, which attracts all kinds of tourists. This territory has a deep history, some attractions and an interesting location. About all this, as well as a description of geographical parameters, is written in this article.

Geographic location

Cape Marroka is the southernmost point of the continent of Europe, although this was not always the case. Once the island of Las Palomas was not considered part of the mainland, because it was separated from it by the water. The construction of the dam and the connection with part of Spain changed the situation.


After the construction was completed, the cape became the extreme point of Europe, because it is located in the very south of Las Palomas. This is another confirmation that people can influence nature by their own labor. The coordinates of Cape Morroka in latitude are exactly 36 degrees, and in longitude 5 and 35 minutes. Anyone who wants to, in the presence of time and a certain amount of money, can go to this area in order to appreciate the local beauties and feel the warmth of a mild climate.

History and access to extreme point

The first mention of Cape Morroka dates back to the 710th year. It was then that the African military leader Tarif, with his detachment of 500 people, landed on this territory in order to plunder the local population, which he did successfully. After he sailed home with captive women and other prey, other African warriors learned about this territory.


It was this event that laid the foundation for the conquest of all Andalusia. A year later, Tariq ibn Ziyad arrived here, who had already managed to become famous for the destruction of the Visigoth kingdom. In honor of Tarif, one of the cities is named in this region of Spain. Unfortunately, tourists will not be able to get to Cape Morocco in Europe. The military unit of the Spanish army is located there, and the admission of civilians is strictly prohibited. For the needs of the soldiers the whole island of Las Palomas was given, which greatly upset everyone who wanted to visit the extreme point of Europe. In 1826, even before the deployment of military personnel, a lighthouse was built here. Many naval vessels in Gibraltar were guided by it, the structure was preserved to this time.

Interesting Facts

The deployment of the military unit on Cape Morroka is due to the fact that here is the narrowest point in the Strait of Gibraltar. If you look towards Africa from here, you can quite well distinguish the coast of the neighboring mainland. The distance to it is only fourteen kilometers.


This is the main problem of the Spanish migration service, which is constantly on the lookout here. It was through Cape Morroka that immigrants from poor African countries loved to illegally enter Europe for a long time. The lighthouse is the only standing building for inspection, the rest of the territory is guarded by soldiers on a military model. The dam is attractive because it separates the waters of the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. For lovers of exotic, such a place is worthy of becoming a tick in the travel list. The photos taken near this territory demonstrate vivid landscapes with vast expanses of water. The climate here is such that it attracts holidays from colder countries, it is always warm, comfortable, and therefore the necessary atmosphere for further trips around the country is provided.