
Model Alina Solopova: biography, age, height, weight

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Model Alina Solopova: biography, age, height, weight
Model Alina Solopova: biography, age, height, weight

A widely known fact throughout the world is that women of Slavic appearance are the most beautiful. Experts in the field of fashion and fashion industry note the incredible appeal of Russians, Ukrainians and other beauties born in the USSR or having similar roots. Mila Jovovich, Irina Sheik, Natalya Vodyanova, Alexandra Pivovarova - this is not a complete list of recognized goddesses of beauty business. Today we will talk about a rising star - a blue-eyed model Alina Solopova, born in Ukraine, who was noticed not only by fashion photographers from Russia, but also by their colleagues from Italy and France. We will try to tell everything about the girl, including family, preferences, hobbies, fears, and, of course, we will not ignore the parameters of the beauty Alina Solopova: height, weight and more.


Childhood little girl with a radiant smile

In the small town of Nikolaev, in Ukraine, on August 19, 1998, a girl was born who originally wanted to be called Olga, but then for some reason changed her mind and still called Alina. In this case, the year of birth is indicated specifically for those who are interested in the question of how old Alina Solopova is now? So here. By the time Alina was born, her mom and dad were already the happy parents of the boy Andrei, the elder brother of our today's heroine. Alina has very friendly and warm relations with him and, in her own words, she values ​​her brother and loves him madly, however, like the rest of her family. Close friends and friends of the Solopovs say that Alina is an exact copy of her father, both in character and in appearance.


As a child, Alina Solopova was a very agile child, she loved to sing and dance, and memorized poems and fairy tales. In the kindergarten, she was often assigned the main roles at the matinee: either she performed the thematic song of the holiday, then she played leading roles in the skits. In general, she was never shy about the public. However, according to Alina herself, she was madly afraid of Santa Claus and was horrified at the New Year's party, but the girl calls the holy Easter holiday one of her favorites. She just loves Easter cakes and colorful Easter eggs. By the way, Easter is still the main day of the year for Alina.


School years

Studied Alina Solopova in SZOSH number 22 in his hometown. According to the mother, the future model was a diligent student, "good-looking", not skipping school. There were no problems with her; no parents were called to the director. The girl herself recalls her school years with warmth. Her favorite subject was physics, and being called to the blackboard in mathematics was her main school fear, although she knew algebra and geometry well. At school, Alina found her best friend Andrei Yeremeyev, with whom he maintains relations to this day.

The Solopov family has a friendly atmosphere; there are practically no prohibitions. Perhaps it was for this reason that Alina never wanted to try something out of the ordinary, although one incident did occur. One day on Valentine's Day, a girl stole a huge armful of Valentine's cards in a store located near the house, which she then distributed to all her close friends and acquaintances. According to Solopova, she never did anything reprehensible in her life. The girl adores animals, according to her confessions, she tried to drag all homeless kittens, puppies and even snakes into the house. By the way, her first dog was called Bingo.


Interesting information

In this section of the article, we will talk about the girl Alina, more precisely, about what she loves and what is afraid of. So. Interesting facts about the model:

  1. Favorite singer - Justin Bieber.

  2. Favorite movie actor - Leonardo DiCaprio.

  3. Favorite movie genre is drama.

  4. Favorite cartoon - "Tom and Jerry."

Fears of one of the most beautiful girls in Ukraine:

  1. Alina considers the most dangerous doctor to be a dentist. She admits that she is very afraid to go to the "dentist".

  2. The girl is afraid of magicians, psychics and sorcerers, although she says that she is not superstitious.

  3. Perhaps the last place on this list is to put a popular game among real youth in real time, called the "Quest". Alina Solopova has a mixed opinion about her. She notes that during the game she feels wild horror, and at the end of her adrenaline does not let go for a long time. Each time, after passing a certain level, the girl declines to return to the "Quest" again, but still does it. Apparently, such games, artificially creating shocking situations, attract urban residents, as the sky attracts the pilot.

Way to success

Speaking about her career in the modeling business, Alina Solopova notes that she and her parents did not have to do absolutely nothing. Just once, when the girl was 12 years old, she was noticed by the photographer of the Ukrainian beauty magazine. He invited the young talent to the shooting, then they paid attention to her in Russia, and then in Italy and France. By the way, Alina became known not only for her pictures in popular fashion magazines. About 6 years ago, she registered on YouTube and created her own channel, which at this moment has accumulated a huge amount of video footage shot by Alina herself. There, the girl shares with her subscribers and with those who follow her life, personal secrets, gives advice to peers and just talks about herself. In mid-2017, Alina Solopova’s channel has more than 700 thousand subscribers, which means that engaging in video blogging brings the girl a stable income.


Natural model parameters

Many are interested in the question of what parameters our today's heroine has. By the way, the girl speaks openly about them in the shot videos on her channel. So:

  1. By nature, the girl is a blue-eyed blonde.

  2. Alina Solopova's height is 171 cm.

  3. Bust - 87 cm., Waist - 58 cm., Hip - 86 cm.

  4. Alina Solopova's weight is 47 kg.

However, it is worth noting: the beauty has repeatedly said that her sizes sometimes behave unstable, because she, like all other people on the planet, can afford something harmful or superfluous. In addition, it is still growing (at least until the age of 21).