
Model Ksenia Tsaritsyna: biography, facts, photo

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Model Ksenia Tsaritsyna: biography, facts, photo
Model Ksenia Tsaritsyna: biography, facts, photo

Video: Kseniya Simonova's astonishing sand art gets first Golden Buzzer | BGT: The Champions 2024, June

Video: Kseniya Simonova's astonishing sand art gets first Golden Buzzer | BGT: The Champions 2024, June

One of the most popular girls on the Internet is the model of Ksenia Tsaritsyna. And she became famous for having married Alexei Shapovalov, who, according to some sources, is a dollar millionaire. Luxurious life and plastic surgery only fueled interest in her person. We’ll talk today about how the model lives and how its appearance has changed.

Wedding for millions

Like most secular lionesses, Ksenia Tsaritsyna is the owner of a popular page on the social network Instagram. On it, a girl publishes photographs, looking at which, involuntarily, you begin to envy. Gorgeous bouquets of roses, expensive resorts, rooms with ocean views, exotic fruits and, of course, beautiful branded clothes, undoubtedly attract attention. All this became a reality in the life of Xenia when she met her husband Alexei. It happened about 7 years ago. Young people fell in love and began to live together. During this time, the man turned into an influential and wealthy businessman, and Ksenia Tsaritsyna - into a model and object of desire for thousands of men who monitor her social life.

In 2017, Alexei and Ksenia played a luxurious, by Moscow standards, wedding. It was rumored that the newlyweds spent more than 26 million rubles on the celebration. This is not surprising when you consider that the guests of this event were Sergey Shnurov and Polina Gagarina. Also, one can not fail to note the expensive ring that Ksenia boasted to its subscribers.


However, many felt that such an expensive wedding looks somehow stupid and unjustified. After all, it was only about one day of life.

Xenia's Appearance

Another reason for heated discussions is the appearance of Ksenia Tsaritsyna. It is worth noting that, having given birth to two children, the girl is simply in perfect shape. Ksenia herself talks about how to stay in great shape even after childbirth, in her microblog. For example, a woman shares that with age she began to notice how important not the thinness of the body, but its filling, muscles. Therefore, having given birth to a second child, she seriously took up training. And so that the skin looked tightened and well-groomed, she began to take massage courses and apply nourishing creams to the body. According to her, this is precisely what made it possible to restore the former beauty of the abdomen and buttocks.


Ksenia Tsaritsyna monitors her weight quite carefully and does not allow herself excessive excesses. However, her love for sweets testifies to the fact that Ksenia eats not always perfectly right. The model considers the reason for its harmony to be a quick metabolism. It is thanks to him that the weight is leaving as fast as it came.

Was there plastic?

Many subscribers to the wife of a millionaire are concerned about the question of whether Ksenia resorted to plastic surgery. Especially unnatural, in their opinion, the lips of the model look. However, the girl herself claims that the whole thing is in the right angle and a special bite, due to which the lips look more puffy than they really are.

But stubborn subscribers did not give up and found photos of 10 years ago, in which, in their opinion, the girl’s lips are somewhat smaller. Comparing the photos of Ksenia Tsaritsyna before and after gaining popularity, they noted that the lips became slightly larger than before.

When asked by reporters about plastic, Ksenia says that she once really wanted to do some operations, but then changed her mind. However, according to her, if after the next childbirth some changes that cannot be corrected by sports and proper nutrition take place with her body, then without thinking, she will go into the hands of a better surgeon and correct these shortcomings. According to the beauty Ksenia Tsaritsyna, she is still far from plastic surgery.

The most beautiful mother of the country

This year was one of the most striking beauty contests in our country. The jury was presented with 50 married mothers, with ideal external parameters. Women who came from all over Russia fought for the title of the most beautiful mother.


But this time, our heroine Ksenia Tsaritsyna surpassed everyone. The mother of two children became the owner of a luxurious crown and title. Among other things, the woman got the opportunity to take part in the already world competition of Mrs. Peace, which took place in the middle of this year. However, this time the title of the most beautiful mother went to another participant.