
Model Marina Koroleva: biography, personal life and interesting facts

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Model Marina Koroleva: biography, personal life and interesting facts
Model Marina Koroleva: biography, personal life and interesting facts

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Video: Urban Wildlife. Dogs ? | Documentary | Science Channel 2024, July

"Districts, quarters, housing estates …" Does anyone remember the famous words from the mega-popular song of the Russian rock musician Roma Zver, the vocalist of the same group? So, I would like to start today's story from this line, putting the sense in it that everything in our life is changing rapidly, leaving no way to retreat. Why do we choose this interpretation now for a famous line from a song? Yes, because we are talking about a girl who changed her life completely for the sake of a loved one, abandoning many things: career, ambition, her beloved city and, perhaps, universal fame, preferring to remain in the shadow of the person who wrote these words.

Who is this girl and what is the article about?

From the introductory block, one could make some assumptions as to who will be discussed today. So, your guesses are correct. The story will be about the wife of the famous musician and vocalist of the metropolitan group "Beasts" Roman Bilyk - in the past model Marina Koroleva. Here we will try to reveal the secrets of her personal life, open the veil of secrecy over some facts from the biography of the girl, we will not ignore the musician himself, because he is the main person in the life of the former St. Petersburg model.


Life before meeting a musician

In order to start a conversation about the wife of Roman Beast, it is worth first to say that he himself is a secretive person, even to some extent closed and very shy. The singer admitted more than once in an interview that he was trying to carefully hide his personal life, not bringing the facts to public display. He is trying in every possible way to protect his loved ones from annoying fans, saying that he seriously fears for his family (not in terms of danger to life, but in excessive psychological impact). Sometimes what happens to the vocalist and founder of the Beast rock band becomes an object of public knowledge only after some time (sometimes this period dragged on for a year).


So, returning to the model of Marina Koroleva, and more precisely to the facts of her biography, I must admit that very few are known. Firstly, the fact that the girl was born on May 5, 1982 in the most beautiful city on Earth - St. Petersburg. Here her childhood and youth passed, here she personally developed and made plans. By the way, she was predicted a good career in the modeling business. The girl was even noticed in the cinema, offering to star in a cameo role in one youth series.

Secondly, the model Marina Koroleva, like all the girls in the early 2000s, was on a fashionable musical wave and simply adored attending rock concerts. At that time, the young group "Beasts" ascended to musical Olympus, who conquered Marina with their lyrics. The girl admits that her songs were very close to her, she knew each of them by heart. The Queen dreamed of meeting the soloist and once decided to take a desperate step.


The first meeting with Roman Beast and a date that marked the beginning of a new life

In 2004, having obtained two tickets for the concert for herself and her friend, model Marina Koroleva went to meet her fate. After dancing and listening to the performance, the girls went to the artist's dressing room and got an autograph from him. According to Marina, the novel was sharp and cold, although this is not surprising: crowds of female fans every time lie in wait for him near the dressing room. The girl gained courage and invited the vocalist on a date, to which the guy replied with consent. More precisely, he called her to a restaurant near the concert hall, where he was going to have dinner with the band members. It was from that evening that the love story of Roma the Beast and Marina Koroleva began. The St. Petersburg model conquered the guy with his charm, sincerity and beauty, but the general public only knew about their relationship after almost 4 years, when the couple had already married and had a baby. But this will be discussed in the next block of the article.


Happiness loves silence

Since 2004, the personal life of Marina Koroleva has been closely intertwined with the famous musician. The girl immediately indicated that she could leave her city, career and ambitions for the sake of love. Roman was very impressed by Marina’s approach to life, because his previous relationship with a girl from the world of models didn’t end with anything good: the singer’s former passion only thought about his person. And here the Beast has found happiness. He found in Koroleva many common traits of character, and the girl, in turn, immediately realized that this was for life.

The girl moved to Moscow, and a little time after the first date (in the same year) on June 14, the couple signed in one of the capital's registry offices. This wedding can be called a secret, because of the invitees there were only parents and members of the group, and the fans only found out about it in 2008, when the couple had their firstborn. The first daughter was the former model Marina Koroleva, who by that time had changed her last name to Bilyk, and Roman Beast was named Olga. The second child appeared in a happy family not so long ago - in 2015. This is also a girl whose name is Zoya.


What is in the public domain?

Now many famous people communicate with their fans through social networks. There they upload photos from leisure, tourist trips, parties and more. However, if today we are talking about the former model Marina Koroleva from St. Petersburg, then she really abandoned public life, devoting herself to her beloved husband and daughters. Her Instagram page currently has about 6, 000 followers. There you can see many pictures of a young mother with her children on vacation, somewhere on the sea coast, as well as joint photographs with Roman, where young people talk about their travels around the world.