
Can one say exactly what pluralism is?

Can one say exactly what pluralism is?
Can one say exactly what pluralism is?

Video: Lets Get to Know One Another - Lessons for Pluralism: Hussein Charania at TEDxCalgary 2024, July

Video: Lets Get to Know One Another - Lessons for Pluralism: Hussein Charania at TEDxCalgary 2024, July

Various foreign words, especially in the political sphere, are becoming more popular today. Many probably ask themselves the question: "What is pluralism?" The term comes from the Latin pluralius (plural) and means


the multiplicity of principles, opinions, forms of knowledge, types of existence, views, norms of behavior, etc., irreducible to one another. They exist separately from each other, and the struggle between them is not a prerequisite. Pluralism reflects the diversity of forms of being. In any field, whether religion, ideology, philosophy, creativity, there are forms of pluralism. This is diversity in any form, therefore it is quite natural that it, pluralism, is present in all spheres of human life and society as a whole.

To better understand what pluralism is, let us turn to a concrete example. In politics, this phenomenon is widespread, especially in a democratic society. Based on the principle of multiplicity, party pluralism is built - the opportunity to participate in the government


many political parties. That is, in the political arena there are many parties fighting for the right of representation in government bodies. Their competition is based on discussions, legal clash of interests of supporters of different points of view. The number of parties may not be limited. This is a sign of a democratic society, although, of course, it has some disadvantages. So, the appearance of the so-called "puppet" parties is possible. They, in fact, have no real power, but are created only in order to delay the votes of voters from competitors.

However, there is limited pluralism, the essence of which is that the system allows you to combine the existence of several influential political forces fighting for the vote. In this case, the number of parties varies from five to seven. This means that the positions, although they have different points of view, do not go to radical extremes,


existing within the framework of the so-called "center". Agree, quite convenient. Such a system is common in Western European countries and gradually comes to Latin America.

Pluralism is incompatible with an authoritarian or totalitarian regime, which, in general, is understandable. It characterizes a democratic society in which the state should not serve as an apparatus of social coercion, but rather favor the development of a society of free, united individuals. Based on the essence of authoritarian and totalitarian regimes, party pluralism is simply impossible under them.

Instead of a conclusion

Having ascertained what pluralism is, it should also be noted that, ideally, the interaction of different groups is based on mutual respect and tolerance. Their actions in relation to each other should be peaceful, conflict-free and without abuse of power. First of all, there should be no attempt to assimilate one group into another. Perhaps pluralism is one of the most important and typical characteristics of modern society, which in the future will be the engine of progress and the economy. We hope that in the article we answered the question posed about what pluralism is.