
Wise thoughts of wise women about life

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Wise thoughts of wise women about life
Wise thoughts of wise women about life

Video: Wise Quotes 2024, July

Video: Wise Quotes 2024, July

The concept of wisdom as such is considered both from the everyday point of view, and from the philosophical, and even religious. Most definitions agree that this is a certain degree of development of the mind that allows you to act in the best way in certain circumstances. Such a happy opportunity gives a person the ability to use his own and other people's experience, if I may say so, as intended.

The specificity of female wisdom

Obviously, the presence of wisdom implies the presence of mind, but not vice versa (many smart people are not wise at all). Education as such does not matter, nor does society. Only the presence of life experience is necessary, therefore the image of a sage is most often subconsciously associated with bleached gray hairs.


As for such a specific category as female wisdom, it usually revolves around the ability of women to coexist with representatives of the stronger. In principle, there is nothing surprising in this: we have long been living in the "masculine" world, and we have to reckon with this. In the most democratic Switzerland, the wise thoughts of wise women were not particularly interesting until very recently: here the ladies got the right to vote in 1971, and even not in all cantons. The last, Appenzell, “surrendered” only in 1991!

Giveaway game

For centuries, this state of affairs has generated a different reaction. While feminists fought desperately for equality, the sex symbol of all time and people Marilyn Monroe said she agreed to live in the male world, if only she was allowed to be a woman in it.


Which position is better and more correct, everyone decides for himself - and there can hardly be a single answer that would suit everyone.

In the film “Kuban Cossacks” there is an interesting moment: the main character, Galina Ermolaevna, winning the race on the carts, holds horses at the last moment - and her lover is the first to come to the finish line. This situation is both funny and sad, because it is an indirect confirmation that the wise thoughts of women about men, as a rule, come down to the fact that the pride of a strong half of humanity must be spared. Otherwise, apparently, do not see personal happiness.

Virginia Woolf, known for her views, wrote that a woman has served as a mirror for centuries, which was supposed to reflect a male figure twice as large as she really is.


Female look

Not everyone speaks so peremptorily, but one has to hear regularly in women’s society that men are just big children.

In many famous aphorisms that are presented as wise thoughts of a wise woman about men, the mockery of the stronger sex slips: Dietrich talked about the “favorite toy of adult boys”, which is a car, Chanel made fun of women in order to love men.


Often you hear about the fact that men do not really like smart and self-sufficient ladies who have achieved great success in their careers. Everyone remembers the situation in which the main character of the film “Moscow Do Not Believe in Tears” fell into it. And it cannot be said that this story is not vital.

Gray cardinals

At the same time, giving the superior role to the stronger half, many ladies think that in fact the weak, thin pen really rules the world. They carefully collect the wise thoughts of great women, according to which men are given the opportunity to rule the world only in order to present it to their beloved, preferably in a gift box with a red bow tied. Even the legendary Faina Ranevskaya paid attention to the endless characteristics of the notorious “real” man, who always remembers the woman’s birthday and never - her age.

In fact, of course, all this is true only in part of the joke. As Agatha Christie said, there is no more eternal delusion than the idea that a woman is able to guide a slopphead on the path of virtue. Nina Berberova spoke even more sharply, saying that of all the passions that overwhelm men, be it the desire for fame, power, drugs, women, belongs to the very last place.


Wisdom - it is in Africa …

In fact, the wise thoughts of a wise woman about life are not so different from men's. The diverse insinuations of misogynists about the fact that the endocrine system stands across the female thought system hardly deserve attention. All the differences that the wise thoughts of wise women can demonstrate are easily explained not at all by the peculiarities of female logic, but exclusively by different life baggage.

A man is formed at the intersection of various influences, and his worldview, and much more, depends on what kind of personality he will get. Women's wisdom often lies precisely in the realization of one's own weakness. As well as the ability to distinguish where to take advantage of their position, and where to submit to the inevitable course of events.

Personal cones

Someone else's experience in acquiring wisdom is practically useless and can play an exclusively supporting role. Each of us exists in a certain environment, because the wise thoughts of wise women in the center of Europe are not at all in Central Asia. The proverb “what is good for the Russian is death for the German” speaks best of all about this.

In addition, the line of behavior of each person depends not only on the environment, but also on the characteristics of the individual. For someone, Coco Chanel was wise, achieving stunning career success and becoming a legend in the fashion world. For another, all this does not mean anything, and he considers the bright thoughts of the wise woman of Mother Teresa, who claimed that the most important thing for mankind, to be love, to be a model. And beauty, fame, men, secular pleasures are insignificant things.


It is impossible to determine which of them is wiser. The life of a nun and mistress of a fashion house are two different worlds that practically do not intersect with each other.