
Garbage in the forest: harm, methods for solving the problem and consequences

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Garbage in the forest: harm, methods for solving the problem and consequences
Garbage in the forest: harm, methods for solving the problem and consequences

Video: MAN 2024, July

Video: MAN 2024, July

Today, when the planet’s ecology is in a state of permanent crisis, the problems of household waste pollution of the natural ecological environment are very acute. Plastic bottles, glass, and other non-degradable debris in the forest cause irreparable damage to the ecosystem. The upbringing of ecological culture from childhood, a careful attitude to natural resources can become the key to the health of both the nation and the whole of humanity.

Tourist, are you friend or foe?

Going on a hike, on a picnic or just for a walk in the forest, most people are not going to harm nature. However, more often than not, we inflict irreparable damage without ourselves understanding or realizing it. Of course, there is a certain group of the population for whom the principle “after me, at least the flood” is a personal conviction. Most likely, they do not read this article.


The average tourist, coming to the forest, makes a bonfire. Careless handling of fire - and vegetation, animals, insects and so on are already dying. We trample on grass, tear flowers that we don’t even bring to the house, make cuts in trees, drive our cars as deep as possible into the forest, leaving behind ruts that are destined to drag out after a few years. And most importantly - we do not take out the trash in the forest. The glade after the picnic is all strewn with cigarette butts, bags and bottles. A familiar picture?

Global harm

If a tourist believes that he does not harm the environment globally, he is mistaken. To everyone's delight, tourists do not carry industrial chemicals with them on camping trips. But global harm to the planet can be caused by the fact that it is not poison. Kerosene or gasoline for primus, brake fluid and degreasing agents, oil is very different - spill it on the ground or pour it into a river, and now you have already caused the death of hundreds of animals and plants.


Accumulators and batteries - this garbage in the forest infects the surrounding nature for very, very long years.

Do no harm locally

The local harm caused by the tourist forest has many varieties. Let's start with the food waste left as trash in the forest. Leftovers from your table, of course, will be eaten. We hope that by themselves they will not poison the representatives of the animal world. But left in a plastic bag, in broken glass containers, in a tin can, they can mortally injure an animal that decides to taste your gifts. And if they didn’t eat it, the remnants of the food will rot, exuding an unpleasant odor and spreading pathogenic bacteria.

Boiling water poured under a tree can lead to its death, especially if it is young. But you will not see this - you have already left. They left, by the way, by car. Leaving a rut in the soil and irrevocably taking grassy vegetation.


Didn’t they pay attention to the fact that there were still traces of armored vehicles from the Second World War in the forests? How many years ago did this equipment drive? The place of the campfire where the treat was so successfully prepared will remain the same as you left it for at least 5-7 years. And the slings that you made for the bonfire became branches for at least the same 5-7 years.

Bringing death

Tourists literally bring death to the forest. I don’t even want to talk about barbaric, for the sake of fun, the destruction of anthills (see how they ran in!). And why is it necessary to kill a snake? And without even knowing what kind of snake it is. Let her crawl, because she will not chase you. And the barbaric gathering of bouquets? And well, if the flowers decorated your home. But they will be thrown out along the way.

Nature does not tolerate emptiness

Until the tourist came to this still pristine place of the forest, entire populations of animals lived here. But they are gone. Someone will come in their place. But this is another ecosystem, not at all the same as it was.


Garbage in the forest will stop the growth of herbaceous plants, and this will lead to soil erosion, and now in the place of a dense forest you can see a thinned forest. And then there is no shadow to be found.