
Chuck Chuck Museum in Kazan: description, history, exhibits and interesting facts

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Chuck Chuck Museum in Kazan: description, history, exhibits and interesting facts
Chuck Chuck Museum in Kazan: description, history, exhibits and interesting facts

Video: Lecture: The role of the museum curator 2024, June

Video: Lecture: The role of the museum curator 2024, June

The capital of Tatarstan is a city where there is no shortage of attractions. That is why many tourists are having difficulty trying to decide which ones are worth seeing in a short trip. As the reviews of travelers show, even with a large shortage of time, you should definitely visit the Chuck Chuck Museum. In Kazan, this traditional delicacy can be tasted everywhere. However, only there you will not only be offered several types of Chak-Chak and Baursak, but they will also tell the story of their invention and introduce you to the features of the traditional way of life and life of the Tatars, which have survived to this day.


Chuck Chuck Museum: address, phone, tour schedule and prices

The institution is located on the street of the Paris Commune in the Old Tatar settlement, 18a. You can call the museum to book an excursion by phone: +7 (843) 239 22 31. They are held from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Between excursions a short break of 30 minutes. The duration of each is 1 hour.

The cost of excursions on weekdays: for adults and adolescents over 14 years old - 350 rubles., For children, disabled people and labor veterans - 300 rubles.

The museum is open on weekends and holidays. These days, the cost of excursions for adults is 400 rubles, and for privileged categories - 350 rubles.



The Chuck Chak Museum in Kazan is housed in the former home of the merchant V. Bigaev. This residential building is recognized as an architectural monument of the early 19th century and is remarkable in itself.

In the museum dedicated to the traditional delicacy of Tatarstan, the life of the house of a prosperous resident of ancient Kazan of the late 19th - early 20th centuries was recreated. For this, his staff did a great job. In particular, they studied many old photographs of the interiors of Kazan houses, and also used preserved household items, clothes, textiles and tools of this period. A distinctive feature of the Chuck Chuck Museum is that almost all of its exhibits can be touched and tested in action.

There is a shop at the museum selling chak-chak, baursak, as well as other traditional Tatar goodies. In addition, visitors can buy postcards with views of old Kazan, which, together with a box of sweets with company branding, will be a wonderful gift for your loved ones.



The creators of the museum promise that in the future they will try to create conditions so that guests can take part in the preparation of chak-chak. In the meantime, visitors can follow how employees of the institution “conjure” the test. At the same time, they use old kitchen utensils, which in Tatar families are inherited from grandmother to granddaughter. Despite the fact that the whole process takes place in front of museum visitors, learning how to cook a delicious chuck-chuck is not so easy, because not a single hostess reveals her secrets to strangers to the end.

The Chuck-Chak Museum in Kazan is “alive”. This means that you will be allowed to touch almost all the exhibits, sit on old shops covered with traditional oriental carpets, and listen to national songs played by a real gramophone, which is almost 100 years old.


Interesting Facts

Want to travel to pre-revolutionary Kazan? The Chak-Chak Museum (address: 18a Paris Commune Street) will give you this opportunity, as there is a cozy atmosphere in which great-great-grandmothers and great-great-grandfathers of hereditary residents of the capital of Tatarstan lived. There you will also learn that at the end of August 2005, in honor of the millennium of Kazan, a chak-chak weighing one ton and an area of ​​13.266 square meters was prepared in the city. m!

You will also be introduced to the cooking traditions of this dish. For example, they will tell you that young girls should cut the dough for the wedding chak-chak, and married women should fry it in boiling oil.

Legend of Chuck Chuck

Not every dish can boast that there is a legend about his invention that has been passed from mouth to mouth for more than a century! Another thing is chuck-chuck. The Tatar people composed many legends about him. For example, those who visit the Chak-Chak Museum in Kazan are told the story of the Khan of Bulgaria, who decided to surprise guests invited to the wedding of his only son.


To do this, he ordered to come up with a treat, which would be:

  • easy to prepare;

  • for a long time did not spoil;

  • retained taste even after a few weeks;

  • warriors could feast on them without getting off the saddle;

  • personified all the people of Bulgaria;

  • would decorate any celebration.

In addition, the dish was supposed to be nutritious and suitable as a hotel to be sent to distant lands.

The inhabitants of the Khanate puzzled for a long time. They offered many tasty dishes to their sovereign, but only the chak-chak made from flour, honey and eggs by the wife of one shepherd came to his taste.


He was served at the wedding to the newlyweds, wishing that they would live “sticking” to each other like slices of fried dough with honey, and they would have as many children as there were peas in it, and life would always go uphill. and their mutual speeches would always be sweet. True, a beautiful legend?


If you are in doubt whether to visit the Chuck Chuck Museum in Kazan, a list of unusual exhibits will certainly help you make a positive decision. So, there are presented:

  • ichigi - traditional Tatar men's and women's leather boots;

  • chest over 100 years old;

  • pre-revolutionary acting gramophone with records;

  • a collection of traditional hats from different countries;

  • old samovars and dishes.
