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Einstein Museum (Yaroslavl). Description, reviews

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Einstein Museum (Yaroslavl). Description, reviews
Einstein Museum (Yaroslavl). Description, reviews

Video: A Virtual Tour of the Mütter Museum 2024, July

Video: A Virtual Tour of the Mütter Museum 2024, July

How to interest children and prove to them that science is not at all boring, but exciting. For these purposes, museums of entertaining sciences are starting to open in different cities. What they are, we will consider in this article on the example of the Einstein Museum of Entertaining Sciences in the city of Yaroslavl.


When did the Einstein Museum of Entertaining Sciences open?

In the famous city of the Golden Ring of Yaroslavl there is a place where both children and adults aspire in their free time. It appeared recently - October 3, 2013. After the opening, the Einstein Museum of Entertaining Sciences (Yaroslavl) immediately acquired a mass of fans. The creators argue that the main goal of the institution is to attract the attention of schoolchildren to such a science as physics. In addition, management plans to cover chemistry and geography.


Interactive museum

The Einstein Museum itself is interactive. He works under the motto: "The game is the highest level of scientific research." These are the words of Albert Einstein. In order to develop the curiosity of the child, to support the craving of children to learn something new and unusual and to make the study of sciences more interesting, the Einstein Museum was created. Yaroslavl, St. Petersburg, Volgograd - this is not the whole list of cities where such scientific museums were opened.

Perhaps Einstein was right, and you need to move away from boring formulas, turn everything into a game and show the child in practice the effect of scientific laws. The main focus of the museum of entertaining sciences is family vacations. Although the Einstein Museum (Yaroslavl) was conceived mainly for children, many adults are seriously interested in exhibits.

The uniqueness of the Einstein Museum

The museum has about 100 interesting exhibits. Here people fall into the wonderful world of technology and science. By visiting the Einstein Museum (Yaroslavl), the photos of which are presented in this article, you can learn and do a lot of new and interesting things, including:

  1. Learn the power of your voice.

  2. Build a bridge without a single nail.

  3. Raise a passenger car.

  4. Get inside the soap bubble.

  5. Sit on the nails.

  6. Touch the lightning.

  7. Learn the principles of cinema, optical illusions and magnetism.

  8. Play vertical billiards, etc.

This institution is not like other museums with its rules of conduct. In particular, the Einstein Museum of Entertaining Sciences (Yaroslavl) allows you to:

  1. Touch all exhibits with your hands.

  2. Experiment on your own.

  3. Conduct entertaining experiments.

The friendly atmosphere prevailing in an interactive institution turns lectures into interesting activities. An excursion showing the entire Einstein Museum (Yaroslavl) lasts about 60 minutes. But it, under the guidance of a consultant, proceeds almost instantly.

After this informative tour, you are allowed to independently visit all 8 halls of the museum, to pay due attention to the exhibit that you especially like. Using the example of the exposed displays, one can easily explain to a child what leverage is and how it works. In addition, you can show what is:

  1. Friction.

  2. Pulse.

  3. Vibration.

  4. Density.

Using the laws of physics in the Museum of Entertaining Sciences, you can raise a pound weight and make cold water boil. In general, the Einstein Museum (Yaroslavl), the visitor reviews of which are laudatory, will reveal the secrets of the universe to adults and children.
