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Museum of the World Ocean: photo, mode of operation

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Museum of the World Ocean: photo, mode of operation
Museum of the World Ocean: photo, mode of operation

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Video: What Happened to the Giant Hovercraft SR-N4? - The Concorde of the Seas 2024, June

We are always excited and attracted by the unknown and the beautiful. Especially mysterious in our imagination is the oceans. The museum, created in Kaliningrad, realized the dreams of thousands of people to see this magical world with their own eyes. And now everyone can not only see the flora and fauna of the water, but also visit historical ships, admire the architectural monuments, see the amber collection. This is not just a museum, but also a complex in which many historically valuable objects are represented.


History of occurrence

According to documents, the Museum of the World Ocean was established in 1990, on April 12, after the adoption of the relevant resolution by the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR. But only after 5 years, the institution received its first visitors when on the Vityaz vessel, which got up at the museum pier in 1994, equipped platforms for the exhibition.

The museum began operating in full force in 1996, when holidays were held in it in honor of the centenary of the Russian fleet.

In 2000, work began on the conservation and preservation of the remains of a sailing wooden ship of the 19th century, found in the quarry of the village of Amber.

In 2003, the construction of the central building with a conference hall was completed.

The Museum of the World Ocean (the photo of the building can be viewed above) is distinguished by the extraordinary beauty and originality of the structure. In 2006, a major overhaul was made of the warehouse of the pre-war port, where next year the exposition “Marine Koenigsberg-Kaliningrad” was opened. In the same, 2007, the museum was handed over an architectural monument of the 19th century - “Friedrichsburg Gate”. Then opened the exhibition building "Warehouse".

The year 2009 was marked by the fact that the Museum of the World Ocean received a prize at the Intermuseum event. After that, the administration of the institution was transferred to a historic building in which the consulate of Belgium functioned for 60 years.

The Museum of the World Ocean is especially proud of the luxurious monument related to the architecture of the XIX century - the “Royal Gate”. The exposition “The Great Embassy” was placed here.



The Museum of the World Ocean, the photo of which is presented in the article, is of great importance for the science and culture of Russia. Its mission is to form a holistic worldview through acquaintance with the Earth’s richest resource - the ocean space connecting continents and states. The specificity of the institution is to preserve historical vessels as museum objects.

The main forms of work:

  • research;

  • scientific;

  • exhibition and exhibition;

  • educational;

  • cultural;

  • informational;

  • publishing.

Research work is carried out in the following areas:

  1. Studying the history and development of the oceans.

  2. The formation of a modern understanding of the nature of the oceans.

  3. Study of the marine history and culture of the Baltic.

  4. Preservation, restoration of historical courts and their transformation into museum units.

Vityaz - Museum Ship

The largest research vessel Vityaz moored at the quay quay. It is a single-rotor two-deck motor ship, characterized by a direct inclined bow, sharply decayed bow formations and cruising stern. The history of this ship captures the Soviet, German and Russian periods. At different times, it changed its name. In the years 1947-1949. the ship was converted into a research vessel and became owned by the Academy of Sciences, having received its last name - “Hero”. He sailed for 30 years (starting in 1949), completed a total of 65 scientific voyages, having covered more than 800, 000 miles and carried out 7942 scientific works. The largest ocean depth (11, 022 m) recorded in the Mariana Trench was measured from the Vityaz board. Thanks to the vessel, a new species of animals was discovered - pogonophors. A school of Soviet oceanology was formed on board the ship, while scientists from 50 scientific institutes of 20 states worked on expeditions.


Vityaz participated in the project of the International Geophysical Year, as well as in other major international programs. The vessel was received with honor in 49 countries and 100 ports. Notable guests of this ship were some presidents, prime ministers, honorary cultural figures, famous scientists, for example, Jacques-Yves Cousteau. The last visit of Vityaz to Kaliningrad, and here for the whole 11 years its fate remained uncertain. In 1992, given the ship’s contribution to the study of the oceans, they decided to keep it in the form of a museum. Two years later, after repair and restoration, the Vityaz was moored at the Kaliningrad embankment.

B-413 - submarine museum

December 1997 was marked by an important event. The director of the Museum of the World Ocean Sivkova S. G. filed a petition to the Minister of Culture of Russia N. L. Dementieva to transfer the B-413 to the institution as an exhibit. That, in turn, formally turned to him with V.S. Chernomyrdin, who was then the chairman of the Russian Government. On September 3, 1999, an order was issued according to which the B-413 boat was withdrawn from the Navy, and then officially transferred to the Museum of the World Ocean. By 2000, it became available to visitors.


"Cosmonaut Victor Patsaev"

This research, scientific vessel of Roscosmos, named after the famous astronaut, became part of the Museum of the World Ocean in Kaliningrad in 2001. This ship of the star flotilla is the only one preserved after the disbandment. Until 1994, the ship received and described telemetry data, provided radio communications of spacecraft with the Mission Control Center. To date, the ship provides uninterrupted communications to the International Space Station. On board a variety of thematic tours. The ship’s activities and history are described in detail in book collections held by the Museum of the World Ocean in Kaliningrad. Photos, drawings and other documents detail the ship.

Ship Museum CPT-129 and the icebreaker Krasin

The trawler SRT-129 was included in the museum complex in 2007. It is a classic fishing vessel that was used to fish in the sea. On the trawler there is a cabin open for visitors, models of fishing boats, here you can watch movies about fishing.

Another famous ship that the Museum of the World Ocean possesses is the icebreaker Krasin. It is a branch of the institution, since it is located in St. Petersburg. The permanent site of the museum ship is the embankment of Lieutenant Schmidt in the Northern capital.

Exhibition “World of the Ocean. Touch…"

The Kaliningrad Museum of the World Ocean in the central building presented an exposition with this name. It includes modern aquariums, the most magnificent collections of shells, marine inhabitants, mollusks, beautiful corals belonging to geological and paleontological specimens, as well as the largest skeleton in Russia belonging to the sperm whale.

Aquariums are made of special especially durable glass. Some of them reach so high that they almost reach the ceiling. Inside the aquariums live marine inhabitants - these are both rare and popular specimens. Here you can see large predators, mysterious underwater fish and animals with bright colors and unusual appearance. Before your eyes will appear almost the entire oceans.


The museum also presented the most valuable exhibits at this exhibition: furniture belonging to Admiral S.O. Makarov, personal belongings, documents, archives of Russian cosmonauts and oceanologists.

Amber Collection

The luxurious amber collection, which began to form since 1993, is considered to be a special possession of the museum complex. In 2001, a magnificent exposition, an amber cabin, was equipped on board the Vityaz. The collection was annually replenished with special exhibits, the largest and most unusual stones, mainly mined in the Baltic Sea. By 2008, the exposition had 3414 units of these incomparable, original exhibits. The largest sample of amber weighs 1208 grams.