
The population of France. Population in the largest French cities

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The population of France. Population in the largest French cities
The population of France. Population in the largest French cities

Video: Biggest Cities in France 1950 - 2050 | Population wise 2024, June

Video: Biggest Cities in France 1950 - 2050 | Population wise 2024, June

France is one of the largest countries in the European Union in terms of population. She, like other developed European countries, has its own characteristics and problems in the development of the population. However, in recent years, the population of France has increased significantly due to high fertility, low mortality and the influx of immigrants into the country. In this article we will consider the population of France, the population and the problems of its development.


France demography

In order to understand the number and development of population growth in the named country, it is necessary to recall it in the 19th century. After all, by the beginning of this century, France was the largest country in terms of population. However, by the middle of it, the birth rate had fallen, and mortality had increased, although demographics had recovered by the end of the century.

Despite the fact that the country's birth and death rates are extremely unstable, today France is one of the largest countries in the European Union by territory and population.

In demography, the birth rate is incredibly important. For example, its highest coefficient was recorded in Brittany, in the west of the country. But in the south, the birth rate is much lower.


Paris population

In order to understand the population of this state, you need to look at all the cities of France by population. Of course, the largest among them, both by territorial standards and in number, is the capital - magnificent Paris.

Today it is known that about 2, 200 million people live here. The population in Paris is growing due to the large influx of immigrants. In addition, hundreds of students who have lived in the capital for several years, and some remain permanently, visit Paris every year.

The authorities of the capital are seriously interested in attracting people, which, of course, increases the population of France. The population is growing year by year thanks to the involvement of specialists in Paris, the availability of free universities there and the creation of social programs.


Marseille population

The second city in terms of population is Marseille. According to various sources, a little less than a million people live in it. Despite the fact that living in here is very expensive, students and tourists come here every year, and some of them stay here forever.

Thus, Marseille every year replenishes the population of France. The population has been growing rapidly here since 1950, because this city has always been a gateway to numerous immigrants. People from Algeria, Armenia, Italy, Tunisia, Morocco, Turkey and many other countries come here.

Lyon population

Unlike Paris and Marseille, Lyon, which ranks third in terms of population in France, is a simpler city. There are practically no expensive shops and huge prices for products. Therefore, the people who live here can even be classified as provincial. In Lyon, there are half a million people, but this town is quite small.

It is strange that the large cities of France in terms of population are Paris, Marseille and Lyon. Indeed, even many Russian tourists who have visited all three cities distinguish precisely Lyon, believing that it is too quiet and lonely. The inhabitants here are simple, working and very different from their fellow countrymen from Paris.


Toulouse population

Compared to Lyon, Toulouse is more mobile and dynamic. She ranks fourth in terms of population. But in fact, the birth rate is high, and the population has already reached 460 thousand people, so demographers believe that in a few years this city will surpass Lyon and take a deserved third place!

Despite the fact that Toulouse is located very close to the French border with Spain, the city authorities make sure that immigrants do not come here, unlike other cities in France.


Bordeaux population

The population of Bordeaux is only 250 thousand people, which is very surprising for such a famous city. However, it is constantly growing due to the constant arrival of immigrants from Africa, as well as Arab countries. Demographers believe that if immigrants will also actively arrive in Bordeaux, as in recent years, then in a few decades they will prevail over the indigenous population. No action has yet been taken by the government.

The population of Bordeaux is very low, but due to the constant stay of many tourists, it seems that Bordeaux is very heavily populated. Every year, 2 million tourists arrive here at different times of the year.


Lille population

Lille is a very small city located a few kilometers from the state border with Belgium. Its population is slightly less than in Bordeaux - only 230 thousand people, which is quite a lot for such a small city. Lille residents are active in the service sector, although the relatively recently named city was an important supplier to the textile industry.

The population is constantly growing, for example, from 1999 to 2006, the increase was more than 10%. Because of this, people living in Lille suffer from unemployment.

Life expectancy in France

The average life expectancy in the country is one of the highest in the world - 81 years. On average, women live longer than men. For men, this indicator is only 77 years old, and for women - as much as 84.5 years.


Country Population

France has an average population of almost 66 million. The country takes an honorable 20th place in terms of the number of inhabitants among all UN countries. And in the European Union, France takes the 2nd place in these indicators, second only to Germany. The country's population is very much dependent on the birth rate and mortality rate, on the arrival of immigrants, tourists and students.

Unfortunately, the average age of the population of this state says that this country is "aging". Demographers often highlight the problem of an "aging population" throughout the European Union and this is very clearly displayed in France. The average age of a resident here is 40 years. At the same time, women are older than men, because their average age is 40 years old, when men are 38 years old.

The growth of population is strongly influenced by the area of ​​France. The population here is high enough for the borders that the country occupies.