
Dubai Crown Prince Sheikh Hamdan: biography, personal life

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Dubai Crown Prince Sheikh Hamdan: biography, personal life
Dubai Crown Prince Sheikh Hamdan: biography, personal life

Video: Dubai Crown Prince Sheikh Hamdan: biography, private life. 2024, July

Video: Dubai Crown Prince Sheikh Hamdan: biography, private life. 2024, July

It's no secret that the life of Arab sheikhs resembles a "real fairy tale." It is generally accepted that they bathe in luxury, without denying anything to themselves. Comfortable planes, yachts, cars for the heirs to the throne in the UAE are a familiar and mundane phenomenon. They can be entertained as they please. However, the older generation of royal dynasties instills in the offspring not only a love of grandiose rest, but also develops in them a talent for wise government in the state, so that it flourishes every year, and its inhabitants feel wealthy and happy.


It was in this vein that the 33-year-old prince of Dubai, Sheikh Hamdan, was brought up. He prefers an active lifestyle, skillfully distributing time between state affairs and his hobbies. Perhaps this is the secret that today the Principality of Dubai is an economic miracle of the 21st century? Thanks to whom it could appear in the UAE? Naturally, thanks to the competent policy of the ruling elite. And, of course, the crown prince of Dubai contributed to this process. How does he manage to combine work and rest correctly, so that there is enough time for both? Let's consider this question in more detail.

Dynasty history

Not many people know that the mentioned Prince of Dubai is the son of the Arab sheikh Mohamed Al Maktoum. The father of the heir is the Prime Minister and Vice President of the Emirates. Historiographers claim that the sheikh's pedigree originates from the ancient Bani Yas tribes who lived in areas where the cities of Abu Dhabi and Dubai are currently located.


The Arabian Principality of Dubai was founded by Sheikh Maktun bin Butta in 1833. Since then, this ancient clan has ruled it.

Curriculum Vitae

The thirty-three-year-old prince of Dubai was born on November 14, 1982. It should be noted that he is not the only heir in the family. Sheikh Hamdan has 9 sisters and 6 brothers. At home, the boy studied at one of the private colleges.

He spent his youth in Western Europe, namely in Great Britain, where he received a brilliant education. First, the prince of Dubai gnawed at the granite of science at the military school of the ground forces, located in the English Sanhdhurst. He then graduated from the College of Economics in London, and upon returning home, from the School of Administrative Management in Dubai.

State activity

Prince of Dubai Sheikh Hamdan began to rule the principality on February 1, 2008, after his older brother "abdicated." In fairness, it should be noted that the parents expected a similar outcome, so they prepared the offspring in advance for taking the reins of the principality in their hands.


And the Prince of Dubai Hamdan lived up to his expectations: he actively participates in the political life of his native country, trying not to miss a single congress and summit.

Back in 2006, he was offered the position of head of the Executive Council of the Emirate. The young man's responsibilities included monitoring and overseeing government agencies. In this important post, the Crown Prince of Dubai Hamdan developed and invited his colleagues to adopt a strategic plan for the development of the Emirate for the coming years, which was done. The young manager showed his business skills in another post - the head of the Sports Council of the Emirate of Dubai. He was also entrusted with leading the Institute of Young Entrepreneurs.

Social projects

Sheikh Hamdan devotes much time to solving social problems. In particular, he finances several programs aimed at helping children and animals, often attending charity events. The Crown Prince even heads the specialized autism center in the Emirates.


Despite the high position and social status held in society, Sheikh Hamdan in life is a modest person who does not boast of his regalia and merits. That is why he earned great authority among the people.


Dubai Crown Prince Hamdan has a ton of hobbies. He loves to surf the Persian Gulf on scooters and water skiing. Also, the young man is interested in the underwater world, with pleasure practicing scuba diving.

Not everyone knows that the Sheikh prefers to spend time on a falconry. He likes skydiving. As a rule, he deals with this business on the artificial island of Palm Jumeirah. The prince has long been no stranger to jumping - the long months of training have an effect.


In addition, the heir to the throne in Dubai once tested the ultra-modern aircraft JETLEV-FLYER, which operates in the air thanks to the power of giant jets of water. The young man was able to rise up and “soar” against the background of the famous seven-star hotel called Burj al Arab. Sheikh Hamdan loves to get a good dose of adrenaline from time to time.


The heir to the throne, among other things, an experienced rider on horseback. He participated in races many times and repeatedly won prizes at prestigious competitions. In particular, the sheikh took first place at the Asian Olympic Games.

He spends fabulous money on the purchase of camels, respecting the Bedouin tradition.

And, of course, the royal offspring can not do without travel. However, he is more interested in extreme tourism. So, the prince of Dubai has already traveled to the African continent, where he hunted lions with photo weapons. He visited the Russian Federation. In our country, he became more familiar with the traditions of falconry.

Romantic and altruist

Another unusual hobby of Sheikh Hamdan is versification. The young man inherited it from his father. The prince composes on romantic and patriotic themes. He creates his poems under the pseudonym Fazza ("success in everything"). Moreover, his talent as a poet has already been noted by the public.


The sphere of hobbies of the heir to the throne of Dubai also includes the performance of good deeds, i.e., helping people. He is one of the participants in the creation of the “Society without Borders” structure, the purpose of which is to provide support to people with disabilities.

Back in 2006, the prince initiated the Integration project, which was supposed to help members of a society with disabilities simplify integration into the social environment.

The sheikh also took care of improving road safety by tightening the penalty for those drivers who ignore the rules of the road. At the same time, malicious violators will be deprived of a driver’s license for up to 6 months.