
Set up my regimen and not only: how do I manage to quickly, but in a good mood, wake up early in the morning

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Set up my regimen and not only: how do I manage to quickly, but in a good mood, wake up early in the morning
Set up my regimen and not only: how do I manage to quickly, but in a good mood, wake up early in the morning

Video: How to Wake Up EARLY & Be Productive! My Healthy Morning Routine! 2024, June

Video: How to Wake Up EARLY & Be Productive! My Healthy Morning Routine! 2024, June

Often people encounter a problem when it is dark outside the window, and under the warm blanket it is so soft and warm that there is no strength to leave it. And even the alarm ringing in every way can not turn the tide in its favor. It turns off, and the person continues to sleep further, later arriving late for work or a scheduled meeting, or disrupting the deadlines for submitting a project, report or presentation.

How to learn to wake up easily and without problems, easy to fall asleep and work productively for 10-16 hours a day? Let's try to understand a little lower.

1. Establish and maintain a personal daily routine


The advantage of the established regime of the day is that a person wakes up alert, full of energy and strength, as well as well rested. So that the process of falling asleep does not take much time, and the awakening is instant and final, it is recommended to establish the habit of waking up and going to bed at the same time.

The regime is the routine by which the human body lives. If the mode mechanism is not configured, then each failure leads to complications. For example, a person needs to wake up every day for a week at 5-6 o’clock in the morning, and he lays down at the same time at 24 or 1 nights. Then, with such a schedule, the weekend will be occupied by sleep until noon or until evening. This is the very failure that affects the lack of vigor, strength and energy for productive labor. Daily lack of sleep and additional hours of sleep on Saturday and Sunday cannot affect the feeling of tiredness and fatigue during workdays.

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When the correct mode of the day is observed, then the person’s internal biological clock is set up, able to wake him up and put him to sleep on time without using an alarm clock. For example, waking up daily for several weeks at 5-5: 30 and falling asleep at 21-21: 30, a person gets used to live briskly and even on weekends the body continues to work in the same spirit.

2. Go to bed earlier


This item follows from the first, but often in the evenings I want to watch an interesting film or read the chapter of a fascinating book. However, the process of timely retirement to sleep not only fosters the willpower in everyone, on which success in achieving life goals depends, but also will become the basis of a productive life. Early retirement will positively affect a citizen’s ability to wake up in the morning. Since the sooner you go to bed, the earlier the body gets enough sleep and the person wakes up the next day.

3. After waking up, get out of bed as quickly as possible.


It is not recommended to delay the moment of rise, as this disorients the body and makes it fall asleep again with a stronger sleep. It is recommended to add to the habit of lifting no later than 5 minutes after waking up.


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There is an exercise that educates willpower and allows you to get up on time. It consists in the fact that after waking up, a person should start counting to 100 in order to get out of bed at the expense of 101 and begin morning classes and training camps. Weekly, the number of digits of the account should be reduced by 10 and bring personal discipline and willpower to the ability to meekly rise and vigorously begin to wash and dress at the count of 5, after waking up.

4. Move the alarm away


The farther you stand from the bed and the louder and nastier the alarm rings, the more likely it is that a person will rise to turn it off and no longer go to bed, as the dream will be lost.

5. Invent and do the morning ritual


Morning routines should be pleasant for the dreamer, for example, preparing aromatic coffee or reading a fascinating book, watching morning news or light and pleasant exercises, morning shower with aromatic gel or facial skin care. Having made the morning pleasant and useful, waking up will be much easier.