
Natalie Pushkina: biography, personal life, real surname

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Natalie Pushkina: biography, personal life, real surname
Natalie Pushkina: biography, personal life, real surname

Video: Natalya Alexandrova. The Shchukin collection at The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts 2024, June

Video: Natalya Alexandrova. The Shchukin collection at The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts 2024, June

Natalie Pushkina is one of those celebrities to whom the loud and ambiguous glory of the television project "Dom-2" extends. She did not participate in the reality show, but is a close friend of his mistress - Ksenia Borodina. The audience remembered the friend of the star thanks to the poetic name. What does Natalie Pushkina do, not every viewer knows. In the article we will consider this question in more detail.


Natalie Pushkina is a media character, socialite, blogger and designer. She is a Muscovite, born in 1982. Pushkin is a real surname, Natalie is a sonorous pseudonym.

The girl grew up in the capital. In school years, the future socialite loved glossy magazines. Pushkin leafed through publications with Cindy Crawford and Claudia Schiffer on the cover and herself dreamed of a career on the catwalk.


Friendship with Borodina

Friendship with the host of Dom-2 is the most famous fact in the biography of Natalie Pushkina, who wrote her name in the chronicle of Russian show business.

The girl has been friends with the TV star for many years. She is part of Borodina’s constant circle of contacts and has earned the title of one of her closest friends in the press.


Pushkin supports all the undertakings of his versatile friend. She is present at the opening of beauty salons and poses in the clothes of the name brand Ksenia Borodina. Girls relax together, celebrate family and state holidays, have fun at resorts. Pushkin was a bridesmaid at the wedding of a TV presenter with businessman Kurban Omarov.

For reporters, Natalie is a source of additional information about Borodina. Ksenia is often mentioned in her online publications. Journalists study the account of the star friend for sensational information about the mistress of the "love construction" and sometimes find the desired dirt. Pushkin was the first to talk about the pregnancy of Xenia. Reporters gleaned information from her blog about scandals in the TV presenter’s family.

Despite the leak of negative facts, Borodin and Natalie Pushkina - friends do not spill water. They provide mutual support before the onslaught of Internet haters and do not forget to publish warm messages dedicated to significant dates.

Star career

Pushkin became a public person in early 2010. She chose the blogosphere as a platform for self-realization. Maintaining an account on social networks is a reliable way, mastered by modern secular lionesses.

Pushkin began the road to success with the development of a personal Instagram page. Publications introduced the audience to the everyday life of a secular girl. Girlfriend parties, resort selfies, shopping, and beauty treatments were the main content of her blog. Ksenia Borodina, periodically appearing in Natalie's publications, added a star shine to the account about a beautiful life.


Design career

Fashion business Natalie Pushkina was the continuation of the first successes won in the Internet space. The popular name guaranteed the demand of customers for products manufactured under the corresponding brand.

Natalie Pushkina became a clothing designer in 2012. She established a fashion brand called PushkiNatalie. The brand was aimed at a wealthy clientele with high demands on quality and style of things.


Pushkin created clothes in the spirit of modern classics. Natalie relied on decent materials and a universal cut. Products from natural wool and silk excluded excessively high flights of designer imagination and was easy to understand and operate. Elegant styles were accompanied by win-win prints in the style of great brands - Missoni and Pucci.

The catalog was based on casual and evening wear for women. Natalie came up with a pair of models of dresses “mother + daughter”, which made it possible to create a harmonious duet in the event of a family publication.

PushkiNatalie's target audience even encompassed pets. Pushkin made for them a collection of vests from the material of the main line of women's things.

PushkiNatalie was positioned as an exclusive brand for a narrow circle of select personalities. Pushkina offered clients the service of individual tailoring. Finished items were produced in a limited number of copies. To interact with customers, Natalie created company accounts in popular social networks. Sales were carried out exclusively online through Pushkina's personal mail, which emphasized the elitist character of the brand.

Judging by the comments of Internet users, PushkiNatalie clothes interested subscribers Natalie. The brand functioned until 2016. This year the latest publications in the accounts of the company are dated. Since then, the activities of the company have faded and have not resumed.

Champion of healthy lifestyle

Natalie Pushkina attracts attention as an adherent of a healthy lifestyle and an expert on beauty procedures. She is interested in the latest in the beauty industry and tries on topical methods and products for the care of her appearance. Natalie does not hide from the public an addiction to cosmetic and medical procedures for facial rejuvenation and body shaping, demonstrating the process and result in photographs.

The stubborn struggle for youth and beauty, promoted in the account of the famous girl, culminated in the invitation of a blogger to the Moscow show-forum “The Way to the Perfect Body” in 2014. Natalie spoke to the public, sharing the platform with the legendary nutritionist Pierre Ducane.


Pushkina accounts on social networks

Natalie's professional development was reflected in her online activities. During the public career, the blogger and designer has created several pages on social networks that allow you to learn about her private life and work.

A personal account with photos of a socialite gives the most complete picture of the family and the interests of Natalie Pushkina.

A professional account of the registered brand was available on international and Russian portals. This is an online product catalog sold under the brand PushkiNatalie. He characterizes the work of Pushkina as a designer. The content of the pages is identical and has not been updated since 2016 - after the termination of Natalie's fashionable career.

Individual user Natalie Pushkina in international professional networks duplicates the visual content of his blog with photos. Publications are accompanied by textual comments by Natalie. In one of them, the girl told the story of meeting her husband.

She has been present at network video latitudes since 2017. She has posted several amateur clips made during home parties. In the videos you can see Ksenia Borodin.

Natalie continued her successful career as a beauty blogger and added to her video channel reviews of cosmetics and perfumes. In 2018, new videos do not appear.

Primary account with photos

An individual personal blog is Natalie Pushkina's most successful online project. The page has existed since 2011 and today has more than 270 thousand subscribers.

Natalie's account is a lifestyle blog. Pushkin places family shots and photos with star girlfriends. Publications made during parties and social events are interspersed with honest selfies without makeup.


Sometimes Natalie opens the veil of secrecy over her past and shows subscribers the children's and youth photos from the family album.

The blog is updated every few days. Natalie makes stories-publications, available for viewing during the day. Pushkin is open to dialogue and answers user questions asked in the comments to the photos.

Personal life

Alexey Marusov - the name of the spouse Natalie Pushkina. Who her husband is by profession is unknown. At leisure, he enjoys shooting and maintains his own account. Alexey’s page is dedicated to family life, his wife and children.

Marusov is part of Borodina’s circle of friends and is friends with Kurban Omarov. Families of Natalie and Ksenia celebrate children's birthdays and New Year with one company.

Marusov and Pushkin met in 2006 through social networks. Alexey commented on the photo of Natalie, after which a dialogue ensued between the young people. Online communication continued offline and ended in a wedding in 2007.


For the sake of being able to be with Marusov, Natalie refused to travel to London to continue her education. Today she does not regret her choice. 12 years after dating, the couple still look like a couple in love.


In the family of Natalie and Alexei, 2 daughters are growing up.

The eldest Danielle was born in 2008. The girl received a name in honor of the protagonist of the film "Brother". Parents were waiting for the boy, whom they were going to call Danila, and did not refuse the decision after the birth of a daughter.

Today, the girl is engaged in rhythmic gymnastics and participates in international competitions. Danielle maintained a family tradition and started an account on a popular international social network. This is a closed page, accessible only to subscribers.

The youngest daughter is Seraphim. She was born in 2016. Natalie became pregnant simultaneously with several friends from the environment of Ksenia Borodina, who at that time herself became a mother. The news about the interesting situation of the friends gave rise to jokes about the baby flash mob organized by the TV star.

In the blog Natalie Pushkina children have a special place. Danielle and Seraphim have been present in the content for many years and grow in front of the fans of the mother.


Public Opinions

Being a prominent media character, Natalie Pushkina evokes opposite emotions in the audience - from sympathy to irritation and envy.

Fans of a blogger are touched by a family idyll, which is shown by pictures of a socialite. On the Internet there are several fan pages of Natalie and Alexei.

For many users, Pushkin is still associated with the company of Ksenia Borodina. She receives a portion of the negative that opponents of "House-2" spread to the entire environment of the reality show.

Opponents accuse Natalie of speculating on the status of a TV star girlfriend. They believe that the photos with Borodina in her friend’s account are Pushkina’s attempt to promote her own blog and gain more subscribers.