
Natalia Razlogova - the last love of Viktor Tsoi

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Natalia Razlogova - the last love of Viktor Tsoi
Natalia Razlogova - the last love of Viktor Tsoi

Video: In memory of Viktor Tsoi (Памяти Виктора Цоя) 2024, July

Video: In memory of Viktor Tsoi (Памяти Виктора Цоя) 2024, July

She is the last love of a great artist, a talented musician, a man with amazing charisma, who died in a car accident at the very peak of fame. Their casual acquaintance turned the fate of both. For three years they were together inextricably, until the fatal tragedy put an end to the history of their love. We must pay tribute to Natalia: she did not share intimate secrets and did not participate in ugly squabbles. The woman was in the shadow of a great musician, avoiding too much publicity. On the day of the funeral at the Theological Cemetery, the artist’s parents, the official spouse Maryana and Natalya Razlogova stood together at the tomb.

Fateful meeting

The meeting with Tsoi, which changed a lot, took place in 1987, during the shooting process of Assy, where Natalya Razlogova was the assistant director of the film. Her biography is little known, except for the basic facts. She was born in Bulgaria in 1956, she worked as a translator and journalist after graduating from the philological faculty of Moscow State University. Classmates recalled that she was always distinguished by erudition and some bohemianism. The ensuing romance between the young people continued until the death of the singer. The musician left the family, saying that he fell in love. He maintained relations with Maryana and missed his son Sasha, feeling his responsibility to them.


Lovers Victor Tsoi and Natalia Razlogova lived in Moscow and were going to buy an apartment. A year before his death, the singer introduced the women to each other, not realizing how painful Maryana was explosive in character. “A barrel of gunpowder, ” as she said to herself. And as the opposite of it - a seasoned, self-controlled, happy rival.

In 1991, Natalia married the well-known journalist E. Dodolev and left for America, and after many years returned to work on television. She repeatedly said that she was not going to share her personal life and publish memoirs.

last love

The father of the musician said that Victor broke up with his wife without scandal, the marriage was not officially dissolved, and after death, all the rights to the creative heritage passed to Maryana. Parents met Natasha at the funeral. Robert Tsoi, seeing his son’s last love, understood why he was crazy about her.


“Refined Natalia Razlogova is beautiful in heart and face. And not everyone is worthy of such a woman, ”the father of the musician shared in a frank interview. And he added that only Natasha was the real love of his son, he dreamed of marrying her, but did not have time.

Closed book

By the way, many of Victor's friends expressed their admiration for the interesting woman. Alexey Vishnya, a sound engineer and musician who worked with the Kino group, said that Choi simply could not help but fall in love with the smart and silent beauty. In his opinion, it resembled a closed book. Natalia Razlogova was a woman of a different level, which Viktor had not previously had.


And Joanna Stingray, the ex-wife of the group's guitarist, did not hide that Choi had felt his loneliness all his life and found himself only with Natasha.

Return of the legend

The idol of millions, who gathered thousands of halls, was one-man. Building relationships with one woman, he completely did not pay attention to others. R. Nugmanov, director of the acclaimed “Needles”, in which Victor played the role of Moreau, recalled that he had become very homely and that he wanted to have his own corner with Natasha. By the way, in 2010, in the film “Needle Remix”, Viktor Tsoi returned to the screen, and Natalia Razlogova specifically for this project provided part of her archival materials. This is a modern vision of a previously released movie. Nugmanov said that there were no understudies, in all the shots there was a live Victor, “assembled” from particles of film. For the film, drawn pictures of Tsoi were involved, and Natalya claimed his virtual image. The main message of the new “Needle” is to portray the musician as a real actor, and not to focus on how he was.

Sensation for fans

A huge surprise for all fans was the release of the film "Choi Kino" to the 50th anniversary of the musician in 2012. The fact that it was Tsoi’s common-law wife, Natalia Razlogova, who never commented on her relationship, became the narrator in this documentary story, was a real sensation.


At that time, she worked on Channel One. Razlogova does not appear in the frame; she is shot exclusively in the shade. Parsing archival records, she discovered a song that Victor had once sung a long time ago. Natasha meets with son Tsoi Alexander and the band's musicians in St. Petersburg. The result is a record of the found composition "Ataman", written in the tradition of Russian songs. The voice of the young musician sounds along with the instruments of his friends, who are twenty years older and first gathered after so many years.