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No money for gifts? No problem! You can do something or offer something to help

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No money for gifts? No problem! You can do something or offer something to help
No money for gifts? No problem! You can do something or offer something to help



Preparing for the New Year and Christmas can seriously undermine the family budget. Sometimes we just do not have enough money for gifts for all friends and relatives. This problem occurs in many. And now what i can do? After all, it is impossible to hide from everyone until the holidays pass. You can solve the problem if you approach it with imagination. No money to buy a gift in the store? No problem! You can offer to do something and help something, and it will be even better than a useless cheap trinket.


Offer babysitting services

Of course, parents like to spend time with their children, but this does not mean that they do not need rest. Offer your services to relatives or friends, sit with their children for a while. Perhaps your friend needs to make purchases, prepare dinner, or finish an important job at work before the holiday. He will certainly appreciate your help and will be grateful to you. You can also look after the pet of your relatives if they need to leave for a while or stay late at a party.


Pick your favorite music

Please your friends and relatives. You can make a playlist of your relative’s favorite music to give him a festive mood. He will appreciate not only the playlist itself, but also the fact that you took the time to make it.


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Give a book

Present a good book from your own library to a friend or relative. Perhaps he had long wanted to purchase the same item in the store. You can later meet and discuss the plot of the book. Perhaps you have extra tickets to the cinema, to the theater, to a New Year’s performance, to an exhibition, to a master class or a discount coupon for visiting a beauty salon, which you got absolutely free. Please your friend or relative with such a gift.


Provide all possible assistance

Spend a few hours of your free time doing good deeds. It is difficult for elderly people to do housework and you can help older relatives or friends to clean the snow, do house cleaning, take a dog, decorate the house for the holiday, go shopping, prepare a gala dinner, make out mail, pack gifts or sign greeting cards. Thus, one of the best free gifts you can give to older people is to help them with simple household chores.


Make homemade cakes

If you want to please your friends and relatives, you can bake your signature cookies, muffins or pie. Relatives and friends will appreciate your efforts and will be grateful to you. Pack cookies and cupcakes in boxes, write a short congratulation and present this gift. Home baking will not leave anyone indifferent.


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Cook your favorite dishes for a festive dinner

Homemade food brings together. Spend a holiday with those who are dear to you. Invite friends, colleagues, or relatives to a gala dinner at your home. You need to know their favorite dishes in advance. Even if your culinary skills are far from the skills of a chef, friends and relatives will appreciate your efforts and care. After dinner, you can chat and share pleasant memories.


Do it yourself gift

Your hobby can help you solve the gift selection problem. You can make handmade cards, make jewelry, accessories, pleasant little things for the interior. Tie a shawl, scarf, warm socks or mittens for a friend or relative. You can also make a New Year's composition of fir branches and Christmas toys and present it as a gift.

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A woman stores baking sheets in an organizer for files: people took the idea into service

Present a family member with a heirloom

Passing family heirlooms from generation to generation is a great way to connect with young family members. A heirloom has a history and a certain value. The younger generation will be able to pass it on to their children and grandchildren.


Make a cookbook with recipes

You can make a handmade cookbook with your friend’s or relative’s favorite recipes. You can also include some of your own specialties in the book. Find beautiful illustrations, pick up holiday packaging, write some nice wishes. Each time you open this book, your loved ones will remember you, they will feel that you have put your love and care into this unique gift.
