
Nino Ninidze: biography, personal life, photo

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Nino Ninidze: biography, personal life, photo
Nino Ninidze: biography, personal life, photo

Video: Repentance (1987) dir. Tengiz Abuladze (english subtitles) 2024, June

Video: Repentance (1987) dir. Tengiz Abuladze (english subtitles) 2024, June

Nino Ninidze is a young actress of incredible beauty. In her childhood there were many difficulties, but in spite of everything she was able to become a very worthy person, a beautiful mother and a wonderful actress. Her career has just begun, and she is already loved by millions. It's time to learn more about the biography of Nino Ninidze, a talented actress from Georgia.


Daughter of the heavenly swallow

Nino Ninidze is the daughter of the famous Ii Ninidze.

Iya Borisovna began her acting career at the age of 9. The girl was growing and pretty literally before our eyes. She was one of the most beautiful stars of Soviet cinema. Men could not take their eyes off her, and women really wanted to be like a burning brunette.

The true love of the audience came to Iya Borisovna after her role in the comedy "Sky Swallows", where she played Denise de Florigny. After the release of the musical comedy on the screens, Ninidze was dubbed the Soviet Audrey Hepburn.

Iya Borisovna was a very sought-after actress, but happiness was not in a hurry to knock on the door of her personal life.

  • She first married at age 16. Her husband was Nikolai Shengelaya, the son of actress Sofiko Chiaureli and the famous director George Shengelaya. The marriage ended in a difficult divorce.

  • At 22, Iya got married again - to actor Sergei Maksachev. In this marriage the son George was born. Despite the fact that the family broke up, Sergei continues to communicate with his ex-wife and son.

  • The third husband of the actress was the artist Mikhail Buchenkov. Iya gave birth to his beautiful daughter, Nino, but this did not stop Mikhail from abandoning his family and leaving for America at the very height of the war.

Iya Borisovna suffers any difficulties with a smile on her face, she never discourages and sets an excellent example to her son and beautiful daughter.


Nino's childhood

Nino Ninidze was born in 1991 in Tbilisi. There was a war, the family had a hard time. One could not even dream of light and hot water; occasionally only cold water was included.

On cold winter nights, Nino slept with her brother and mother in the same bed, clinging tightly to each other. The girl admits that despite the difficulties, mom was always in a good mood. She continued to work in the theater even during the blockade. The stage was lit with candles, it was very cold, but the hall was always full.

When in 1997 Iu Borisovna was invited to the troupe of the Bat Theater in Moscow, she agreed without hesitation and left with the children in the capital of Russia.


New life

Moving to Moscow was a turning point in the biography of Nino Ninidze and her entire family.

Nino first went to a Georgian school, and then asked her mother to translate her into Russian in order to perfectly master the language.

The girl changed 5 schools for the entire period of study. The family often moved from apartment to apartment, therefore, educational institutions had to be selected closer to home. The difficulties of parting with old friends and getting used to new teachers and staff not only tempered the character of the girl, but also allowed her to become very sociable, which now helps her a lot.

Nino's dreams of a future profession changed almost daily. She wanted to be an artist, like a father, then a singer, then a ballerina. But in the end, after 11th grade, she decided to follow in the footsteps of her mother and become an actress.

Admission to VGIK

Nino Ninidze decided to comprehend the art of acting at VGIK.

Many believe that if you have a famous mother, you can not worry about entering a theater university. But Nino wanted to achieve everything herself, so she accepted help from her mother only in the form of advice.

I entered the Nino Institute on a par with all applicants. Alexander Mikhailov, on the course to which the girl wanted to go, knew her still very tiny. But she did not make concessions.

In the evening he called Iya Borisovna and asked her about the seriousness of her daughter's intentions to become an actress. He also said that he could not take her to a budget place. The actress studied on a commercial basis.

From the first year she began acting in films, investing almost all the money earned in her studies.


Carier start

At the very beginning of her studies at VGIK, Nino was invited to various castings, but over and over again she was denied approval for the role, because she was still so young.

Finally, the girl was approved. And although it was just a small episode in the series Once Upon a Time in the Police, she took it as a gift of fate.

After the tape was released in 2010, many directors became interested in the young actress.

Rapid take-off

In 2011, Nino was approved for the main role in two projects at once: in the drama by Jafar Akhundzadeh and the drama by Murad Ibragimbekov, “And there was no better brother.”

At the same time, Nino claimed for the role of Yulenka in the film by Sergei Makhovikov "Silent Outpost". Filming in several films simultaneously led to a curious situation: for the film “And there was no better brother”, Nino’s hair was painted in dark color, and the heroine of “Quiet Outpost” was supposed to be fair-haired. As a result, Yulenka’s hair had to be covered with a scarf.

In addition to these films, Ninidze Jr. adorned a number of paintings:

  • "Snowstorm".

  • The Stuntman.

  • "You will have a child."

  • "Ascent to Olympus".


In 2011, the actress was awarded the prize for best actress at the 4th international film festival "East & West" for her role in the film "And there was no better brother." The same role brought Nino a special diploma for her debut at the open-air film festival of the CIS and Baltic countries "Kinoshok".

Relationship with brother

An important role in the life and biography of Nino Ninidze is her brother George.

He is 6 years older than the actress. From childhood, Nino wanted to imitate him in everything. The relations between them are warm, Nino rightly considered George the head of the family, because he was the main and only man in life, both Nino and II Borisovna. Communication with his brother is based on trust, but Nino prefers to share news with him very delicately and respectfully, as befits a real Georgian family.


Personal life

Nino inherited beauty and talent from the famous mother, but, fortunately, not failure in love. Nino Ninidze’s personal life and biography were never put on public display, the girl was never seen in a dizzying love relationship.

The first and only relationship that the public became aware of was her romance with actor Kirill Pletnev.

Young people should be grateful for their acquaintance to Nikita Mikhalkov. It was he who organized the “Cinema Train” VGIK-95, where he invited both Kirill Pletnev and Nino Ninidze with his mother.

The project was dedicated to the anniversary of the institute. A train with stars "on board" departed from Moscow to Vladivostok. On the way, celebrities staged vivid concerts for residents of large cities.

Cyril really liked the Georgian beauty and he did not miss the opportunity to establish a relationship with her right in front of her mother. Young people returned from the trip as a couple. Relations developed very rapidly. Cyril and Nino almost immediately began to live together.


Many feared that for the famous conqueror of female hearts, the girl would become another star lover, because in his biography before Nino Ninidze there was a short relationship with such actresses as Tatyana Arntgolts, Alisa Grebenshchikova, Ksenia Katalymova.

But the fears did not materialize: Cyril was very serious. And the young lover was never embarrassed by his biography. Photos of Nino Ninidze along with Cyril only confirm this.

A few months after meeting Nino became pregnant. The first-born for Ninidze and the third child of Cyril was born. They called the boy Sasha.

The official wedding of Nino Ninidze and Kirill Pletnev has not yet taken place. But the couple’s friends report that the grand event was not long in coming.

Meanwhile, the lovers have been living in a happy civil marriage for two years now and are raising a son.
