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Norwegian men: appearance, character, types, behavior patterns and photos

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Norwegian men: appearance, character, types, behavior patterns and photos
Norwegian men: appearance, character, types, behavior patterns and photos

Video: How to Describe a Person in English - Spoken English Lesson 2024, June

Video: How to Describe a Person in English - Spoken English Lesson 2024, June

Norwegian men today attract many of our compatriots. After all, they live in an amazing and comfortable country, completely inhabited by romantics. True, if you decide to go here, then be prepared for the fact that outwardly these are secretive, intractable and severe people, so you can expect many surprises. Norway is a real country of contrasts.

Features of locals


Norwegian men are classic representatives of Nordic-looking bearers. Its most characteristic features are a long and elongated skull, because of which a person seems too strict and focused. This effect is enhanced by the protruding chin, vertical cheekbones and straight nose. Another distinctive feature is the convex nape.

A man of this appearance almost always seems responsible, serious, capable of hesitating to tackle any problem. From a photo of Norwegian men you can make a full impression of what the majority of local residents look like.

Behind such a person you will definitely feel like behind a stone wall, which is why many Russians are so attracted to Norwegian men.

Meet the Norwegians


Experienced conquerors of hearts note that there are much fewer Norwegian men in the country than women, so finding a free local resident and getting to know him should not be difficult. In addition, many Norwegians themselves seek to marry foreigners, disappointed in their compatriots. Most of them are too emancipated, generally refuse to create a family.

As a result, getting to know a Norwegian man might be a good idea. Due to the fact that foreigners seek marriage with local residents, the Norwegians are willing to marry them. This is how international marriages are created.

It is worth noting that early weddings in Norway are very rare. So be prepared, if a man married a Russian woman, then this was a conscious choice, he will appreciate and love his wife. Having married, the Norwegians put the family above their careers.


As a rule, Norwegians are brave people who are not afraid to take risks and try their luck to find happiness with a woman from another country. Such men always have the opportunity to do something, regardless of their wealth. They easily come up with how to have fun and usefully spend their free time with their chosen one, moreover, they are never ashamed to show emotions and feelings that they really experience.

Such men are ready to prove to everyone around that his wife is the best girl in the world. In response, they rely on female sincerity, perceiving it as a gift. Norwegians are often vulnerable, need support and affection. However, most of them are modest and educated.


Of course, all the men in this case are very different, but most of them can highlight some typical features. These include seriousness, honesty, responsibility, naivety and decency. Moreover, they are unpretentious and even modest in everyday life. In this country it’s not customary to live luxuriously, even if you have a lot of money. Nothing is displayed here. They are easily ready to help their spouse in any business, for example, to cope with the household.

Most men prefer to spend free time in nature. Their priority is fishing, hiking in the woods for a picnic. Moreover, they prefer to go fishing not with friends, but with the whole family.

In addition, the Norwegians are completely unpretentious in food, the only thing they can not stand is a lie. If a man has promised something, then he will surely keep his word. In most cases, they are law-abiding, they are not afraid of any bureaucratic obstacles and cabinets, because they grew up in a free country.

Some of them are convinced teetotalers. Also, they never leave their children without support, even if there is a gap in the family. Participate in the upbringing, no matter how difficult the relationship with their mother.



One of the main distinguishing features of modern men is their idea of ​​equality. They are enviable grooms, as they willingly help around the house, for them there is no clear separation between female and male work.

Even at the state level, equal rights are guaranteed to women and men in employment, as well as in family life, in elections, especially given that many modern Norwegian girls prefer to work.

Therefore, equal rights to perform household chores and raise children are distributed in the same way as all other cases. For example, maternity leave for childcare here takes men at least as often as their wives. In Russia, such an option is also provided, but in reality only a few use it.

Love for children


Another distinctive feature of the Norwegian male character is the love of children. Caring fathers with diapers and bottles for feeding here can be found quite often. For a Norwegian, a child is a great value; he will never refuse it, even after a divorce, if that happens.

Almost everything is allowed for children in Norway. With their appearance, families prefer to move to the outskirts of the city, where the climate and environment will be more favorable for the baby. Some even leave for the village, buying there a small house with a garden.

In addition, many already have small suburban estates in which, after giving birth, they prefer to visit as often as possible. It is worth noting that the Norwegians will react well to the fact if his lover already has children. Having a child does not prevent them from having a relationship, expecting a strong marriage in the future.

Famous Norwegians


The appearance of Norwegian men can be concluded by meeting with well-known representatives from the world of show business. First of all, we are talking about models and actors.

Perhaps, among the well-known Norwegian male models, the most popular in recent years remains the fashion model Andreas Eriksen. He got into this field in 2011, when a friend convinced him that he really can make a career in this field. So a 23-year-old young man ended up in a modeling agency in Oslo.

He is a classic representative of a handsome Norwegian man with dark blond hair and gray-blue eyes. He regularly takes part in fashion shows, remaining for several years the most popular representative of this country in the fashion industry.

Stig Henrik Hoff


There are several famous Norwegian male actors who are the personification of national cinema. One of them is Stig Henrik Hoff. He was born in 1965 in the small town of Vads.

Before becoming an actor, he changed many professions. Hoff worked as a chef in a restaurant, as a welder, until in 1991 he made his debut in the little-known film "Changeling". After that he played a large number of roles in film and television, working in several theaters.

Already in 1997, he was nominated for the national equivalent of the Oscar Award "Amanda" for his role in the film "Scorched by Frost."

Among his most famous works, one should mention the detective thriller Erich Hortnagall "The One Who Is Not Afraid of Wolves", the drama by Hans Petter Moland "Comrade Pedersen", the drama by Niels Haup "The Rebellion in Kautokeino", the fantastic thriller by Mattis van Heinigen "Something", the melodrama Torun Liana "Victoria: A Love Story", a historical and adventure action movie by Niels Geup Birkebeiners.