
The latest weapons of Ukraine. What weapons are in service with Ukraine

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The latest weapons of Ukraine. What weapons are in service with Ukraine
The latest weapons of Ukraine. What weapons are in service with Ukraine

Video: Ukrainian Military Strength (Latest Update)/- How Strong Is Ukraine? 2024, July

Video: Ukrainian Military Strength (Latest Update)/- How Strong Is Ukraine? 2024, July

Modern high technologies have given impetus to the development of human society in all spheres of life. Unfortunately, inventions are not always created and used for good. Many of them can harm people, and some are made specifically for this. We are talking about weapons - a terrible, destructive force that can kill thousands of people by pressing just one button. In the context of the political situation in Ukraine, weapons began to play a particularly important role. What weapons does this country have?

Terms from the Ukrainian law on weapons

Weapons of Ukraine is a term denoting various types of devices designed to destroy or eliminate a living or non-living target, a static or dynamic object. This concept refers only to those objects that have no other purposes, except for the above.

Small arms of Ukraine is a type of weapon designed to hit a specific target at a certain distance, which works thanks to an instant chemical reaction after it is activated using gunpowder or another substance. The calibration of such weapons should not exceed 2.5 centimeters, otherwise it will no longer belong to this variety. Smoothbore combat units are considered one of the types of small arms. They can be attributed to this category because of certain characteristics of the trunk.


Another variety of these mechanisms for hitting a target is a cold weapon. Ukraine is a country in which this type of weapon is used quite often, especially during events on the Maidan. It is mainly intended for hitting a target in direct contact with it, but the main characteristic is that a person should set it in motion with the help of its own muscles.

Types of weapons in Ukraine

The weapons of Ukraine can be divided into several main types, which, in turn, consist of subtypes with certain characteristics. So, among the main types of weapons are: military, civilian (it includes sports, award, signal, hunting weapons, as well as pieces of equipment for self-defense), service, cold and imitation weapons. Each of these types of weapons has its own specific characteristics and standards of operation, which are prescribed in the legislation of Ukraine. Their use without special permission or out of duty is punishable by law and is unlawful.

Weapon bans in Ukraine

The arms of Ukraine are controlled by the authorities, therefore, its unauthorized circulation is prosecuted by law. So, on the territory of this state the circulation of weapons that are not included in the list of officially permitted, as well as unofficial transactions related to the sale and purchase of weapons themselves and their corresponding ammunition is prohibited. It is legally forbidden to use home-made and personally modified weapon units that have not passed the state audit, do not meet the standards and can be dangerous not only during use, but also during storage and transportation. It is also unlawful to use a weapon that imitates any safe objects with its appearance and thereby can be misleading when activated.


For the use, storage, movement of weapons on the territory of Ukraine must be a special permit. Without it, it is forbidden to put into operation combat units that have some features in their design. For example, you cannot use explosive or incendiary bullets, balls in which the center of gravity is displaced, and other ammunition.

A weapons permit in Ukraine is issued by government agencies or in connection with established official duties that permit and imply the carrying of a certain type of weapon and ammunition to it.

Production of weapons

State control is also subject to any military weapons. Ukraine has developed several laws that prohibit the production, repair and sale of ammunition and pieces of equipment without a special permit, which is issued to individuals by special authorities.


Upon receipt of such a document, the manufacturer becomes the owner of the developing combat units and may receive income from their sale, creation or repair. Accordingly, the license allows for testing activities for new types of weapons in order to improve them and verify the main parts of its design.

In turn, military weapons can and should be manufactured only by order of the state armed forces, the Ministry of Defense or other bodies that act in the interests of the whole country.

The acquisition of weapons in Ukraine

Many groups of citizens can buy weapons, a list of which is established by the current legislation of Ukraine. So, with a special permit, weapons can be purchased by individuals who, by occupation or in connection with a license, have the right to purchase and carry weapons of various types. Also, organizations and companies whose employees are assigned weapons on duty (for example, various security companies) have this right. Cultural institutions involved in the restoration and subsequent exhibition of captured and other types of weapons are allowed to purchase and repair combat units.

For temporary use, weapons are provided to officials whose safety is of great importance to the state, as well as to the people protecting them.

Acquisition, repair, operation and sale can be carried out by individuals and companies who are legally given the right to all of the above actions.

Restrictions are also imposed on specific types of weapons, for example, smooth-bore weapons. Ukraine at the legislative level prohibits taking any action in relation to this type of equipment with explosive bullets or cartridges with a displaced center of gravity, if the individual or organization is not related to the state army.

Release of the latest weapons in Ukraine

Ukraine’s latest weapon is the topic that was raised at the press conference by the adviser to the Minister of Defense of this country A. Danilyuk. He said that, thanks to intelligence, it was possible to get the scheme of Russian technology used by opposition forces in the Donbass. Danilyuk also said that these weapons can be improved. If the weapon can be created and modified, it can be supplied not only to the active Ukrainian army, but also exported to other states. This branch of trade is not yet very developed in Ukraine. Sales of the latest weapons abroad will allow the state to reach a new level in the field of trade in military equipment.


Advisor to the Minister noted that at the moment many countries are interested in buying new military developments. The latest weapons of Ukraine, as well as ammunition, are planned to be released in the near future and in the future to put production on stream.

Armored vehicles in service with Ukraine

The weapons of Ukraine can be divided into several categories. One of them is armored vehicles, which are now being used especially actively by soldiers of the army. The most popular and frequently operated tank is the T-55-64. On its basis, it is planned to manufacture a new modified tank, which was announced in 2007 by the leaders of the Kharkov Armored Plant. T-55-64 is equipped with armored sheets with a thickness of 20-80 mm, as well as a 100 mm gun. This combat unit can reach speeds of up to 60 km / h and pass without refueling up to 600 km.

The predecessor of the T-55-64 is the T-80, which began to be released back in Soviet times. This tank has been the main weapon since 1976. The car was modified three times. The modern tank (T-80UD) has a diesel engine and a power reserve of 560 km.


In addition to tanks, the Ukrainian army is equipped with various artillery mounts. So, the newest of them is the Bastion-03 complex, an improved version of Hurricane. Thanks to this military equipment, you can destroy a living target, enemy combat units, various buildings and fortifications. Since Ukraine’s nuclear weapons do not yet exist, this complex, along with tanks, is the main type of military equipment.


The main Ukrainian machine, created on the basis of AK-74 - "Vepr". Plastic pads on the machine can avoid prolonged contact with the metal parts of the weapon, so recoil is reduced, it is more convenient to fire. The Veprya store is designed for 30 shells. Multiple modifications of the machine were made, the last in January 2015.

Fort 17 is also a traumatic weapon. This type of pistols has been produced in Ukraine since 2004. This type of weapon is often used during modern combat operations in the Donbass region. The standard stock of ammunition for this gun is 12 or 13 pieces, depending on the specific modification of the weapon.

Types of missile weapons of Ukraine

Since Ukraine’s nuclear weapons do not exist to date, the army of this state uses a large number of various missile systems, including Sapsan. The development of this type of weaponry began in 1999, and then was suspended. Since the beginning of 2015, it is planned to resume work on the creation of the Sapsan using the latest high technologies.

In the Soviet Union, the R-27 rocket was created, which helped to conduct a battle in the air and intercept aircraft. The defeat of the target could be carried out day and night with a huge range of distances (up to 25 km).


Arms of Ukraine and the USA

Many American politicians support the idea that it is necessary to cooperate with Ukraine in the field of armaments, since the United States has enormous military potential and holds the view that the Russian Federation entered into an open confrontation with Ukraine, supplying various equipment to the rebel armies of the DPR and LPR. At many summits and press conferences, Western politicians and public figures have repeatedly noted that Ukraine should "fight for its own identity and independence, " but it does not have enough military power to withstand such a power as Russia.
