
New species of plants and animals discovered by scientists in 2019. Photos of some of them

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New species of plants and animals discovered by scientists in 2019. Photos of some of them
New species of plants and animals discovered by scientists in 2019. Photos of some of them

Video: 10 Unique Animals You Won’t Believe Exist 2024, July

Video: 10 Unique Animals You Won’t Believe Exist 2024, July

It would seem that our little blue planet has been fully studied. But on Earth there are still many mysterious surprises! Almost daily, scientists discover new species of animals and plants.

In 2019, researchers from California added more than seventy new species to the "family tree" of our planet. Among these newly discovered creatures are 17 fish, 4 eels, 15 geckos, 6 sea slugs, 3 scinkas, 8 flowering plants, 5 arachnids, 3 species of ants, 2 ridge, 2 coral, 2 moss, 2 species of wasps and 2 lizards. 5 continents and 3 oceans were explored.

In our article you will see some of the best photos of these amazing creatures.

New genus and species of Myrmecicultor chihuahuensis

You can see a photo of a representative of this family of myrmecophilous spiders at the beginning of the article. Insects were found in the Mexican desert of Chihuahua. The length of an adult does not exceed 3 cm.

Siphamia Arnazae (Cardinal Cat's Eye)


A new species of perch was discovered in Papua New Guinea. These ray-finned fish live in sea reefs at a depth of 8-20 m. The length of an adult does not exceed 2.1 cm. The color ranges from transparent pale pink to reddish-orange with many orange spots on the head and front of the body. The most striking feature of the species is the "cat's eye" - a black stripe passing through the center of the eyeball and framed by white crescents.


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Lizard Cordylus Phonolithos


This is a belt-tailed lizard from Serra da Neve Inselberg (Namibe province, southwestern Angola). The specific epithet phonolithos is a noun derived from the Greek words phono (sound) and lithos (rock), which means "singing stone."

Shrimp goby Tomiyamichthys Emilyae


These fish were found in the Lembekh Strait (North Sulawesi Province, Indonesia). Four specimens with a length of 32.4-43.7 mm were examined. Diagnostic features include:

  • large canvas-like dorsal fin without filamentous rays;
  • bases of dorsal fin merge;
  • the anterior nostril is surrounded by an elongated, partially closed tube;
  • the color is generally brown with 10 or 11 low-contrast dark stripes on the lateral body;
  • small white spots on the dorsal surface of the head;
  • the first dorsal fin is orange or blue-gray with a mosaic of irregular dark brown markings;
  • the second dorsal, caudal, and pelvic fins are tan, with blue stripes or rows of dark brown spots;

Representatives of the species were found on the sandy gravel bottom, subject to periodic strong currents at a depth of 17-23 m.

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Slime Janolus Tricellarioides


This amazing sea slug was found in the Philippines. Despite the fact that at the moment many species of marine slugs are described, new representatives do not cease to amaze. One example is Janolus Tricellarioides, especially colorful and stunning.

Fish Ecsenius Springeri


This new species belongs to dog-like fish. Scientists have discovered 6 specimens 32.7-42.8 mm long in Indonesia. The group differs from the congeners by the presence of a narrower black middle lateral strip; a more distinct white stripe along the middle side of the body and a vast orange area on the back half of the body.

Fish Eviota Gunawanae


This is a new microendemic dwarf from the Fakfak Peninsula (Indonesia). The maximum length of an adult is 1.6 cm. These small vertebrates inhabit a depth of 35-55 m, preferring to hide in reefs.


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Shrimp goby Vanderhorstia Dawnarnallae


These crustaceans were found in the Far Eastern regions of Indonesia. The adult individual has a length of about 3.8 cm. The color of the new bull is gray-white with clusters of blue and yellow spots. The new species is named after Dawn Arnall, the man who financed the expedition and supports the initiative to preserve the habitat of these fish.

Spider Cinetomorpha Sur


A new species of spiders is found in Mexico. The length of these small, bright arthropods does not exceed 2 mm.