
Capuchin monkeys: house keeping features

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Capuchin monkeys: house keeping features
Capuchin monkeys: house keeping features

Video: Capuchin Monkeys | Wild Caribbean | BBC Earth 2024, July

Video: Capuchin Monkeys | Wild Caribbean | BBC Earth 2024, July

Today it is becoming popular to keep exotic animals at home. Often, capuchin monkeys are chosen as the family's favorite, and this is not surprising, since these kids are interesting, provocative and cute. These primates are not difficult to buy, you just need to contact the nearest zoo or nursery. But before deciding on such an acquisition, it is important to find out all the subtleties of keeping such animals. Having taken care of this in advance, you will avoid unnecessary worries and create comfortable conditions for capuchin.

Monkey description


This species of monkey belongs to the genus of chain-tailed. They use their long tail, equal to the length of the body, when moving along branches. Monkeys grow up to 60 cm in length. Moreover, their weight does not exceed five kilograms, usually less. Their hair is thick throughout the body. Capuchin monkeys are divided into 4 species and several subspecies, so their color depends on the variety. But they all have a distinctive feature: there is a black spot on the head that resembles a hat or a hood. The muzzle is light. For some, the “cap” is not so noticeable, but at the same time it drops from the crown to the nose and ends with a blade.

Monkey character

These animals are very active and impulsive. They run fast. They move well on four legs on the ground and just as well jump on branches. Although they are wild animals, people get used to it quickly. Capuchins make a loud whistle, they communicate with sounds and at the same time their facial expressions are very developed. Expressing their faces, they express their emotions.


The brain of these primates is well developed. They are smart enough and can learn complex things. Often capuchin monkeys copy some gestures and actions of their owners. Given the active nature of these babies, it is worth remembering that their maintenance and care require a lot of time, patience, as well as funds. So that the baby does not stumble on trouble, do not leave it unattended with complete freedom of movement. For walks on the street, a leash is required, otherwise the monkey can escape.

Nutrition and maintenance

In order for the monkey to receive the necessary trace elements, its diet must be varied. In nature, these animals consume fruits, bird eggs, and chicks. They also catch insects and small lizards. Therefore, the home menu should have vegetables and fruits, for example apples, grapes, bananas, potatoes, oranges, peas, carrots. These products can be both raw and cooked. Hard boiled eggs for them. Sometimes you can pamper your baby with fish, chicken or beef. In pet stores you can find cookies and canned food for primates. Do not forget that you can’t overfeed them with sweets, because capuchin monkeys can suffer from diabetes. Bread and cereals are given to the animal in limited quantities. Since the animal is exotic, it is best to consult a specialist about a balanced menu.


Also, the monkey should have its own aviary in order to leave it there when no one is watching it. The length of such a "house" should be more than 1.5 meters. It needs to be equipped with ladders, ropes and safe toys.


After the monkey is brought into the house, problems can immediately arise, since these animals can be afraid or show their temper. This moment cannot be missed, and you must immediately show that you are stronger, but at the same time remain a loving host, from whom you can find refuge. If improperly raised, capuchins can become aggressive and even bite. It is important to immediately nip and punish.

Owners are also interested in how many capuchin monkeys live. With proper care, these primates can live for more than 25 years. Therefore, before you get such an animal, you need to think about whether you will get tired during this time, because capuchin, like a small child, requires a lot of attention and proper care.



Another nuance that needs to be considered is medical care, because the brown capuchin monkey is a primate that is physiologically close to humans and can become a carrier of diseases. If a family has a cold or other illness, it is likely to affect the monkey. An ordinary veterinarian may not be worthy of treatment; you need to find a veterinarian who specializes in primates. Every year, the baby must undergo a physical examination and donate blood for tests. Also annually you need to check your pet for tuberculosis. In addition, capuchin should receive a sufficient amount of UV rays. To do this, it is better to purchase a tanning lamp.