
Society as a sociocultural system: approaches to definition

Society as a sociocultural system: approaches to definition
Society as a sociocultural system: approaches to definition

Video: Sociocultural Systems 2024, June

Video: Sociocultural Systems 2024, June

Today in sociology there is no single definition of the concept of "society." Theorists argue about the features that make up this category, about the essence of the term. The search for the latter enriched sociological science with two opposing positions with respect to the main characteristics of society. T. Parsons, E. Durkheim and other proponents of the first approach argue that society is, first and foremost, a collection of people. E. Giddens and scientists who share his point of view place at the forefront the system of relations that develop between people.


A population of people, in the absence of a community uniting them, cannot be called a society. This condition is characteristic of people who lived in a natural environment in ancient times. On the other hand, a system of relations and values ​​cannot exist independently, in the absence of carriers of these values. This means that the features highlighted by representatives of both approaches are integral characteristics of society. However, if values ​​die without carriers, then an aggregate of people not burdened with values ​​in the process of joint life activity can develop their own system of relations. Therefore, society as a sociocultural system is a collection of people developing a specific system of relations in the process of joint activity, which is characterized by certain values, culture.


In accordance with the functional paradigm, society as a sociocultural system includes several components:

  • Collectives - differentiated communities united by specific goals;

  • Values ​​- cultural patterns, ideas and pillars shared and defended by members of society;

  • Norms - regulators of behavior, ensuring order and mutual understanding in society;

  • Roles are models of personality behavior, determined by the forms of their relationship with other subjects.

Society as a sociocultural system is a set of social groups and individuals whose interaction is coordinated and ordered by special social institutions: legal and social norms, traditions, institutions, interests, attitudes, etc.

Society as a socio-cultural system is not only a theoretical category, it is a living, dynamic system that is in constant motion. The values ​​of society are not static, they change as a result of the refraction of external events through the prism of consciousness of social groups. Traditions and attitudes are changing, but do not cease to exist, being the most important connecting link between people.


One of the most important values ​​of modern society is material well-being. Consumer society is the result of the development of capitalism. Mass consumption of material goods and the formation of an appropriate system of values ​​characterize such a society. The philosophy of the members of such a society is the development of progress and the improvement of technologies to increase the volume of production of material goods.

The future of society depends on the form and quality of work of the institutions of socialization. Supporting family and marriage institutions, providing free and accessible education are the most important areas that determine the prospects for each social system.