
A single-member constituency is A single-mandate constituency

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A single-member constituency is A single-mandate constituency
A single-member constituency is A single-mandate constituency

Video: Single-member districts made simple - 6 pm News 2024, June

Video: Single-member districts made simple - 6 pm News 2024, June

Not all go to the polls. The fact is that people do not particularly understand how they go. The systems are different, and the elections themselves, too. They tell you that you need to go and vote in a single-member district. What is this? This is precisely the first thought of most voters. What does such an expression mean, and what should one do with it? Let's eliminate "political illiteracy."


Single-seat constituency

In order to understand what it is about, nothing needs to be invented. We turn to the law (by which elections are held). It clearly says: a single-mandate constituency is a territory from which you can nominate only one representative to a collegial body. That is, there can be many candidates, and only one will win. Such a constituency is formed under various electoral systems. Among them indicate majority, multiparty, proportional and direct delegation. It turns out that a single-mandate constituency is a fairly common concept. It can be found in various laws and acts regulating the will of various groups of the population. The meaning of voting comes down to choosing one of many. The issues of constituency formation, their work and other nuances are determined by special acts. If we talk about elections to local governments, then the relevant law.


How constituencies are formed

This work is entrusted to the Central Election Commission. It compiles lists of single-mandate constituencies subject to certain conditions. All of them should have approximately the same number of voters. That is, each candidate to the body formed by this vote must have equal conditions with others. For example, when elections to the State Duma are held, then each single-member constituency must unite a certain number of voters. This is necessary in order to create conditions for equal participation of citizens in the political life of the country. After all, their representative will express their opinion in the formed body. If this condition is not met, then we get a disproportionality of the rights of voters. For example, one deputy will defend the rights of hundreds of citizens, and another - thousands. It is clear that some people will feel infringed on their rights. It turns out that a single-mandate constituency is a form of respect for justice during plebiscites. Deviation from the average number of voters is allowed. But it should not exceed ten percent, for hard-to-reach areas - fifteen.


Binding to the administrative-territorial division

There are some other conditions that are observed when forming districts. They cannot unite citizens living in various regions of the Russian Federation. That is, in each of them their districts are formed. Moreover, the first condition on the equal number of voters must be observed. The exceptions are territories separated from the subject itself, so to speak, enclaves. In addition, such a district is formed only from territories bordering each other. For example, neighboring villages and cities, districts, and so on. It is impossible to connect settlements in one district that are divided by other territories that are not included in this entity. In practice, attachment is made to administrative-territorial units in order to maintain proportionality of representation. In each constituent entity of the Russian Federation, at least one district is created.


Documentary rationale

The scheme of single-member constituencies should be developed no later than one hundred ninety days before the expiration of the powers of the working State Duma. It is submitted to this body for consideration and approval. The following data must be indicated in it: name and number of each district, list of administrative-territorial units included in it. In fact, this is a list of cities, villages, towns, districts, and so on. If one megalopolis is divided between several districts, then the boundaries are clearly defined. The following is the address of the election commission, the number of citizens eligible to vote. The Duma approves the scheme by a special law, which is made public one hundred and twenty days before the expiration of its term of office.

Exceptional conditions

Legislatively prescribed what to do if the State Duma is not able to comply with the requirement to publish a list of single-member districts. This can theoretically happen if it is dissolved. Then the decision is made by the Central Election Commission. There are two of them. Either it is necessary to conduct elections according to the old scheme, which was approved for the past popular will of the same order, or the commission forms and approves a new one by its own decision. It is formed taking into account all of the above conditions. That is, in this case, the functions of the State Duma are transferred to the CEC. All this must be resolved and made public within ten days. In the case of early elections - seventy-five days before the expiration of the powers of the current body.