
Okara Andrei Nikolaevich: biography, activities and interesting facts

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Okara Andrei Nikolaevich: biography, activities and interesting facts
Okara Andrei Nikolaevich: biography, activities and interesting facts

Okara Andrei Nikolaevich is a colorful character that is hard to miss. Every now and then he appears on television, easily changes channels and glows in a wide variety of programs. He was represented as an expert in the program “Meeting Place” and “Time Will Show”. But the main thing is that he clearly defends the “Ukrainian question” and easily places emphasis in the politics of Ukraine. Who is he? Where he was born? And why is his person often associated with various scandals? We will talk about him later in the article.

Okara Andrey Nikolaevich: current biography

Andrei Nikolaevich was born in the Russian city of Podolsk, Moscow Region. Despite the place of his birth, he cannot be called completely Russian. According to the hero himself, in his family there were ethnic Ukrainians, Irish, and even Don Cossacks-Old Believers. A variety of sources telling about the author confirm this information.

From childhood, the boy’s parents, who were Ukrainians, taught him the language, culture and customs that are characteristic of the inhabitants of Ukraine. That is why Andrei Nikolaevich Okara is considered one of the brightest Russian political scientists who are fluent in the Ukrainian language.


Education and student years

Andrei Nikolaevich studied at a regular secondary school in the suburbs. After graduation, he successfully passed the entrance exams and was enrolled in the first year of Moscow State University. Here he comprehended the foundations and subtleties of law, and also engaged in self-education. During his studies, many remembered his extraordinary perseverance and great desire for knowledge. Thanks to what Okara Andrey Nikolaevich graduated from high school with honors. And later he was invited to graduate school of the Institute of State and Law at the Russian Academy of Sciences. During graduate school, our hero became interested in political issues. Especially he was seduced by sociology, the theory of civilizations and geopolitics.

He then defended his doctoral dissertation on Russian conservatism of the 20th century. In it, he managed to raise issues of politics, law and combine them with conservatism.


Newspaper and online publications

In addition to his passion for politics, philosophy and law, Okara, Andrei Nikolayevich seriously engaged in journalistic activities. Despite the fact that he did not have a specialized education, Andrei managed to write over 100 different articles. And he published them not only in the Russian, but also in the Ukrainian and Belarusian press. Of the topics, the following prevail:

  • politics (Russian-Ukrainian, partially Belarusian relations);
  • social philosophy;
  • geopolitics and others (description of the strategy of “soft power”, positioning of regions, state development).

Currently, our hero maintains his blog, and is also a constant expert in several Ukrainian and Russian online publications. For example, his publications can be found on the pages of sites: Politik-hall, Russian Archipelago, Censor.net and others.


A few words about your pen samples

In addition to articles, Andrei Nikolaevich also wrote several literary works. Despite the fact that they have not become bestsellers, they are talked about, remembered and known about. Among his most famous works, perhaps, the fantastic novel “The Smell of a Dead Word”, the novel “Walks with Shevchenko”, “Oksanin Myth of Shevchenko” and “Notes of Kiev Doctor Faust” stand out.

All these books were written by Okara Andrei Nikolaevich. His family at that time supported, encouraged and encouraged him in every possible way. Inspired by family care, the author himself was ready to write further. However, our hero did not work out with a writing career. His already small repertoire was no longer expanding, as Andrei did not write further. He began to reflect his thoughts in articles, reviews and essays. And later he began to be invited to various political shows and programs.


Participation in shows and television programs

Thanks to his vast experience and knowledge, Andrei Nikolaevich often becomes the hero of various programs, mainly of a political orientation. For example, on many shows he was a visiting expert, well versed in the issues of the Ukrainian crisis.

According to his opponents, he always answers clearly, using facts and solely in the case. He is spoken of as a political scientist who “intelligently” swears and argues with opponents. Although his participation in the show often becomes scandalous and even accompanied by a fight. What do you want ?! The show has a show. That's exactly what Okara Andrey Nikolayevich himself thinks. The orientation of our hero, for example, has become one of such scandalous topics.


In particular, in one of the programs affecting the rights of sexual minorities, Andrei Nikolayevich, who fiercely defended representatives of same-sex love, was accused of being gay. And this despite the fact that they say that he has a wife, children. Okara Andrey Nikolaevich was indignant that day with unflattering words addressed to him, for which he gave a slap to his offender. And what a sin to conceal, the hero himself sometimes gets nuts …

Live Bailout

During the live broadcast of “Special Correspondent” on November 21, 2014, Andrei Okara will receive a slap in the face from Konstantin Dolgov. According to the participants in the incident, the passions were heated after our hero intervened in the story of the native Ukrainian Dolgov about the state of affairs in the Donbass. As a result, when the opinion of the opponent Konstantin did not coincide with the conclusions of Okara, an unplanned embarrassment happened, and during the live broadcast.


Some myths and scandals around personal life

In addition to political opinion, our hero was repeatedly criticized for certain views and support for national minorities. As we said above, the political scientist supported the representatives of the LGBT community and claimed that they also have their rights.

Due to this support, Andrei Okara's personal life regularly suffered. His biography, although it does not contain facts confirming the unconventional orientation of the author, was regularly discussed by his detractors.

Andrei is often compared to the media star and critic Sergei Sosedov, with whom he has a certain visual similarity. Also attacked was too "non-male", according to envious people, the voice of Andrei Okar. The hero’s wife may have one. That's just nothing is known about her. The same goes for children. How many of them, what gender they are, and whether he has them at all. Andrei himself refrains from commenting on the family.


Friend or foe: misunderstanding by fellow soldiers

As we have already said, Andrei regularly discusses the political situation in Ukraine and Russia. Despite his obvious “pro-Ukrainian” position, our hero is not too loved in the country of his ancestors. It is not known what representatives of the Ukrainian security service did not like, but on April 18, 2015, the political scientist was shamefully deported to his homeland. Now no one lets him go back.

Attempts to change political status

Despite all his love of politics, Andrei did not succeed in getting into the State Duma. He ran there during the 2003 elections. But the selection did not pass.

Political Correctness and Integrity

Thanks to his vast experience, knowledge and influence, Okara regularly becomes a leading expert in the field of politics and philosophy. According to the stories of his many opponents, our hero is very politically correct in relation to people who do not support his point of view. Firstly, he does not impose it on anyone. Secondly, he respects the opinions of others. And finally, he never “drowns” his opponents intentionally and for money. In his opinion, this is tactless and wrong. Moreover, our hero is very disrespectful to the "black PR" and does not like to assert itself due to the humiliation of other people.