
Olga Vasilyeva - actress with a capital letter

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Olga Vasilyeva - actress with a capital letter
Olga Vasilyeva - actress with a capital letter

Video: Creative Time with Olga Heldwein using Tracy Evans New Release 2024, July

Video: Creative Time with Olga Heldwein using Tracy Evans New Release 2024, July

Olga Vasilieva is an actress, a brilliant, characteristic, honored artist of Russia, captivates the audience with a natural play and a deep chest voice. It is not as well known to the general public as we would like, but it is known to theater patrons and critics who are happy to watch how Olga Vasilyeva plays. Now she is involved in the play based on the novel by A.P. Chekhov's "Duel" and still plays in performances in the theater "La Theater".

Actress Olga Vasilyeva: biography

Olga Vasilyeva was born in 1967 on August 23 in the city of Chisinau of the Moldavian SSR. Unfortunately, little is known about parents, since she practically does not give interviews, but it is known that from childhood the girl dreamed of becoming an actress. She had luxurious red hair and freckles all over her face.


Already from childhood, the character of the future actress was manifested. Trying on outfits, playing roles, being in the spotlight - all this was Olechka's favorite pastime. And it is not surprising that at thirteen, the girl began to serve in the theater. Then it was the Theater of the Soviet Army, now it was renamed the Theater of the Russian Army.

Student years

In 1984, Olga entered GITIS on an acting and directing course under the guidance of L. E. Heifits. There she meets her first husband, Igor Vetrov. The most interesting thing is that both of them were red, both came to Moscow from other cities, lived in a hostel and fell in love with each other.

The actor recalled that they dreamed of a wedding and at the end of the fourth year, in January 1987, they finally got married. The wedding was a student, fun. The groom borrowed a festive embassy costume from his friend from Angola, a student of the director’s faculty, and Olga Vasilieva (actress) put on Ranevskaya’s dress from the performance “Cherry Orchard”.


From this marriage they had a son Arseny. The kid then had to carry around with him, as young parents worked actively. Finally, they got a one-room apartment, but they could not live happily ever after.

Meeting with Dmitry Nazarov

Olga Vasilieva, actress and wife, meets the person with whom she still lives. During this period, Olga was involved in the performances of the Army Theater, and it was in this theater that Dmitry Nazarov came to serve. At that time, he was married to the director of the Bolshoi Theater Natalia Krasnoyarskaya, who had a daughter Masha, the future actress Maria Poroshina.

When Olga Vasilyeva and Dmitry Nazarov realized that they love each other, they decided to unite with one only condition: they must have a baby. Indeed, after some time, the daughter of Arina was born to happy parents.

Vasilieva Olga Anatolyevna is an actress of a happy fate, she had to play in many performances and films, but the main meaning of life for her is family. In an interview with Oksana Pushkina, she talks about her husband and children, it is noticeable how she values ​​her loved ones and tries to be a real keeper of the hearth.


Spouses lead a rather hidden lifestyle, Dmitry Nazarov as a real father and husband in every possible way protects his loved ones from external interference. In addition to serving in the same theater, they also co-starred in series such as Law and Challenge.

Creativity of the actress

Since 2005, Olga has gone to the Moscow Art and Academic Theater, where she plays in such performances as "The Shining City", "Twelve Paintings from the Artist's Life", "Dance of the Albatross", "Duck Hunt".

Olga Vasilieva is a characteristic actress and remembers her role in the film "Golden Bottom", where she starred with Rolan Bykov. Rolan Antonovich taught her to play in front of the camera: "Do not do it differently, do it once so that nothing is cut out." That is, he taught her acting skills, gave her complete freedom and advised her to play without any repetitions, as if, at one time, not to delay a pause.

Actress Olga Vasilyeva recalls her roles with warmth, especially the play "Paul the First", where she played with such an outstanding artist as Oleg Borisov. During this period, she was pregnant, and in the role she had to play Oleg Ivanovich's mistress. The artist did not let his partner go on maternity leave for a long time. Olga often tells how Oleg Borisov replied to her words that he would soon give birth on stage: “Nothing, Pavel II will be born.”

Together with Dmitry Nazarov, Olga played in the play "Celebration of the Soul", where, according to the script, the couple constantly sorted out the relationship. But then in life they had quiet and smooth surface for a long time. In general, when asked whether they often quarrel and resent each other, Olga and Dmitry answer that they resolve all misunderstandings immediately.