
Olga Viktorovna Shuvalova: biography, photo, personal life

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Olga Viktorovna Shuvalova: biography, photo, personal life
Olga Viktorovna Shuvalova: biography, photo, personal life

Olga Viktorovna Shuvalova, despite her husband’s high public office, leads a fairly calm life and is absorbed in her favorite pastime. For the sake of peace and prosperity of the family, a successful woman left her career and left headlong into family affairs.

Where was born and raised

Olga Viktorovna Shuvalova was born in 1966. Every year she celebrates her birthday on March 27. Since childhood, Olga had an analytical mindset. At the end of school, the girl entered the legal specialty. It was in her student years that Olga met Igor Shuvalov. The maiden name of Olga Viktorovna Shuvalova does not appear anywhere. A woman tries not to advertise her life before meeting with a politician.


In 1992, they had a wedding. A year later, the couple had a son, Eugene. After graduation, a young woman went to work as a secretary in court. She spent two years in this position. Now Olga admits that she worked in court only for the sake of experience. This experience had a positive impact on the future career of the girl.

Parents of Olga Viktorovna Shuvalova always believed in the success of her daughter and supported her in any decision. They helped with raising the firstborn. In those years, there was an active career development for both Igor and Olga Shuvalova. Such a trusting relationship in the family only helped the girl to open up on all sides and build her prosperous future.


Shuvalova Olga Viktorovna further built her career in the banking business. She successfully held high positions in several famous financial institutions:

  • 1994 - lawyer in the bank "Russian Credit";

  • 1996 - legal consultant in a large company;

  • 1997 - chief economist at the Moscow Bank;

  • 1997-2000 - an expert on the board at Inkombank.

Since 1999, a woman has been the owner of shares in large companies. She by nature turned out to be an excellent crisis manager and could quickly move up the career ladder in almost any position related to financial matters. She was invited to work by major companies to address temporary crisis issues.


In 2003, a woman decided to quit her career and start a family. She is actively starting to breed at that time not very popular dog breed. Olga showed love for animals from childhood. She always dreamed of having a rare breed dog.

Family assets

Igor Shuvalov has a scandalous reputation in terms of his earnings. His journalists are often classified as the most corrupt politicians. When the Deputy Prime Minister took office, he rewrote all his shares to his wife.

Now Olga Viktorovna Shuvalova manages to earn several million rubles a day as a housewife. So, according to the declarations of 2008, a woman was able to increase her well-being by more than 300 million.

Even in crisis years, the wife of a politician was able to survive and have huge incomes from a large number of shares of various enterprises. This success is due to the extensive experience in various companies in difficult times for them.

Husband of Olga Viktorovna Shuvalova

From childhood, the girl dreamed of building a successful career and becoming an independent woman. She successfully went to the goal while studying at school and institute. The meeting with Igor did not prevent them from realizing their plans. She quickly climbed the career ladder, despite the same active growth in her husband’s political activities.

Igor Shuvalov is a famous lawyer and is even better known to others as a politician. His career in this area began in the late 90s. Igor Shuvalov has passed a difficult path in the political sphere. He represented the country at various events of high importance. In 2008, Shuvalov became deputy chairman of the government of the Russian Federation on the development of medium and small businesses.

This politician is famous for a large number of scandals in the press related to his earnings and financial condition in general. After leaving business in politics, Shuvalov rewrote all assets to his wife. She manages at the moment, sitting at home, to earn a lot of money, managing these values.

Shuvalova Olga Viktorovna, the wife of Igor Shuvalov, always appreciated and rejoiced at the success of her husband. She tried to be with him more often and helped with advice. The woman has a law degree and could be useful to Igor. With her strong character and education, she initially attracted a guy.

Any career advancement of a husband was considered a common family victory. For the sake of the future Shuvalov, his wife completely abandoned her career and devoted herself to raising children and improving life.

Children of Olga Viktorovna

In the family of a politician there are three heirs. They are comprehensively developed and active. Parents devote maximum time to their education. A married couple admits that they spare no effort and money on the development of the guys.


The birth of a son coincided with the formation of the career of both parents. For this reason, his upbringing in the preschool years was mainly dealt with by grandmothers. Nevertheless, from an early age, Eugene manifested himself as an independent person. He coped well with his duties at home and was actively developing as an athlete.

The Shuvalovs are particularly relevant to the process of becoming children. Parents believe that children should not be different from children from average families in the country. From early childhood, the Shuvalovs teach their son and daughters independence.

Anastasia and Maria from an early age engaged in gymnastics and dancing. Now they are studying at a choreographic academy and have high hopes for a successful career in this field.

There is very little information about daughters in the press. Parents try to protect girls from unnecessary attention from journalists. The Shuvalovs do not want to entangle their daughters in intrigue and gossip.

Raising a son

Eugene from childhood learned the value of self-employment. Even in his teens, he, with the consent and instruction of his father, worked part time in a car wash. He successfully received secondary education abroad and was going to enter Oxford. But the unpleasant situation with his friends changed his plans for the near future completely and irrevocably.

After an accident with consequences on the road in Switzerland with the participation of “golden youth from Russia”, the guy’s parents decided to serve in the army. The choice of a military unit was quick. Igor Shuvalov took an active part in the construction and formation of bases in Vladivostok. Eugene also went to special troops there.

Military service

On the island of Russian, the son of a family politician was serving on an equal basis with everyone. He was not granted concessions and additional holidays. Eugene fulfilled the command of the military commanders unquestioningly.


Over the years of service, the guy has grown significantly stronger and has become more courageous. According to him, he is glad about this decision of his father, and the service in the naval special forces made it possible to rethink plans for the future and build priorities for future life. Eugene admits that it was not difficult for him to execute commands and act according to the statute, because from childhood he was brought up by his father in severity and rigidity.

Wives interests and hobbies

Olga Viktorovna Shuvalova, as a girl, dreamed of having several pets. In those days, she had no time to deal with pets, and she did not think about buying a dog. When the woman left her job, the issue of acquiring an unusual puppy was not even raised at the family council. The woman was determined to buy a Welsh Corgi dog.


Now a small cable named Busya occupies the lion's share of the hostess's free time. With this sweet creature, the process of breeding animals of this breed began. Raising a dog and traveling to exhibitions is only the wife of a politician.

In the press there was information that Olga Viktorovna Shuvalova was sent to competitions with her pets on a private plane. Photos flew around all the famous editions of the country and abroad.


Olga is also actively involved in breeding sphynx cats. Animals appear in her cattery, which subsequently become winners of various exhibitions. One kitten can cost up to several thousand dollars.

Despite working with animals, the politician’s wife manages to earn huge money for her family. There was information that over the year a woman, thanks to her assets and investments in various business areas, increases her income by 364 million rubles.