
Description of the village of Kuchugury in the Voronezh region

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Description of the village of Kuchugury in the Voronezh region
Description of the village of Kuchugury in the Voronezh region

The village of Kuchugury is located in the Voronezh region. It is located at the highest point in the region. Active work is underway to revive the village. Organized the work of the house of culture, built sports grounds and even a field for hockey.

How to get there

The distance from Voronezh to the village of Kuchugury is 72 kilometers. You can overcome it in about 50 minutes by car. Also, a regular bus runs from Voronezh to Kuchugur daily.


History reference

According to historical data, the village of Kuchugury (Voronezh region) was founded at the end of the 17th century. The settlement is located on the river Devitsa. A century later, the village gets its name - Kuchugury. Translated from Ukrainian, this name means sandy hillocks or hills.

The total length of the village of Kuchugury (Voronezh region) is 14.5 km along the mouth of the river.

Before the October Revolution, the village was considered rich and flourished. More than 20 thousand people lived in it. Nowadays, people are trying to move from village to city and, as a result, the population of Kuchugur has been reduced to five hundred people.