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Excuses Friends and Bera

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Excuses Friends and Bera
Excuses Friends and Bera

Video: SCARY ROBLOX GAME! BEAR CHASE! ? = ? FGTeeV Creepy Hide and Seek (#55) 2024, June

Video: SCARY ROBLOX GAME! BEAR CHASE! ? = ? FGTeeV Creepy Hide and Seek (#55) 2024, June

The scandal around the TV show "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire" has gone awry. It was covered by many media outlets, in full detail setting out the facts. Now is the time to analyze the explanations of the conflicting parties.

Scandal participants

Alexander Abramovich Friends since 1981, many consider a person who knows almost everything. This personal quality is called erudition, that is, comprehensive education.

Regarding the value of a universal knowledge system, there are two polar opposing opinions.

The first is positive. A person with a broad outlook can solve a variety of problems. This is especially useful when a specialist acts at the junction of two sciences. Examples: biophysics, molecular mechanics, sociological statistics, sound chemistry and other disciplines made up of previously independent branches of research.

The second opinion expresses doubt about the depth of diverse knowledge of everything in the world. In addition, even a very successful specialist in two related sciences is unlikely to find time to read numerous books that are not related to his profession. So it cannot be considered a full-fledged scholar.

Nonetheless, professional experts on all issues found an occupation in the USSR in the early 80s. Millions of Soviet citizens literally clung to television screens, watching the answers to the most tricky questions. People watch such programs with pleasure even now.

Having received the specialty of a systems engineer, A. Druz taught at the gymnasium and developed a career as a professional scholar. He became famous, received prizes, the title of master and the reputation of a man who knows everything.

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The biography of Ilya Leonidovich Beer is shorter due to a younger age. He graduated from the Russian State Humanitarian University, became a historian and philologist, and then went on television. Until recently, I. Behr worked as the chief editor of the television game "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?"


The essence of the conflict

There is no need to dwell on the details of the bribe attempt. The attention of readers, viewers and listeners was invited to record a telephone conversation and a transcript of the conversation involved. Everyone has the right to draw conclusions from this material. Somewhat surprised by Alexander Druz’s ignorance of the text of the song of the Bravo group, popular in the 80s of the last century. However, it is excusable: just do not even mention scholarship. The essence of the event is that I. Ber gave the master not only prepared questions, which in themselves would be sufficient, but also the correct answers to them. The conversation was recorded by the editor, and a day later made public.


Facts recognized by the parties

Alexander Abramovich admits that the voice in the recording belongs to him. If he began to deny this, it would probably require an examination, hampered by the poor quality of the acoustic signal. In other words, the conversation took place, but there was no falsification. The details of the transaction were discussed, approximate amounts of income “per capita” were called, and even income tax was not left without attention.

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Insidious game

Ilya Ber fulfilled his part of the agreement only partially - after the ninth question, the script was violated by him. This indicates the absence of a selfish motive in his actions. If Druz and his partner Sidnev won, he would not have received the amount due to him for fraud. This directly indicates the presence of another interest, evidently consisting in the complete collapse of the reputation of the master scholar.


Friends Explanation

Somehow it was necessary to react, and the master answered the attack. He stated that he was not the initiator of fraud, but Ber proposed to him a simple scheme for generating income. According to the scholar, the arrogance of the editor not only surprised, but even aroused his admiration.

The version of Alexander Druzy is that he immediately understood the essence of the provocation and decided to neutralize its possible consequences in response. The plan supposedly was this: to answer 15 questions, and then stop the game and bring the presumptuous editor to the clear. The idea did not succeed, but the expert left the initial disposition, apparently after hearing questions unknown to him. The game went on honestly, and we can assume that its participants had the hope that for some reason something “did not grow together” there.


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The logic in the actions of the Friends, according to his version of events, is absent. He did not insure himself in any way from the consequences of the provocation, which, according to him, he had guessed in advance. But it was necessary. Explains his mistake erudite own stupidity. Ah, here it turns out, what's the matter …

Bera version

The explanation of the main editor of the television game looks more logical.

Firstly, Druz proposed the scheme, and he only pretended to agree. This indirectly confirms the recording of the conversation, in which Baer refers to what the master said “something” about 1.5 million rubles. If the erudite was not the initiator of the scam, a reaction would be expected like: “Did I say? Yes, you yourself suggested it … ”- or something like that. No questions followed. Well, yes, he said, and this is not a joke, because time is hard now.

Secondly, Druz calmly listened to questions and answers, after which he acted according to a mutually approved plan, without making any attempts to deviate from it.

If we summarize the explanations of the editor-in-chief, it turns out that he took advantage of Druzy’s unfair offer to inflict a crushing blow on his reputation. What for? It’s more complicated here.

The motivation is not entirely clear. Some rave conversations, rumors of dishonest wins and an opinion about Alexander Abramovich is disapproving. In short, Beer's actions fit into the protocol wording "on the basis of personal hostility." The editor himself explains the exposure with the desire to "put an end to this, " and in fact disqualify the connoisseur. Well then everything is clear.


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They could be heavier. No one has repealed Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation on fraud, and imprisonment of up to 6 years “shines” under it. On the other hand, if Alexander Druz really became an innocent victim of provocation, Ilya Bera’s actions fall under the guise of slander and slander (Articles 128.1 and 129 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

No case was brought. Both participants are suspended from participation in television programs for an indefinite period. Alexander Druz went to America to present his new book - it was planned in advance and is not related to the scandal. What Behr will do is not yet known. Perhaps the conflict will hit him no less than the disgraced scholar.