the culture

Definition of a nation. The nations of the world. People and nation

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Definition of a nation. The nations of the world. People and nation
Definition of a nation. The nations of the world. People and nation

Video: Vlog #29 - Nations, States, & Nation States 2024, June

Video: Vlog #29 - Nations, States, & Nation States 2024, June

A nation is a cultural-political, historically determined community of people. The definition of a nation is rather vague, therefore, there are clarifying, correcting formulations. They are necessary so that you can use this concept in popular science literature and not depend on the context.

How to understand the term "nation"


Thus, the constructivist approach argues that the concept of "nation" is entirely artificial. The intellectual and cultural elite creates the ideology that other people follow. To do this, they do not need to shout political slogans or draw up manifestos. It’s enough with your creativity to direct people in the right direction. Indeed, the most durable is the thought that penetrates the head gradually, without direct pressure.

The borders of the influence of national culture remain quite tangible political and geographical cordons. Constructivist theorist Benedict Anderson gives this definition of a nation: an imaginary political community that is sovereign in nature and limited to the rest of the world. Adherents of such thinking deny participation in the formation of a nation of experience and culture of previous generations. They are confident that after a period of industrialization a new society has appeared.



Primordialists interpret the concept of “nation” as a kind of evolution of an ethnos to a new level and its transformation into a nation. It is also a form of nationalism, but it is associated with the concept of the spirit of the people and emphasizes its connection with the “roots”.

Adherents of this theory believe that a single ephemeral spirit makes the nation invisibly present in every citizen. A common language and culture helps in uniting people. Based on the doctrine of language families, conclusions can be drawn about which peoples have an affinity for each other and which do not. But besides this, not only the cultural, but also the biological origin of the peoples is tied to this theory.



A nation and a nation are not identical concepts, just like nationality and nation. It all depends on the point of view and cultural ideology. In the countries of the post-Soviet space, this word expresses an ethnic community, but it does not cover everyone who falls within the definition of a nation. In Europe, nationality means belonging to a nation under the right of citizenship, birth, and upbringing in a closed environment.

At one time, it was believed that the nations of the world are formed on a genetic basis, but in practice you can find such combinations as, Russian German, Ukrainian Pole and many others. In this case, heredity does not play a role in the self-identification of a person as a citizen of the country, something stronger than the instincts embedded in each cell of the body prevails here.

Kinds of nations

Conventionally, the nations of the world can be divided into two types:

  1. Multi-ethnic.

  2. Mono-ethnic.

Moreover, the latter can be found only in those parts of the world where it is difficult to get: high in the mountains, on remote islands, in harsh climates. Most of the nations on the planet are multi-ethnic. This can logically be deduced if one knows world history. During the existence of mankind, empires were born and perished, containing all the world known at that time. Fleeing from natural disasters and war, peoples migrated from one edge of the mainland to another, in addition, there are many other examples.



The definition of a nation is not related to language as such. There is no direct relationship between the means of communication and the ethnicity of the people. Currently, there are common languages:

  • English;

  • French;

  • Deutsch;

  • Chinese;

  • Arabic etc.

They are accepted as public in more than one country. There are also examples where most representatives of a nation do not speak a language that would reflect their ethnicity.

A country that simultaneously uses four languages ​​can be considered a record holder - this is Switzerland. It is customary to speak German, French, Italian and Romansh.

Psychology of the nation


According to economic theory, a person is born, lives and dies, without leaving his usual habitat. But with the advent of industrialization, this pastoral picture is cracking. Nations of nations are mixed, penetrate each other and bring their cultural heritage.

Since family and neighborhood ties are easily destroyed, the nation creates a more global community for people, without restricting them in their movements. In this case, the community is formed not due to personal involvement, consanguinity or acquaintance, but because of the power of mass culture, which forms the image of unity in the imagination.


In order for a nation to form, it is necessary to combine economic, political and ethnic attributes in time and place. The process of formation of a nation and the conditions of its existence develop simultaneously, so the formation is harmonious. Sometimes, in order for the formation of the nation to occur, it is necessary to make a push from the outside. For example, the war for independence or against occupation by the enemy brings people very close together. They fight for one idea, not sparing their own life. This is a strong incentive to unite.