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Order of the Jesuits: some interesting facts to think about

Order of the Jesuits: some interesting facts to think about
Order of the Jesuits: some interesting facts to think about

Video: What do Jesuits believe? | Jesuit Autocomplete 2024, July

Video: What do Jesuits believe? | Jesuit Autocomplete 2024, July

The Jesuit Order has been around for almost 500 years (founded in 1534). This male monastic order was a product of the era of counter-reformation. In fact, it was created for the rehabilitation of the Catholic Church. At the same time, historians far from unambiguously characterize his activities. Why? Let's consider some interesting facts.


Fact No. 1. First, let's talk about who the founder of the Jesuit Order was. Ignatius Loyola was a Spanish aristocrat who dedicated his youth to war. Some consider Ignatius Loyola a saint, while for others he is an ordinary religious fanatic. He himself admitted that he was "brave in courting women, cheaply valued both his own and others' life." But seriously injured during the defense of Pamplona in 1521, Iñigo de Loyola decided to drastically change his life. After studying in Spain and then in France, he became a priest. Even during training, Ignatius, along with 6 like-minded people, took vows of chastity, non-possession and missionary work. The officially indicated order was approved in 1540. It is quite possible that it was Loyola who contributed to the fact that the order was organized almost on a military model.


Fact No. 2. The Jesuit Order is largely a missionary organization. True, the methods of preaching used by the Jesuits are far from biblical examples. After all, they always tried to achieve success in this business as soon as possible. For example, while preaching in China, the Jesuits first studied the customs of local residents. They presented Christianity as a peculiar kind of Chinese religion. So, the Jesuits behaved as admirers of Confucius. In particular, the members of the order in pagan rites made sacrifices to Confucius and their ancestors, justified Christianity by the sayings of the mentioned philosopher, hung tablets in the temples with the inscription "Worship the sky!". In the same way, the Jesuit order acted in India. Preaching to the Indians, they remembered the existence of castes. For example, the Jesuits rejected all intimate communion with pariahs (“untouchables”). Even communion last received at the end of a long stick. What the Jesuits preached was a bizarre mix of Christian and pagan beliefs.


Fact No. 3. “The end justifies the means” is the famous motto followed by the Jesuit order. Indeed, in order to achieve their goals, the Jesuits used any means: deception, bribery, forgery, slander, espionage and even murder. When it came to the interests of the order, for the Jesuit there could be no moral barriers. So, many historians are sure that it was the Jesuits who arranged the assassination of the French king Heinrich of Navarre. Members of the order openly justified the murder of the tyrant ruler. The Jesuits are also credited with organizing the so-called Gunpowder plot that occurred in England in 1605. The Swedish king Gustav-Adolph called the members of this order the culprits of disasters throughout Germany. Because of their vigorous activity, the Jesuits were expelled from Portugal, Spain, France and Naples. Therefore, it is not surprising that now the Jesuits are often called hypocrites, as well as cunning and crafty people.