the culture

Cheap funeral arrangements in Moscow: where to start?

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Cheap funeral arrangements in Moscow: where to start?
Cheap funeral arrangements in Moscow: where to start?



Knowledge of the basic foundations of the funeral procedure will help to adequately lead the deceased to the last journey.

Each of us sooner or later has to go through a difficult life test - experiencing the death of a loved one or relative. And it is likely that the organization of the funeral will be a process in which you will need to take a direct part.


The person has died - what to do?

If you are faced with a person’s death due to natural causes, you must first make a call to the ambulance or local clinic.

Important! If there is doubt about the lethality of the outcome, the reason for calling the doctors should be formulated as "a person is unconscious." In this case, a team of more qualified resuscitation doctors will be sent online.

The medical institution will send specialists with the authority to ascertain the fact of death to the house. After the necessary procedures confirming the onset of death, medical workers will issue an official document to the relatives of the deceased. Further, the doctor will be required to notify the police and transport the body to the morgue.

Organization of a funeral in Moscow - where to start?

A depressing and shameful practice in recent times has been illegal “cooperation” of medical and funeral services, leading to the fact that ritual agents are knocking on the door at the same time as the ambulance. The arrogance and greed of the latter can lead to a person being in a mournful situation. What to do if uninvited guests appear on the doorstep? First of all, try to maintain maximum composure. You do not have to agree to the proposal of a person for whom organizing a funeral is a way to cash in on someone else’s grief. In any case, you have time to consider whether to order a funeral in a specialized bureau, preparing for certain expenses, or to do it yourself. The following tips will help you navigate the situation and do everything right.

Organization of a funeral yourself

A difficult but necessary part of the procedure should be the prompt notification of relatives and relatives about the death of a person. This is especially true for those who live in another city or are on a business trip. After this, you should decide on the method of burial - burial in the ground or cremation. As soon as the date when the funeral becomes known, you will need to do either search for a place in the cemetery or reserve a cell in the columbarium. Specialized organizations help to organize funerals on individual points or “on a turn-key basis” (in particular, the Honest Agent company offers free of charge the use of a free landfill site in cemeteries in Moscow and Moscow region).

A separate point of the funeral will be the purchase of the coffin and related ritual accessories. It is important to pre-select the type of hearse and the method of transportation of the deceased's relatives to the cemetery and further to the venue of the funeral. The portal “Honest Agent” contains data on leading ritual bureaus offering funeral supplies - here you can choose a budget package, however, allowing you to adequately organize the funeral. The next step is to prepare and take the robe for the deceased to the morgue. At the request of relatives, mummification of the body can be carried out. A separate service of the morgue staff is the make-up of the deceased.

The organization of a funeral involves a discussion with relatives of the deceased to conduct a mourning rite, in which the will and religion of the deceased must be respected. Adherents of ancient traditions believe that before the burial of the deceased, they should be brought to the house or under the arches of the temple for one night, but with a limited budget, another procedure is allowed when the deceased is taken from the morgue to the church or immediately to the cemetery. If you plan to organize a funeral and commemoration in accordance with Christian traditions, then you should instruct one of your relatives to pay a visit to the church. The priest will help in this delicate matter and tell you how to organize the funeral.

Wake: required or not

Should the organization of the funeral include a funeral or not, the next of kin is to decide. It may depend on the specifics of the situation or following the usual traditions. If the memorial ceremony is an integral part of the ritual procession, it also requires careful preparation. It is necessary to determine the number of people who will come to honor the memory of the deceased, and to choose an institution with the appropriate size of the hall. The custom does not allow perseverance in the invitation to the commemoration, it is also considered a sin to prohibit someone from attending an event. Make a list of prospective participants in the procession, including neighbors and work colleagues, and let them know in advance at what address and what time to arrive. If the number of people is small, you can prepare a funeral dinner at home.