
Lake Assal: photo, description, coordinates

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Lake Assal: photo, description, coordinates
Lake Assal: photo, description, coordinates

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It is believed that Lake Assal is the most unusual natural body of water. It formed in the crater of a volcano. The lake lies 115 meters below sea level. This place represents the lowest point and lowest water body located in Africa. In addition, it is the most saline lake on Earth (the Dead Sea and Lake Elton are in the top three).

After reading the article, you can find out in what country Lake Assal is located, how it was formed. But first, let's talk a little about the small state in which the reservoir formed.

Djibouti: relief, climate

Massifs of mountains here alternate with lava plateaus and conical peaks of extinct volcanoes. In the central part of the country sandy, rocky and clay plains prevail. On the lowest parts of the state are salt lakes. The climate in the country is hot, dry, desert.

The average January temperature is plus 26 degrees, July - 36. Precipitation is extremely rare (maximum up to 130 mm per year).


Location of the lake, water sources

For the first time only in the 20s of the twentieth century, Europeans visited Lake Assal. The geographical coordinates of the reservoir has the following: 11 ° 40 'sowing. latitude, 42 ° 24 'east longitude.

It is located in the north-eastern part of Africa, in the small country of Djibouti. An amazing lake is located from the state capital of the same name 120 kilometers away, almost in the very center of the country.

This unique reservoir is filled with several underground springs bringing water from the Indian Ocean through the Gulf of Tajur. Comes here and the water flowing after the winter short rains from the hills.



Lake Assal in Africa is located in one of the corners of the so-called Afar Triangle, which is the most geologically disturbed place on Earth. At this point, three huge cracks of the Earth's crust converge: the Gulf of Aden, the Red Sea and the East African Rift System. Due to such a complex tectonic structure, earthquakes often occur in these places.

Assal - a lake that is located quite close to the Indian Ocean (20 kilometers). There are suggestions that a strong earthquake could destroy the narrow partition between the African rift and the ocean (this process is already being observed), after which Somalia could become an island.


Description of the lake

The name "assal" is translated as "salty". The area of ​​the reservoir is approximately 54 square meters. km Its length is 10 kilometers, its width is 7 km, and its average depth is about 7.5 meters, with a maximum of 40 meters.

Lake Assal is the second among the lowest areas of the entire planet (in the first place is the Dead Sea). Water salinity is 35 ppm, and at depths of more than 20 meters this figure reaches 40 ppm. A huge number of salt crystals are scattered along its banks, having a variety of sizes and colors. The surface is cast almost all year round with the beautiful color of aquamarine.

Due to the proximity to the lava, the water here is always hot, it sometimes warms up to 35-40 degrees Celsius.

Why is salt water here? The pond is surrounded by vast fields of exposed salt. In these places, this important mineral is important for human life.



Where Lake Assal is located, only bare plains with highly saline soil extend in the vicinity. They are adjacent to the peaks of extinct volcanoes and fields of dark lava. The water in the lake is completely lifeless, and a haze of fumes constantly hangs over it.

A crater with a lake inside is surrounded by a large number of seemingly unremarkable volcanoes. However, surprisingly blue water in a complex with fields devoid of any vegetation creates an unusually beautiful picture. Gentle-looking salt crusts floating on the water surface resembling palm branches and fans in shape, painted with a variety of fantastic colors due to mineral impurities. Great looks Lake Assal.


In the vicinity of the reservoir there are magnificent salt canyons and several hot springs. All this creates unique landscapes and fabulous landscapes, for which tourists come here.

About salt

Lake Assal is not always calm. It often spills salt water ashore, as strong winds constantly blow in the area. Therefore, bizarre forms of salt crystals form on the banks of the reservoir. Thanks to these minerals, islands form on the lake. A dense layer of salt covers stones of various sizes, the remains of animals and plants (thorns). This creates surprisingly beautiful and bizarre forms. Crystallized minerals look especially picturesque and fabulous.

It should be noted that Lake Assal has such pure salt that it is suitable for consumption without any processing. Here you can often see nomads collecting it from the shores and successfully trading for a long time.


Salt production has long been put into production. She is sent by large caravans of camels to a neighboring state - Ethiopia.

Salt is mined manually. It is removed from the surface and trimmed in the form of rectangular plates weighing approximately 6 kilograms. Then it is loaded on donkeys and camels.