
Lovozero Lake, Murmansk Region: photos, description

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Lovozero Lake, Murmansk Region: photos, description
Lovozero Lake, Murmansk Region: photos, description

Video: Ловозеро / Lovozero - 1975 2024, July

Video: Ловозеро / Lovozero - 1975 2024, July

This lake stood out for a mystical and fascinating story. Thanks to this, although the reservoir is not in the most comfortable corner of the earth, this place has become one of the most visited sites in the vast northern territory.

What is remarkable Lake Lovozero (according to Kild. Luyavvr)? This article provides detailed information about this amazing area that attracts many tourists.


A bit about the Sami

It should be noted that the Sami (or Lapps) are almost the most numerous people in Europe, living without their own state in the northern territories of four states - Russia, Norway, Finland and Sweden. The name of their place of settlement is the well-known fabulous Lapland. Perhaps many Soviet children remember the cartoon based on the fairy tale "Sampo-Loparenok" written by the Finnish writer Sakarias Topelius.

In the word "Luyavvr" the second part - "yavvr" - has the meaning of "lake". The first syllable “lu”, according to local Sami, came from the expression “the settlement of the strong by the lake”.


The lake Lovozero is located in the Murmansk region in the center of the Kola Peninsula. This area, located near the local tundra, is distinguished by its extraordinary landscapes. Responsive and kind people live here.


Three kilometers from the reservoir is a small village of the same name, spread out on the banks of a small river. Wyrm. This is the administrative center of the Lovozersky district of the Murmansk region. It ranks second in the district in terms of population after the village of Revda. The number of inhabitants according to the 2002 census is 3, 141 people. The distance from the village (in the western direction) to the Olenegorsk railway station is 80 kilometers.

Sami celebrations and festivals (including international ones) are held in Lovozero. This village is often called the capital of Russian Lapland.

Description of the lake

Lake Lovozero in the Murmansk region is the third largest body of water of this type on the Kola Peninsula. Its area is 208.5 square meters. km In shape, it is stretched from north to south. The coastline is very indented, there are small and large bays, a large number of capes. There are about 140 forested islands in the lake.

Visually, the reservoir is divided into three parts: southern, northern and middle. They are interconnected by small, narrow straits. Among the rivers flowing into the lake, the most interesting tourist destinations are Tsaga, Kypra and Athanasia. From Lovozero flows the only river - the Raven.


The most picturesque is the southern part of the lake, where several relatively large wooded islands are located, as well as a deep bay - Motka Guba (west coast). It is located at the beginning of a valley that cuts through the tundra massif. Not far from it (4 kilometers) lies Seydozero. It is surrounded by powerful steep cliffs. It is connected with Lovozero with a small water sleeve Seydjok.

The rivers flowing into Lovozero are the main routes through which tourists make their way from a reservoir to remote areas. Their upper reaches with wooded shores, small rapids and numerous rifts stretch in beautiful places. Many species of fish inhabit the waters.

The river Lovozero south of Wirma flows into the river. Sergevan (or Luhtiok), originating on the Elmorajok pass (tundra territory). It falls into the bay of Sergeevansky. The high banks covered with forest make it one of the most beautiful small rivers of the Kola Peninsula. But its waters do not very well affect the lake, as it is contaminated with fluorides, and the Wirma River brings manganese and iron to the reservoir.

Features of the lake and people

Why is Lake Lovozero so remarkable? Firstly, it is the habitat of the Lapps. Their life is quite difficult, but they are used to it.

During shamanistic rites (although they are considered Christians, but sometimes they bring some offerings to the sun god) they have to face Arctic hysteria (fading). This is a special mental condition that borders on a nervous disease. It manifests itself in wild cry, passion and singing.

There is a version according to which there is some kind of energy source underground in the area of ​​Lake Lovozero. It affects the human psyche. From this comes the effect of Arctic hysteria.


This lake is also known for its monuments - large parallelepipeds, discovered not far from the settlement and correlated with the cardinal points. Nearby is the sacred Seydozero, framed by wonderful cliffs. According to rumors, they have an image of a giant relief figure of the Old Man, which is an important part of the beliefs of local residents.

There is one legend according to which this figure is a giant who once came to these places with evil intentions to enslave the inhabitants. However, the shaman who came to Seydozero accepted the battle and defeated the enemy. Since then, that giant has remained on the rock simply a shadow, but his anger now makes him afraid of all those who fall on the lake.
