
Pamela Kurson - girlfriend and muse of Jim Morrison: biography, cause of death, interesting facts

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Pamela Kurson - girlfriend and muse of Jim Morrison: biography, cause of death, interesting facts
Pamela Kurson - girlfriend and muse of Jim Morrison: biography, cause of death, interesting facts

This girl was accused of killing the legendary singer Jim Morrison. For many years she had to hide from the press and lead a closed lifestyle. Who really was Pamela Kurson and what role did the Doors lead the fate of? There are many interesting details about the life of the famous couple and their tragic death at a young age.


Pamela Susan Kurson was born December 22, 1946 in California. My father worked as a principal in high school, my mother was a housewife. The girl from an early age was very withdrawn and hard to converge with her peers. She was not an outsider, but always kept aloof. At school, she got from classmates for her red hair and disheveled appearance. She studied well and graduated from high school with an average mark. Teachers noted her as a capable, but too distracted student. She had a penchant for the humanities and especially for history.


Not like everyone else

She did not make friends in her school years. But she always remained in the memory of classmates as the most provocative girl in school. She covered her already pale skin with a large layer of powder and became like a ghost. Together with carrot-colored hair, it looked very defiant and attracted everyone's attention. Her clothes have always been ahead of fashion by several years. She first came to school, wearing shorts on nylon tights. At that time, it looked wild, but quickly became fashionable among the students.

Another feature was the voice of Pamela Kurson. In elementary grades, if she was offended or hurt herself painfully, then she would raise a wild roar. It was not the cry of an ordinary child - it was the cry of a wounded beast. She voted so that people came running from all the rooms to look at the performance.


Los Angeles

Pam came to the “city of angels” when she was 19 years old. Her acquaintance with Miranda Babitz occurred in one of the nightclubs. The model quickly gained the confidence of young Pam, and soon they became best friends. The girls spent a lot of time together and visited the most popular places in the city. Once at the London Mist Club, she first meets Jim Morrison. It was 1966, and its popularity at that time was only of a small-town character. And Pamela by this time already appeared on the pages of fashion magazines and had her own staff of fans. She looked like a typical hippie girl: long straight hair, free style of clothing and a constant smile on her face.


Development of a relationship

Jim quickly became interested in the red yoke and did not hide his feelings. Speaking at the club, he kept glancing at the door, waiting for her to appear. They did not look like passionate lovers. Rather, it was a manifestation of the most tender feelings. The singer was very kind to his lover and appreciated her self-esteem. Pamela was able to present herself as a queen even in a dirty night bar. It was this quality that attracted him in the first place. And the girl liked the originality and wildness of the long-haired rock music artist. He seemed to her the perfect man, and she believed that he would become truly famous.


Fairy tale novel

Meanwhile, The Doors was gaining popularity, and Jim began to receive decent performance fees. He completely spent the first money on his beloved girl. A chic restaurant and mountains of gifts finally won Pamela. All his subsequent life together, he adhered to this order. He paid all the fees to the girl, leaving himself the minimum amount for alcohol and various little things. They discussed the wedding many times, but Jim was afraid that the status of a family man would discourage fans from worshiping their idol. In the biography of Pamela Kurson, there was no record of marriage.



Hard times have come for lovers. Young fans did not give access to their sex symbol and attacked the singer wherever he appeared. Once Pam looked into her lover's dressing room and saw a picture that struck her to the core. The guy held a young nymph on his lap and stroked her intimate places in the most arrogant way. Pamela did not watch the sweet prelude and, grabbing the scissors, tried to stab them with the impudent girl. She screamed barely escaped from the hands of an angry girl, and Morrison calmly went on stage to continue the concert.


Living together

In 1967, the band’s first album was finally released, and enormous wealth fell on young people. 50 thousand dollars at that time were fabulous money, and the couple hastened to rent a good house on the outskirts of the city. They settled in a prestigious and very quiet area. Their neighbors were musicians and actors. The atmosphere was saturated with creativity. Nevertheless, they considered tourism to be the best rest from noisy parties and difficult concerts. Taking only the necessities, Jim and Pam went to the desert, where they spent several days together. The musician composed verses for his beloved, and she danced to his music in the moonlight. He dedicated the first song in his album to his beloved woman.


Love and hate

Leaving on tour, Jim did not forget about his red-haired beauty and called her every free minute. At the same time, this did not stop him from spending all night in the arms of local fans. A lot has been written about his love affairs, but Pamela Kurson did not believe newspapers and magazines. Until the fans began to burst on the door of their house and demand money from Jim to terminate the pregnancy. All these visits infuriated the jealous girl, and she made tremendous scandals to the cheater. The guy did not deny his guilt, but said that he loved only her and had long given his heart to Pamela. Sweet speeches did not bring the proper result, and money went into play.



To keep her beloved, he gives her full access to his means and buys for her a fashion store. The girl with zeal begins to engage in the promotion of the boutique and the procurement of the latest collections. For a while, she leaves Jim alone and travels around the world in search of original things for her store. The singer helps her to make an advertisement, and soon Themis becomes the most fashionable place in the city. Interesting fact: Pamela Kurson often handed out expensive outfits to those who really admired her store. It could be random shoppers or Hollywood celebrities - she didn't care.

Boiled up

So two years passed. During this time, the relationship of the couple completely went wrong. Scandals often turned into fights, and neighbors had to call the police. It got to the point that Jim rushed several times with a knife at Pamela. That, in turn, beat dishes on his head and threw things out onto the street. The pain from his betrayals did not heal money, and the girl ceased to be faithful to her roommate. She did not hide her connections on the side, and Jim just went crazy with jealousy. But what could he do? Was he to blame someone for infidelity? They dispersed and converged an infinite number of times. Even after a long relationship on the side, they always returned to try to start all over again. At this time, Jim writes his testament, which states that he bequeaths all his property and money to Pamela Kurson.



The year 1971 brought the pair a long-awaited reassurance. They decided to go to Paris and live a little there, away from the American fuss. The singer has changed a lot over the last year - he gained a lot of extra pounds and let go of his beard. But Pamela loved him in any way. France transformed the musician - he began to take care of himself and soon shaved off all the excess facial hair. The couple went to travel the world and enjoy life. For the first time in many years, their relationship was harmonious and inspired hope. Jim knew the reason for the change - Pam started to inject. Every day, she injected heroin into a vein and became a docile and loving girl. He liked her so much more, and he did not mind her hobby. He himself rejected any injections into the body and preferred to smell cocaine.



On June 2, 1971, the dealer, as usual, delivered two bags of drugs to the couple’s apartment. In one was heroin for a girl, in the other was cocaine for Jim. The further picture of what happened will forever remain a mystery. The singer probably mixed up the bags and inhaled a dose of heroin. He immediately felt unwell and went into the bathroom. The girl did not immediately realize that he did not go out for too long. When she looked into the room, she saw that Jim was lying in the bath, and his body was already beginning to stiffen. Calling medical care and calling friends, she began to wait for their arrival. She behaved calmly, even when the arriving doctor pronounced death. They put the body on the bed and brought a huge amount of ice packs. It was hot, and after 15 hours the body was already beginning to change. At that moment, Pamela realized that Jim was dead, and she began to vote. Pam spent the whole night in the same bed with him.
