
Memo for mushroom pickers: the rules of the forest trip, harvesting and cooking

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Memo for mushroom pickers: the rules of the forest trip, harvesting and cooking
Memo for mushroom pickers: the rules of the forest trip, harvesting and cooking

Video: Bushcraft in the forest, mushroom picking and cooking, adjustable pan hanger, tarp tent shelter 2024, July

Video: Bushcraft in the forest, mushroom picking and cooking, adjustable pan hanger, tarp tent shelter 2024, July

With the onset of the season of “silent hunting” whole crowds rushing to the forests rush to enjoy the gifts of nature. The desire to enrich your table with mushroom dishes is understandable and understandable, and the process of picking mushrooms is quite exciting. However, in order not to encounter the unpleasant consequences of their illiteracy, it is worth preparing thoroughly for the “hunt”. And first of all, to learn some of the rules that our memo offers mushroom pickers. Of course, the one who is not the first time to go with a basket to the forest has learned these rules for a long time. But beginners should take a closer look at the recommendations.


The right approach to picking mushrooms

In the first paragraphs, the memorial to mushroom pickers contains tips on how to make the trip to the forest safe. There are few of them, but they are extremely important:

  1. On the eve of your trip, clearly indicate to your relatives the places where you are going to “hunt” and the duration of your trip. If you get lost, searching for you will be much easier. The terrain of your searches is worth exploring on a detailed map.

  2. Do not wander deep into unfamiliar lands. If you decide to go further, leave tags along your route.

  3. Do not allow children, people aged or with serious illnesses to go “hunting” unaccompanied.

Now about the equipment. Even if you plan to return in the evening, the mushroom picker urges you to take a compass, a flashlight, matches (a lighter as an option), a supply of water, salt and polyethylene. The latter is useful even if you are tired and want to sit. It’s good to take some non-perishable food with you: you are definitely hungry, and in extreme cases NZ will allow you to keep your strength longer. It is recommended that you also have a fully charged mobile phone and a travel navigator. Do not rely heavily on the cell phone, very often it does not catch a honeycomb.

Clothing should be with long sleeves and legs. Some of its details (ideally a shirt) should be bright, visible from afar. To protect against parasites, you need to not only treat clothes and an open body with repellents, but also take them with you.


Mushroom picker: collect correctly

Of course, first of all, you need to understand a little about the “silent hunt” object and be able to distinguish between poisonous and edible specimens. And even if you know a lot about mushrooms, there are a number of additional conditions:

  1. If you are sure that you have a good mushroom in front of you, but it is moldy, eaten by worms or obviously old, you should not take it: the decomposition processes in it have already begun, and you will at least earn serious indigestion.

  2. If frost has hit, it’s better to postpone the trip to the forest in order to get this kind of food until the next season: after them, “silent hunting” is prohibited, even if the weather is good again.

  3. Harvest along roads - both automobile and iron - is also prohibited: mushrooms, like a sponge, absorb radioactive and heavy metals.

  4. Mushroom containers must pass air, otherwise you will bring home only rot.

  5. Novice mushroom pickers should remember that you need to go for prey in the early morning and end the hunt at about 11 o’clock in the afternoon.

  6. It is better not to touch dubious specimens: some can even be poisoned through the skin.

And most importantly - do not be greedy. Mushrooms gather in the amount that you can handle today. Otherwise, you will deprive someone of pleasure, and you will have to throw out your collection: mushrooms are kept fresh for a very short time.


It’s important not only to collect …

Tips for mushroom pickers from experienced "hunters" include processing the harvested crop. The main recommendations are as follows:

  1. Upon arrival, the “catch” should be sorted by type and sorted by quality. "Illiquid" is ruthlessly thrown away.

  2. The bottom of the leg with stubborn earth is cut off, the mucous film is removed from the cap.

  3. Mushroom dishes are prepared, as well as stored, only in non-metallic dishes. Pots - only enameled, containers - porcelain or glass, plastic should be avoided.

  4. Ready mushrooms should be kept exclusively in the cold. Several hours spent on the table, especially in the heat, can trigger the formation of toxins.

  5. Mushrooms with milky juice (chernushki, gruzdi-podstruzhdy, white whites, traps) are soaked or boiled before salting.

  6. Morels boil for at least 7 minutes before any cooking; the broth necessarily pours out and is not used for any dishes.

And one more important point that you need to know about mushrooms: some varieties can not be used "snack", because they are not compatible with alcohol.

Dangerous misconception

And most importantly, it recommends remembering the memo for mushroom pickers: contrary to popular belief, when cooking poisonous mushrooms, the onion or the darkening of silver does not turn blue! If you are not sure about the safety of your prey, it is better to ask experienced mushroom pickers to check it.
