the culture

Patriarchal family means reliability, stability, preservation of traditions

Patriarchal family means reliability, stability, preservation of traditions
Patriarchal family means reliability, stability, preservation of traditions

Video: Social construction of gender and Jung's Disney | Cog psych take on "12 Rules", Rule 11 Pt5 #34 2024, June

Video: Social construction of gender and Jung's Disney | Cog psych take on "12 Rules", Rule 11 Pt5 #34 2024, June

The patriarchal family … This phrase comes across when we study such sciences as history, sociology, philosophy, social psychology. People constantly have questions about the social and normative aspect of this concept, about its viability in modern conditions.


If we start from the term itself, we can say that the patriarchal family is a kind of social unit of society, which, on the one hand, included several generations of relatives, and on the other, was under the very strict guardianship of the head of the family (patter in Latin - father). However, this concept itself, as well as the history of the emergence and development of this type of family is much more multifaceted. It is far from accidental that interest in it not only does not wane over time, but, on the contrary, intensifies.


For a long time it was believed that the patriarchal family was a stage in the development of kinship relations that followed matriarchy. However, at present, more and more researchers are inclined to believe that if there was such a sequence, then not all peoples. Moreover, some scholars, on the basis of archaeological data, conclude that patriarchy could precede matriarchy and then change it again. The main postulate on the basis of which a similar conclusion is drawn is the well-proven right of a man to dispose not only of his wife, but also of his children.


It is worth taking a closer look at the socio-cultural basis of what we mean by the term "patriarchal family." The characteristic features of this type of marriage include several aspects at once. Firstly, it is the practically unlimited power of the head of this community, whose decisions cannot be called into question by anyone.

Secondly, this is the impressive size of this family. According to various sources, the patriarchal family, especially in the early stages of development, could include up to several hundred people and occupy a very impressive audience. True, at a later time its number decreased significantly and rarely exceeded 30-40 people.

Thirdly, the patriarchal family is the most important economic unit. After all, everyone understands that people held on to each other primarily in order to cultivate the soil, harvest, keep cattle, which the nuclear family familiar to us could not do. It was at this level that the division of labor, as well as property and social stratification, first manifested itself.

Finally, fourthly, the patriarchal family is the most important means of socializing its members, inclusion in public life, acquaintance with cultural traditions and customs. The kinship relationship over a long period of the history of our civilization played a dominant role, so the life of each individual was largely built on the dominant family principles.

A striking example of a patriarchal family can be found in our country today. We are talking about the peoples of the Far North, where the traditions of the patriarchy, despite all the influence of modern civilization, are still strong.