
Bokhod spider - a skilled and patient hunter from the arachnid family

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Bokhod spider - a skilled and patient hunter from the arachnid family
Bokhod spider - a skilled and patient hunter from the arachnid family

The arachnid family in its ranks has very beautiful and unusual creatures. They are simultaneously similar to spiders and crabs. Their name is also very interesting - side-walker spiders. Sometimes the creation of nature is simply unbelievable, as, for example, these spiders, who can jump, jump and move sideways. Because of this peculiar way of movement, they got their name - side walkers. They are also called horse spiders and crab spiders. They look cute and pretty. Even those people who are panicky afraid of spiders do not shudder at their sight. An interesting fact is that these handsome men need a web only to move from the upper tiers of plants to the lower. They also need spider strings for mating games. With the help of threads, these small animals (and spiders are just animals, and insects, as many think) attract a partner.


Side-walker spider: description, reproduction

The physique of these animals is unusual. The front pairs of legs are longer than the rest, and they are also turned upside down. It is because of the structure of the spider legs that these wonderful creatures move sideways. The body is flattened and angular in appearance. This structure makes the animals very similar to the representatives of the crustacean family, therefore the second name of these creatures is crab spiders. They can also back back exactly like their cousins.

The color of the side-walker spiders depends on the environment in which they live. If on the ground, then the spiders will be dark brown or gray. If the flowers, then the animals can be of different bright colors. Noticing spiders is very difficult, almost impossible. Nature gave them a color, thanks to which they merge with the surroundings.

The mating season in spider-sidewalks begins in early June. The male searches for the female, draws her attention to his person and begins to look after. If the female reciprocates, then the spider-bokhod climbs her back and moves to her genital opening. Then alternately introduces pedipalps into it, which contain seminal fluid. After the first mating, the spiders take a short break, rest, then re-mate. The female hides ready cocoons to hide from predators, attaching them to leaves or stems of plants.

Different types of spiders

Spider crab, or side crab, is a common definition of many species of spiders, but most of these animals belong to the Thomisidae family. In total, there are about two thousand species of side-walker spiders, which are divided into 170 genera.

The most famous are flower crab spiders. They hunt in colors and are painted in bright colors. For example, in Uruguay, these animals imitate tropical flowers - spiders are very beautiful and seem completely harmless in appearance.

Great hunters

The side spider is very patient. Most of the time, these handsome men sit completely motionless in anticipation of prey. For hunting, the bokokhod does not need a web; they do not use it in order to catch the victim.


Weapons of this species are the forelegs. Having set a target, the predator rushes to prey, using strong forelimbs, bites and injects poison. It helps these creatures to hunt their ability to merge with a plant, tree or land. They perfectly tailor their “clothes” to the surrounding natural environment. The appetite of the crab spider is excellent, it can enjoy 4 large bees for one hour. The prey, far exceeding the size of the hunter himself, is quite suitable for breakfast for a small predator.