
Pervomaisky Square is a great place for walking at any time of the year

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Pervomaisky Square is a great place for walking at any time of the year
Pervomaisky Square is a great place for walking at any time of the year

Video: Walk: Pervomaisky square in Novosibirsk 2024, June

Video: Walk: Pervomaisky square in Novosibirsk 2024, June

If you still do not know where to go to Novosibirsk on a day off, then our article is for you. We offer an overview of one of the most beautiful parks in the Siberian capital. Pervomaisky Square is a cozy corner in order to spend free time in the fresh air in the heart of the city. Here you will find amazing and unusual sculptures and fountains, wooden benches in shady alleys.

Brief information about the park

In 1932, Pervomaysky Square was founded. Novosibirsk by that time received the status of an administrative center. Thanks to this event, the city authorities decided to break up the park. The project for the improvement and landscaping of the park belongs to the architect V.M. Teitel.


But a few years later, in 1935, he decided to add a large fountain to Pervomaisky Square, which will be framed by flower beds and vases. Since that period, the appearance of the park has constantly changed. New bushes and trees were regularly planted on the territory of the square, decorated thematic flower beds and flower beds. This beautiful place differs from all the parks and squares of Novosibirsk in that there are a lot of sculptures. The center of Novosibirsk literally came to life thanks to this green place.

What will surprise the city guests square

Despite the fact that the square is small, it has two fountains:

  • main: greets visitors at the exit to Red Avenue;

  • for young visitors, architects conceived a small fountain decorated with a sculpture of a teddy bear.

Every year, the city hosts a symposium of stone sculptures. From this event, three marble sculptures passed to the city, which took Pervomaisky Square:

  • "King and queen".

  • "Peace".

  • "Love".

Each novosiberian in his photo album has a picture of the sculpture "Love". But there are more to come! In 2000, the Armenian community presented the Khachkar Park - a stone cross made of pink tuff. It was designed by sculptor and architect Aram Grigoryan.


The city's beautification department decided to place a wish tree in the park. Siberians and visitors to the city on its branch attach ribbons on which wishes are written.

Park life changes every season of the year. In summer, on the lawns, they practice yoga and gymnastics for lovers of a healthy lifestyle, and in winter cubic meters of pure snow are brought to the territory to host the annual Snow Sculpture festival.

May Day Square is fenced off from the city noise by the building of the Museum of Local Lore. This is another amazing place to go.

The most popular sculpture in the park

As mentioned above, the city annually hosts a festival of stone sculptures. It so happened that the work of the participants after the contest fall in Pervomaisky Square. Novosibirsk thus replenishes its sculptural collections. "Love" belongs to Novosibirsk - the sculptor Sand Bortnik. Now, after the classic places for photo shoots (Opera House and St. Nicholas Chapel), the newlyweds take pictures of this particular sculpture.

Surprisingly, this monument was so fond of the townspeople that for its short existence the Siberians laid down urban legends and myths about it. They believe that if a girl crawls through a hole in a sculpture, then her unmarried position will soon change, and she will find her family happiness. In addition, young people write on the sculpture male and female names. Many believe that such an inscription has a love spell.
