
The most intelligent birds. What are they like?

The most intelligent birds. What are they like?
The most intelligent birds. What are they like?

Video: Ravens and crows - the most intelligent birds in the world (animal documentary in HD) 2024, July

Video: Ravens and crows - the most intelligent birds in the world (animal documentary in HD) 2024, July

The most intelligent birds … Do feathered inhabitants of our yards, gardens and forests possess intelligence? Agree, sooner or later, such a question may interest each of us, and probably even in childhood, when a huge number of cartoons with talking wise birds are shown on TV.


By tradition, the most intelligent bird in the world is an owl. The figure with its image is awarded to the winning team in the game "What? Where? When?" But, by the way, scientists, after conducting some research, refuted this fact. According to new data, in nature there are even more smart and intelligent birds. These are primarily crows. Next come falcons, hawks and herons. Interestingly, the goats, ostriches and quail are at the lowest stage of development.

The most intelligent birds. Common crows

Crows live in packs, mainly in Eurasia, Africa and North America. They choose a partner once and for a lifetime. These cleverest birds settle in nests, where they lay 3-5 eggs. Ravens are very caring parents, they together raise offspring, protecting them from all kinds of enemies.

These birds eat almost everything, but carrion is preferred. They can often be found in garbage cans. Crows do not mind eating rodents, chicks, fish.


People start these free birds as pets more and more. It’s understandable, it’s easier to train them in different teams than others, for example, serving cutlery or taking off hats from guests. If ravens are closely tackled, extremely obedient and loyal birds grow out of them.

In Japan, there are cases when crows, waiting on the side of the road for a red traffic signal, laid out walnuts on the roadway. Then they waited for the signal to change, after which they took the split nuclei.

Scientists have proved the fact that the ravens have their own language. Moreover, birds from different areas have separate dialects, and it is difficult for them to understand each other. Their brain is recognized as more developed than the brain of many mammals. In the list of the most intelligent animals on the planet, crows are in sixth place.

The most intelligent birds. Unique owls

These birds are unique in their own way. Birds settle in pairs, remain faithful to each other for many years. Cases of their attacks on people are known. Only they have asymmetrically located outer ears. Due to this, they determine the location of the sound source with an error of not more than a degree. The structure of the neck of these birds is such that they have the ability to turn their heads almost 270 °. This compensates them for a limited angle of view: it turns out that owls can see in three dimensions.


Since owls are considered nocturnal predators, many mistakenly think that they can see in the dark. This is not so: in fact, birds react to sound and movement. In addition, when flying, they practically do not make noise, thanks to the unique feathers on the wings. All this gives them huge advantages during the hunt.

The largest bird of the owl family is the Eurasian Eagle Owl. Bird growth can reach 75 cm with a weight of 4.5 kg. The Peruvian dwarf owl is recognized as the smallest. It is the size of a sparrow, weighs only 30 g.

Rare species of owls are able to hunt during the day, as a special layer of cells is present in the birds eye, which reduces sensitivity to light. But more often owls sit motionless during the day in order to be able to let small birds close to them.

And finally, I would like to note: it is simply theoretically unambiguous to answer the question of which bird is the most intelligent, it is simply impossible. Why? Because, according to experts, each of them adapts to its environment and habitat: a polar owl is unlikely to survive in hot Africa, and ostriches, of course, will not settle in Antarctica.