
Writer Michael Weller: biography, personal life, family and interesting facts

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Writer Michael Weller: biography, personal life, family and interesting facts
Writer Michael Weller: biography, personal life, family and interesting facts

Video: Sally Richards, Managing Director - RaspberrySky Services 2024, June

Video: Sally Richards, Managing Director - RaspberrySky Services 2024, June

Now Mikhail Weller is a famous participant in television debates. Sometimes he is not even able to restrain his emotions. But still, he is primarily considered a fashionable and iconic writer. His works come out in colossal print runs. He writes serious books. In his youth, he experienced a passionate thirst for adventure. Actually, he really remained that way … The biography of M. I. Weller will be told to the reader in the article.

The ancestor of the writer served Frederick the Great

The biography of Mikhail Weller (who will be discussed later by nationality) began in late spring 1948 in the city of Kamenetz-Podolsky, in Western Ukraine. He grew up in a Jewish family of doctors. Initially, the writer’s father lived in St. Petersburg and knew that one of his ancestors fought under the banners of Frederick the Great. After school, his father entered the military medical academy and, having received a diploma, became a military doctor. As a result, he had to move from place to place and change garrisons.

The mother of the future novelist was born in Western Ukraine, where her family lived in those days. Her grandfather was also a doctor. Mother followed in the footsteps of her grandfather, and she graduated from the medical institute in Chernivtsi.

Such facts are provided by the biography of Weller Michael. The nationality of this person provokes a lot of controversy. Many are sure that he is a Jew. But whoever studied Weller Mikhail’s biography in more detail, he attributes his nationality to a completely different one — Russian. It is rather difficult to answer this question unequivocally.


First poetic experience

Little Misha was only two years old when his father was transferred to the Trans-Baikal Territory. Of course, the family left behind him. By and large, Michael changed more than one school due to the service of the pope. He roamed with his parents in the garrisons of Siberia and the Far East.

He grew up a normal Soviet boy. The first work he read on his own was the Gaidar Malchish-Kibalchish. Then came the turn of Jules Verne and Herbert Wells. And a little later, he began to read the books of Jack London.

When Misha was in fifth grade, he realized that he wanted to write. During the winter holidays, the literature teacher asked him to compose a poem about winter. According to Weller, he wrote an extremely poor poetic opus. But, as it turned out, the creations of classmates were even worse. As a result, the work of young Misha was recognized as the best. According to him, this event inspired him to new creative experiences.

In high school, the Weller family moved to Mogilev, in Belarus. It was then that he consciously realized that he really wanted to create.

He graduated from high school with a gold medal in 1964 and entered the philology department of the university in Leningrad.


Within the university

Arriving in Leningrad, the young Weller began to live in his grandfather's family. He was a biologist and headed the department of one of the institutes.

At the university, Mikhail immediately became involved in student life. Weller possessed extraordinary abilities and outstanding organizational skills. In any case, he became not only a Komsomol, but also a secretary of the Komsomol bureau of the entire university.

True, he was not able to study for quite a while at the university. According to him, he was interested in life in all its manifestations. As a result, student Weller abandoned his studies and went in pursuit of adventure.


Thirst for adventure

The life of Weller Mikhail Iosifovich was never boring and monotonous. In 1969, he argued that he would get "hare" to Kamchatka. Of course, penniless in your pocket. He crossed the whole country and thus the bet was won.

The following year, he decided to formalize his academic leave. Having done this, he went to Central Asia, where he wandered there until the fall.

After that, the young traveler moved to Kaliningrad. It was here that he managed to finish sailor courses externally. As a result, he set off on his first sea voyage on a fishing vessel.

The future writer shook himself around the Soviet Union and gained new impressions. Therefore, in 1971 he was restored at the Faculty of Philology. By the way, in these times his story was placed on a university wall newspaper.

At the same time, he worked as a senior pioneer leader in one of St. Petersburg schools.

Soon, Weller successfully managed to defend his thesis and, becoming a professional philologist, set off for new adventures.


Search for yourself

After high school, Weller had to join the army. True, he served only six months. Then he was commissioned.

On the "citizen" he began to work in one of the rural schools. He taught students literature and Russian. In addition, he was a kindergarten teacher. He worked in the village for one year, after which he decided to quit.

In general, in his entire life he changed about 30 professions. So, he was a concrete worker in the northern capital. In the summer, he came to the Tersky coast of the White Sea and the Kola Peninsula, where he worked as a feller of a forest and a digger. In Mongolia, he drove cattle. By the way, according to his memoirs, it was the best period in his life.

The beginning of the career of a writer

When Weller returned to Leningrad, he intended to completely switch to literary activity. As mentioned above, he published his first story in a university wall newspaper. And since then, a pencil and a notebook have become his constant companions.

However, his early works were rejected by all editions.

At the same time, Weller participated in a seminar of young St. Petersburg science fiction writers. The brilliant Boris Strugatsky led them. Michael wrote a story called “Button”. And this opus received the first prize in this competition.

Unfortunately, Leningrad publishers did not pay attention to this victory of the young writer and continued to ignore it. In fact, he was deprived of his livelihood. And the need prompted him to again engage in other activities. So, he processed military memoirs at one of the publishing houses. He also began to write reviews for the famous Neva magazine.

In 1978, Weller was able to post his short humorous stories on the newspaper pages of Leningrad. But this situation did not suit him at all …


In Tallinn

Weller decided to drop everything - he left the city, friends, beloved woman, family. In fact, he lived in poverty, and besides writing, he did nothing. He ended up in Tallinn. There was only one reason for this decision - he wanted to release his book.

In 1979, he got a job in one of the republican publications. A year later, he left the ranks of newspaper men with the aim of joining the “trade union group” under the Union of Writers of Estonia. It was then that he began to publish in magazines such as Tallinn, Ural and Literary Armenia. And in 1981, he wrote a story called The Line of Reference. In this work he was able to formulate the foundations of his philosophy for the first time. However, we will return to this a little later.

First success

In 1983, the creative biography of the writer Mikhail Weller began. The book "I Want to Be a Janitor" was his first of the many collections available today. It was a storybook. The publication has become popular. The rights to this book were even sold to a Western publisher. As a result, a year later Weller's collection was translated into several languages. In addition, a number of individual stories of the writer were published in countries such as France, Poland, Bulgaria, Italy and the Netherlands.

By this time, B. Strugatsky and B. Okudzhava gave him their recommendations so that he could join the Union of Writers of the Soviet Union. Despite flattering assessments of Weller's work, he was not accepted into the organization. He became a member of the Union five years later. The immediate reason was the publication of the second book of the writer. It was called "All About Life."

After that, the career of the novelist Weller with enviable activity began to gain momentum.



In 1988, Weller published the novel "The Testers of Happiness", then - "The Heartbreaker." By this time, the writer was in charge of the Russian Literature Department of the Russian-language publication Rainbow in Tallinn.

Two years later, the work "Rendezvous with a Celebrity." And in the work “But Those Shish”, even an art film was shot. During this period, he founded the first Jewish cultural journal Jericho in the Soviet Union. Of course, he became the chief editor.

A little later, he began to give lectures on Russian prose in the higher educational institutions of Turin and Milan.

After that, a novel about the adventures of Major Zvyagin was published, which became very popular.

Two years later, a book of short stories appeared. It was called "Legends of Nevsky Prospect." The book is still in unprecedented demand.

In the mid-90s, a new work appeared. We are talking about the novel "Samovar". A couple of years later, the writer took a trip to the United States. He spoke to readers of New York, Boston, Cleveland and Chicago.

And in 1998, the big work “All About Life” was published. It was there that Weller talked about his theory of "energy evolutionism."

Weller's Philosophical Theory

By and large, the philosophical views of the writer were expressed in a number of his works. But only with time could he generalize his postulates into a single theory, which he called "energy evolutionism."

He relied on the work of many philosophers. But first of all, on the works of A. Schopenhauer, G. Spencer, V. Ostwald and L. White.

Not everyone took this turn in Weller’s creative evolution. One of the famous philosophers criticized him for his amateurism in the field of philosophy. He characterized his theory as a "mixture of platitudes." Others believed that this work, in fact, is a storehouse of original thoughts and an anthology of worldly wisdom.

Nevertheless, over the years, Weller successfully lectured, setting out the basics of his energy evolutionism. So, students with pleasure listened to him at Moscow State University, MGIMO and at the University of Jerusalem.

And in the Greek capital, he generally made a report. This happened at the International Philosophical Forum. It was then that his work was awarded a prestigious medal.



Since 2011, the writer Mikhail Weller, whose work was loved by many, began to seriously become interested in politics. So, at one time he called for a vote for the Communist Party. He was sure that the Communist Party-the only association in the country, which is independent of the oligarchs. Note that he repeatedly had to defend his point of view. They took part in a number of television debates and political talk shows. True, sometimes due to the emotionality of the prose writer and philosopher, these shootings ended in scandals. So, in early spring of 2017 on TVC channel, he was outraged by the allegations of lies against him. Then he launched a glass into the lead. A similar incident occurred a month later. On that day, Weller was in the Echo of Moscow radio station. He explained his behavior. According to him, the presenter behaved extremely unprofessionally and interrupted him constantly.