women's issues

Why do Muslim women close their locks? Eight women destroy myths about hair and hijab

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Why do Muslim women close their locks? Eight women destroy myths about hair and hijab
Why do Muslim women close their locks? Eight women destroy myths about hair and hijab

Muslim women who prefer to wear a himar (hijab) often come across some of the most ridiculous ideas about what this means. Indeed, many people think that they are forced to wear a hat by men or that they have no hair at all. Eight women destroy myths about hair and hijab. What they said is later in the article.

Alia Hakim-El (New York)


Aliya says that hijabs have already been talked about in the mainstream media and they have become the norm in the fashion world, but most stereotypes continue to exist. Many are still convinced that the choice of Muslim women means that they neglect their hair.

This is not true. The girl claims that wearing a hijab has actually made daily hair care a priority for her. Although her headpiece can temporarily crush a lush hair, she is pleased to use her to protect her curls from dust and sunlight.

The hijab also gives her the opportunity to experiment with styles and colors that she would probably find too risky if she did not cover her hair. Most of all, Alia likes the fact that the hijab allows her to look great even on the most cloudy day. The girl notes that with the help of her headgear, she can publicly demonstrate pride in her religious affiliation, as well as be cute for her husband when she is at home.


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Iman Khalid (United Arab Emirates)


Iman often struggled with the idea that she needed to wear a headdress full time. She did not understand why her beautiful hair should be constantly covered. Iman knew that she should wear a hijab, but she wanted to find the spark that would make her put on a scarf for the pleasure of God.

Once Aunt Iman fell ill and went to the clinic. The girl, contrary to the advice of her mother, went to visit a relative with naked hair. When she entered her ward, she felt the presence of angels. It was at that moment that Iman realized that curls would never save her life. When the girl returned home, she began to earnestly pray: “Let me love you more than I love myself. Let me love what you love and be who you want me to be. ”

Bibi Watts (Philadelphia)


“When I think of my hijab, I see it as my crown, ” says Bibi. “He is not only a part of my personality.” My headgear gives me a sense of uniqueness. ” Bibi usually laughs when people ask her if she is styling her hair that no one sees. The girl says that the public believes that what no one can see does not matter.

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In fact, it's quite the opposite. Bibi loves walking without a hijab at home. And she does it for her husband. The girl believes that when she removes the cover from her head, she thus makes a peculiar gift to her husband in the form of beautiful curls. Bibi likes to feel that her beauty is a secret.

Aisha Abdul Aliyem (Baltimore)

Aisha always had long, thick hair, and she constantly took care of them. The girl daily covers her head with a scarf. She rejoices at the protection she received from the Lord, putting on his Himar. Aisha knows that her hair craves moisture and daily attention. Therefore, she carefully looks after them and often happens in the cabin.

Aisha says that since she covered her hair, their length has increased, so care for curls today takes longer. The girl welcomes questions about the hijab, because it allows her to introduce others to her faith and gives people an understanding of who she is.

Hyatt Watts (Rock Hill, South Carolina)

Khayyat claims that in her youth she was respected for hijab. Her mother told her daughters that they are flowers in the garden of Allah and are designed to feel special, unique and valuable. As a girl, Hyatt was taught that although women are required to hide their hair from the public, they should be neat under a scarf.

“Natural hair or dyed, curled or straightened - I’m proud that my beauty is a secret, ” says Hayat. “And as a married woman, it’s much easier for me to adhere to a certain style in order to please my spouse.”

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Aisha Almuid (Baltimore)

Aisha claims that since she is a Muslim, wearing a hijab is her religious duty. But she is also a woman, so taking care of her hair is also her daily work.

“For me, hair care is not only what people can see. My curls increase my self-esteem, ”says Aisha. “When I properly care for my hair, I feel beautiful.”

Ashley Marshall Seward (Atlanta)


Ashley literally grew up in a beauty salon. The owner of this salon was her aunt, and she always made beautiful hairstyles in her childhood. Ashley wears a hijab for 18 years. The woman says that the fact that she covers her hair does not mean at all that she does not care about them.

Ashley borrowed this valuable skill from her aunt, and she really likes to make various hairstyles for her own daughter. Ashley never thinks that she can not show her hair to the public. She leaves this for her own family so that her family can admire her.