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Why are Germans so fond of their public baths? Culture and subtleties of visiting bath centers

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Why are Germans so fond of their public baths? Culture and subtleties of visiting bath centers
Why are Germans so fond of their public baths? Culture and subtleties of visiting bath centers

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Tourists and guests of Germany have long admired its historical architecture, world-class museums and beautiful clean small towns. But there is one aspect of German culture that few travelers decide to experience - the bathing tradition. Often housed in beautiful buildings, these public facilities are an ideal place to relax and get to know the healthy traditions of the locals.


Public baths in Germany are unique. They are created for spending time together with family, friends or colleagues. German baths have a number of features that distinguish them from similar institutions in other countries of the world. Therefore, before deciding to visit this institution, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the rules of conduct and the peculiarities of bathing procedures in Germany.


Washing complexes

In Germany, you can find a large number of large bath complexes, which often resemble not only baths, but rather, water parks. Such establishments are usually divided into several sections depending on their purpose.

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It can be sections with huge pools. Moreover, pools can be shallow or deep, filled with cold or hot water. Often there are pools with slides with special slopes. A sector with rooms for thermal procedures, such as a hamam, hydromassage and others, is obligatory in the bath complex. Near the sauna there is always an area with sun loungers to relax from the heat.



Often there are special departments for lovers of the Russian steam room, Japanese, Turkish and other varieties of baths. The most popular are complexes located near hot springs. The most famous institutions located in Lower Saxony and some baths in Bavaria.

Most visited complexes


The Liquidrom Berlin complex leads in attendance among all the country's institutions. In part, its popularity is due to the presence of healing sources right under it. Here you can also swim in the pool filled with sea water, and undergo a full course of procedures for free.


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Gender Separation


The main difference between the bathhouse rules in the country is that they simultaneously contain representatives of both sexes and all ages. Therefore, baths are not subdivided into zones depending on gender.

Very rarely, in some institutions you can find women's days. This custom of joint bathing rituals originated in antiquity. Thus, the indigenous people saved the supply of firewood needed for the heating of the bath.

Nudity no one is shy


In Germany, a laid-back attitude towards nudity, especially when it is related to health. This attitude to the naked body began in the nineteenth century, when Scandinavian steam baths became popular. At the end of the twentieth century, nudity became widespread on beaches, in city parks, and on hiking trails. In recent years, there has been a decrease in nudity in the conditions of the street and open space, but an naked body is still the standard in baths.

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In Goethe's country, it is not customary to be ashamed of the nakedness of the human body, therefore it is considered absolutely normal to wash in the presence of other naked people, regardless of gender.

In addition, children, adolescents, and adults bathe without hesitation in the presence of each other. If someone in the bathhouse begins to cover his own body, then the locals will look at him with distrust and wariness. In fairness, it is worth saying that it is strictly forbidden to walk around in what the mother gave birth to throughout the entire complex.


This rule applies only to steam rooms and saunas.

Rules for using the sauna

One of the arguments that Germans like to bring to foreigners is that most bathing suits are made from synthetics. With strong heating, these materials can cause a very significant harm to the human body. You should be aware that you can not sit on wooden shelves in a sauna without first laying a large terry towel.


In addition, it is worth laying another towel under the feet, because the Germans are convinced that the sweat of a person flowing down from his body under the influence of high temperatures can ruin the wooden coatings of shelves and floors. To create a comfortable friendly atmosphere in the baths, dim lighting is used.